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Curious indeed. Do you know the background of this event? What was the original topic for the group to meet?


It was an experiment originally done on monkeys. A group of monkeys were all hosed down each time one of them climbed a ladder to get to a treat. The newcomer monkey would of course attempt to get the treat but he would get attacked by the monkeys that knew what would happen if it did. Eventually they replaced the monkeys one by one to the point when in the new group there were no monkeys that were ever hosed down yet they still attacked any monkey that attempted to climb the ladder.


It's an experiment that shows the passing down of traditions if nothing else. The behavior is passed down through the new generation even if the motive behind it is not. 


Interesting how odd behavior today, like Easter eggs, might have once had a life-saving motive behind it. Another modern day example is this savage tribe that has the custom of removing one's front teeth. When asked why they replied something like "because it's sexy". Closer investigation uncovered that once in its past the tribe had went through a lockjaw epidemic, forcing people to remove their front teeth so as to receive nurishment.


Social conformity is a survival mechanism, especially in a new environment.

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It was an experiment originally done on monkeys. A group of monkeys were all hosed down each time one of them climbed a ladder to get to a treat. The newcomer monkey would of course attempt to get the treat but he would get attacked by the monkeys that knew what would happen if it did. Eventually they replaced the monkeys one by one to the point when in the new group there were no monkeys that were ever hosed down yet they still attacked any monkey that attempted to climb the ladder.


It's an experiment that shows the passing down of traditions if nothing else. The behavior is passed down through the new generation even if the motive behind it is not. 


Interesting how odd behavior today, like Easter eggs, might have once had a life-saving motive behind it. Another modern day example is this savage tribe that has the custom of removing one's front teeth. When asked why they replied something like "because it's sexy". Closer investigation uncovered that once in its past the tribe had went through a lockjaw epidemic, forcing people to remove their front teeth so as to receive nurishment.


Social conformity is a survival mechanism, especially in a new environment.

Fascinating species this bipedal, carbon based creature. I wonder what this group was initially told. "Would you like to participate in a survey?" "Can I ask you some questions?" "Do you like angel butter?" They said that 2 dozen finalists were invited back. I think the context of what they walked into might in some way dictate their compliancy.

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