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borderline personality disorder


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Hi, Daniel. I've just read your story, through the link you provide. Truly awful. It has brought me to tears. It's one of the scariest things that can be imagined - or not be imagined. Betrayal.


I have no words to follow up on this. No idea of what to ask to help you. Maybe because it did affect me, emotionally. The only thing I can come up with is: where did you lose sight?

But that's the same as asking a deaf person what was whispered into his hear.


I'm truly sorry about all of it. I cannot help financially, but I'm here to talk any time you need. I also know that your emails for the show have been ignored, but it would most likely be the best choice for you to be heard now. Maybe we can do something about it, collectively.


Why are you asking about personality disorder?

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Dsayers, I also just read about what you're going through. I'm in shock that this has happened to you. I am so sorry! You are by far one of the people on these boards whose posts I enjoy reading most because your intelligence & empathy really shines through. Nobody deserves to go through what happened to you, but especially not YOU! I just can't believe it, and I hope it is obvious to the courts that you are totally innocent.

I'm here if you need to talk. I'm in southern California and have a safe place & extra bedroom if things get rough and you need a place to stay while you sort things out.

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Every day, I'm blown away at how helpful and supportive everybody has been. Thank you very much.


Yes, Wuzzums. On a near daily basis, I'm getting more insight into what happened, as well as things I could've done and should've seen. Including a breakthrough yesterday that has allowed me to finally start processing it emotionally.

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