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Thought I'd create a thread of powerful quotes and images we can use to help spread the word about FDR on social media channels. Please feel free to add your own for the community. Here's one to start. Should be able to save the images to your computer and share them from there in your posts. If they need to be uploaded differently so they're easier to share please let me know. 



Here's another one



  • Upvote 6

From the latest podcasts, very powerful stuff (should I say, Stef!)


"Those who make conversation impossible make escalation inevitable"

  • Upvote 2
  On 2/15/2016 at 9:39 AM, RoseCodex said:

"Most people think children are broken adults that need to be fixed, but the truth is that most adults are broken children."

Is this from Do parents really love their children?

  On 2/19/2016 at 1:07 AM, Timi said:

Am I doing it right?



You're killing me here. Accent marks instead of apostrophes I can overlook, but "and argument"? What was wrong with:



  • Upvote 1
  On 2/19/2016 at 4:29 AM, mellomama said:

Give him a break. It's hard to type with fins.


Haha xD












Nineteen times out of twenty, the life of the mind arises from the grave of the heart.

―Stefan Molyneux, FDR1170:44


When you become authentic, the only option is entrepreneurship.

―Stefan Molyneux, FDR1168:34


Everyone around you when you were a child was intergalactically full of shit.

―Stefan Molyneux

  • Upvote 6
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Figured I'd bump this with a good one I just heard:


"We kind of forgot the real danger in the world, which is not the words of women, but the swords of men."


  • Upvote 1

'There is nothing that is going to make people hate you more, and love you more, than telling the truth.'


Unfortunately, when I originally wrote this down I didn't make a record of the source. If anyone knows where it came from, let me know.



"Quality does not result from abuse. Quality is the opposite of abuse. The reason that people say that quality results from abuse is that they damn well know it doesn't which means they get to continue to abuse you as much as they want."- Stefan Molyneux

 Infantilization (From a video about Greece in 2015)

"The shrinking of human potential that endlessly occurs when you are promised free things is a wretched , horrifying site to behold. Murderous people, sociopathic people, control freaks and manipulators of every kind will always try to bribe you into submission and it is the tragic failing of the human soul that we are so tempted to give up liberty for temporary goodies, for brides which are unsustainable.

Most people sacrifice enormously for their children, when the government comes in that all just seems to vanish, just fade away. They know that they can't sustain it, they know that they can't control it, but for some reason these men and women who get up at night, nurse their babies when they have colic or when they have fever and take them to the hospital and take them to sports games, the parents who really do their best to take care of their children allow unbelievable levels of debt to bury the future of their children.

"Do your homework study well, so that when you graduate there will be no jobs, but rather a smoking crater of the former economy we were supposed to manage." You know, people say we borrow the environment from future generations and I think there's real truth in that. Equally, and perhaps for importantly, for without wealth there can be no environmentalism, we also borrow the economy from future generations. And that does seem to be something remarked upon much.

When someone offers you something for free, they are asserting their authority over you and they are tempting you with the avoidance of work and personal responsibility in return for them providing you something they stole from you and this is a very very important thing to understand.

The degree to which our consciousness of ourselves as powerful, grand, important, vital and valuable human beings, independent free proud, the degree to which that get's eroded when we get endlessly offered free things, it's water wearing away stone, it's brutal what happens.

Someone who offers you something for free is infantilizing you. they are taking a parent child relationship with you. I mean, I don't charge my daughter for meals, I don't charge her for play time with me, I mean I'll get a face painter over and they'll charge, but parents don't.

So, being on the receiving end of being offered free electricity, will subsidize your loans, will get your debts gotten rid of, will get you free health care, they are puting you in a position of being a helpless child. "

Truth About Rapegate

“Do you know that in the modern world there still exists a country that did not even track or classify rape as a crime until a few short years ago. Do you know that that country was the United States of America? In a landmark 1977 case when the U.S Justice System decided to stop executing rapists, the law literature which documents this decision clarifies rape as ‘the rape of an adult woman’.

There's no mention of men getting raped. In fact, up until 2013 the FBI defined rape as the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. In other words, for as long as the United States has had country, statistics on reported rape have excluded men from those numbers.

Eh, but how often do men really do get raped? Most people know about the rape of men in prison. Did you know that more men get raped in prison than women get raped outside of prison? Ah, but that is males victimizing other males. Let’s go one step further. If you had to guess, how many men you think get raped by women every year? By the way, if some joke comes to your mind about how men should welcome being raped by women, you are really part of the problem.

Recently, the Center for Disease Control over a 12 month period reports that 1,270, 000 females were raped and 1,267,000 males were made to penetrate. Approximately 1 in 21 men were made to penetrate another person during their lifetime and about 80% reported a female perpetrator.


A 2010 analysis from the Bureau of Justice Statistics data found that 46% of male rape and sexual assault victims reported a female perpetrator. A Bureau of Justice Statistics report on sexual victimization in juvenile facilities states “approximately 95% of all youth reporting staff misconduct said they had been victimized by a female facilities staff. Did you know that women are part of the cycle of sexual violence? Between 60 and 80% of rapists, sex offenders, and sexually aggressive men were sexually abused by a woman in their childhood. So, to a large degree, healing the plague of sexual violence is not about ‘teaching men not to rape’, but rather teaching adult women not to rape little boys...”

