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Resident of Calais speaks. This is the death of civilization.

corpus mentium

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I find this so hard to believe.

People are walking round with iron bars, every day, assaulting people, and the authorities do nothing? there are riots and the authorities do nothing?

perhaps I am totally naive and wont wake up until its happening in my own city, but I dont believe this side of the story, and more than I believe the leftist side.

She claims 18000 immigrants, the guardian claims 3800 immigrants?

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It is sad, Europeans are finding out now what some Africans have known for more than 30 years. My mother was muslim and blames it for the treatment her mother endured. She became a pentecostal (alas, Africans generally prefer replacing belief in one higher power for another).


In any event, Western civilization trends towards respect for one's fellow man (even if that respect is forced through political correctness).


Islam does not promote respect for people or the importance of each and every life. Order, however, it has in plenty...to the detriment of the individual.

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She mentioned that even the riot police back off from the migrants.


This should be obvious - the riot police have a hell of a lot more to lose and absolutely nothing to gain from risking their safety to protect the people.  This crisis is an absolute tour de force of the failure and inability of state power to keep citizens safe.  If 90% of kids are hit in the US, imagine what those numbers are like in the Middle East and Africa, imagine how much more frequent and savage their beatings are, and imagine how accepted all that is there.  These are people whose brains and possibly even genetics have been shaped by violence from the very beginning and have never seen a peaceful society in operation.  To expect anyone raised in a European society to be able to match that level of aggression, recklessness is quite a stretch - especially when they have every possible incentive to avoid the conflict.

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France is submitting, Germany is submitting, Britain is submitting, Sweden is submitting, the Eastern European nations some of them are resisting the Islamic invasion, resisting the politically correct evil-talkers that love to bring in these evil-doers, but Europe as a whole is submitting.  But here's the hope:  Germany.  Germany was conquered, humiliated a few decades ago and relatively soon thereafter it had a powerful resurgence.  There was an explosion of German pride.  It was conquered and humiliated again, it's now being humiliated every day, it is being put to its knees, its pride is put to the sword.  Will Germany experience another powerful resurgence that will, this time, be joined by the remnants of the good peoples of Europe, to shrug off the invasion and beat it back?


EDIT:  Sort of staring us in the face:  old women.  Old women, financially speaking, are set to inherit the Earth as their old man husbands die off.  Will these old women prove to be wise women and realise that they don't want their children and grandchildren living in a country trashed and molested by these Third World animals?

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I didn't feel safe when I was living in the south of France in the early 90s. It's not a recent problem. The police is useless. I phoned once to complain about a gipsy camp next to our place; they laughed at me. :huh: Friends who were living in a house (not an apartment) had been robbed 7 times over the years. A friend had her car burnt and had been robbed while she was in the house. Another one was having a picnic with wife and children; they were attacked by men throwing stones at them... The list is too long. There are more and more gated neighbourhoods, but not everyone can afford to live there. 

This woman is speaking from Calais: 

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