CRAYDAR | Crazy Detecting Radar System

"The further away people are from reality the more they will attempt to chew up your resources to maintain their delusions" Stefan Molyneux

Mean People

"No mean person is mean all the time. The whole point of being mean is to fluctuate so that you can hold out the hope for someone. So someone will hold out the hope that they're gonna catch you on the sunny side or that you're gonna be nice this time. The tyranny is inconsistency.

Somebody that’s consistently mean is something that is pretty easy to sort out. The reality is that the meanest people can be wonderful sometimes. That's the whole point of meanness because otherwise it's too obvious. It's the niceness that gets you trapped in the dysfunction that is the problem and so, the fact that you have this belief that there is hope in the relationship is foundational to the dysfunction.' -Stefan Molyneux

Crazy is Infectious 

" One of the things that crazy and irrational people are incredibly good at doing is making their needs feel like your needs. Crazy and irrational people really, really, really, want sane people to engage with them. I that there are two main reasons. One is that, they get to not feel crazy. But the second and more sinister level is that then, if a crazy person can get you to interact with him, then they can claim a massive and visceral victory of irrational over rational. They win because they are in control of the situation. They get to make rationality impotent and themselves in charge.


Every perspective wishes to feel dominant in the worlds. Religious people want to feel dominant in the world. Democrats want to feel dominant in the world and totalitarians and communists; and irrational people wish to be dominant over the world, which means dominant over people. irrational people can conquer nothing of reality. The only thing they can do is infect the human mind. That is their only reality. That is their only efficacy they're capable of.


Because the world can't be irrational, only people can be irrational. So, if you're crazy the only thing that you have, the only shot you have a power and efficacy is domination over other people because you can't wish reality into irrationality, but you can manipulate people into irrationality.

So, all perspective maintain themselves through a sense of power. If tomorrow morning nobody in the world enabled crazy people, crazy would stop by mid afternoon...to the degree that is was physically possible. And so, every perspective seeks power and domination in the world and the degree to which it gets it is the degree to which it maintains and grows.

All Muslims want everyone else to be a Muslim. All Christians want everybody else to be christian. And so, crazy people have power. Crazy people have control Crazy can make people do stuff. Crazy turns you from a human being into a livestock squirting milk into the big bucket of madness known as man kind.

And so, if you refuse to engage with crazy, if you refuse to engage with the irrational, their weakness, their dependence, what Rand use to call their social metaphysics- their reality based on other people's thoughts, takes a huge blow. " - Stefan Molyneux

Progress is Rare

"The real exhaustion doesn't come in from battling to make progress with people. The real exhaustion comes in when you realize the progress never sticks." - Stefan Molyneux

Treat People the The best you can, but then...

"There's an old rule, my college roommate who went on to get two doctorates and was one of the most brilliant guys I've ever know, we lived in the same room together, he taught me this strategy.

He said, 'It's pretty established that the best strategy in life is to treat other people the best you can when you first meet them and after that, you treat them as they treat you'.

And I do this, this is my standard. Like in the calls, I treat people very best I can during first encountering them and after that I treat them as they treat me. Taking the high road just allows people to punch you in the groin. '

So, with my parents I treat them as they treated me. I'm not going to have a higher standard than those around me..at all. you could say, 'Uh, now you're just surrendering yourself to the standards of those around you'. Uh, nope! No I'm not. Guy comes at me with a gun, I'm gonna shoot him. 'But, you're lowering your standards!' Nope! Just staying alive.

Now, the best thing, of course, you don't want people in your life that you have to lower your standards to be around. That's sort of my- the sort of inevitable result of that, you treat people the best you can and then after that you treat them the way they treat you and if they continue to treat you well, you continue to treat them well, if they treat you badly...

And this is confusing to people. They say, 'Uh, you gotta have these abstract standards that you just pursue independent of your environment'. Bullshit! That's like saying you have to keep swimming when you get to land. No, you get to land, you stop swimming and you start walking because you're in a different environment.

Of course you adapt to the circumstances.

It's like, you're going to a restaurant and you wanna order Mac and Cheese and they're out of Mac and Cheese, so you have to starve to death. No, you just adapt and adjust your standards to the circumstances.

But, there's this predatory mechanism around virtuous people that says 'Well, you just have to pursue these abstract standards of high idealism and perfection no matter what. It's like, 'Why the fuck would I want to surrender any advantage to the evil people?'

If you go into the boxing ring and people are boxing by the rules, then stay boxing by the rules. If they start punching you in the groin..Okay, that's what we're gonna do then! I don't understand why you wouldn't adapt your tactics to the people around you.

'Uh, Stef! In this particular instance he didn't fulfill the highest expectation in this video, ah!' and it's like, no! Look at what's occurring in the environment.

There's nothing that makes good people more impotent then saying they must always take the high road because they take the high road into nothingness and evil takes the world! 'You take the high road good person!

And I'll just scoop up all the inhabitants of the planet and you enjoy that little platonic high world that you're in, I'll just take everything else.'

Bullshit. Bullshit. Good people adapt to circumstances and they do not have higher standards than those around them, than those you're dealing with.

Good is not a computer program that you must follow no matter what. You know, like one of those robots that's trying to navigate its way through a door and it gets confused and starts walking into the wall and just keeps walking into the wall. It's like, nope- you hit the wall and then you TURN. You feel your way along.

This idea that, Ah, you must never do this, you must never do that, it's like, nope! Someone steals my bike, gotta steal it back. 'But that's a violation of property rights'. Why are you talking to me and not the guy who stole my bike? " Stefan Molyneux, Podcast 3020- "The Myth of Passive Victimhood" @ 38:00


Emotionally Absent Parents

"Having a present but emotionally unavailable parent is in many ways worse than a parent who's left. When a parent leaves, the rejection happens once. When a parent stays but ignores you, the rejection happens forever." - Stefan Molyneux podcast 2997 "The Horror of Depression"

Male Disposability (How A Man's Heart is Murdered)

"A woman cries and everybody rushes to give her what she wants and a man cries and everyone scorns and looks away embarrassed. Fuck you world. Fuck your double standards.

Fuck your ice box refrigeration of boys hearts and then tapping them with the endless chisel and hammer of personalized condemnatory criticism when those boys grow up cold after having been frozen by culture their entire boyhoods.

The idea from authority figures, parents, priests, and teachers would inquire and pursue is not even on the table as something that might possibly be worth exploring at some point in the future.

The neutron bomb that goes off in the world of boys that irradiates and kills their hearts is such a universal phenomenon that it doesn’t even show up on the radar of things that happen in the world.

The emotional abuse of boys, and neglect is the most powerful and destructive and long lasting form of abuse scientifically, statistically; the universal emotional neglect and abuse of boys is so foundational to our society that it is genuinely impossible to imagine a society where this did not occur.

We no more talk of changing this than we discuss using the political system to repeal gravity. To repeal gravity the entire structure of human life flies apart, the bridges, the dams, everything. The skyscrapers literally become skyscrapers floating around the clouds like rolling pins in high surf.

We no more think of warming our hearts towards the warm hearts of boys than we do of imagining changing the position of the sun by twisting the dials on our clocks. To suggest it is insane. To imagine it’s occurring is deranged. We are that far from the emancipation from the isolation of the human male child.

It is the warm hearts of men that will recoil from the brutality of our societies. Is is the warm hearts of men that will recoil and rage against senseless wars and imprisonments and the initiation of force against the peaceful.

We raise men COLD, FROZEN, BRUTALIZED, through the cold madusa eyes of indifference and then, you see, we complain that the hierarchy, the “Patriarchy of Men” is not very nice!

You reap..what you sow…

And if you do not open your heart to the tender and passionate inner lives of boys, you freeze them up in a tomb that will swallow you all..

...do you understand?

You turn away from boys and they will reach around and drag down the future and you with it. Spurnt and abused childhood always has its vengeance. There is no escape from evil in this or in any other world. A cold and brutal attitude towards boys WILL have its consequences.

We can no more escape the inevitable backlash of brutalizing children than we can escape the ill health effects of smoking or the squishy splat if we jump from a bridge. The things we set in motion through the indifference to the inner lives of boys is a horrible machinery that eats men and women, boys and girls, rich and poor, eventually, equally.

When we turn the potentially compassionate negotiation of boys into cold eyed heart fisted dominance matrices, win-lose-win-lose-FIGHT-DIE...well, the rule over us. They become politicians, they become greasy sweaty preachers, they become the petty sadists of vice principals, they become the outward sadists of kill-bot soldiers, they become the cop that pulls you over and harasses you. They become the man who beats you.

And the solution has to come from women. Men are so generally crippled, for two reasons, one is that men are so generally crippled by the interstellar emotional isolation that they experience as children that to expect most men to reach out in any kind of compassionate way is really asking the impossible. It’s like asking somebody who’s been mauled thirty times by lions to become a lion tamer, I mean, it’s not gonna happen, you’re too screwed up by it. So, that’s the first reason.

The second reason, of course, is that women shape men. Women dominate the boyhood of men. Patriarchy? Are you fucking insane!?!

Think of your first five or seven years of life! It was all women, all the time, with all authority, well maybe a distant sort of vice principal in the hallways kind of thing, but it was all women all the time.

I was the only guy in the daycare I worked in among dozens of women and boy oh boy. did those boys flock to me, naturally, hungrily for any kind of male attention.

Women have to solve this..because women largely created it. Stay at home moms who are annoyed by their boys, who don’t ask their boys why, what and how they feel, who don’t sit down in patient time, under slow moving stars to inquire as to the source and genesis and movements of their boy’s minds and hearts, who patiently help them to explore and teach them to learn to explore why they think what they think, why they think how they think, what they feel what they feel.


All the moms who are too busy busy for that because, you know, the floor’s gotta be mopped! Shit’s gotta be cleaned. Kids..gotta be isolated. Well, the moms who leave their boys isolated, who don’t reach out, out of resentment, who don’t reach out out of compassion and they men are the way they are because women don’t teach them to learn about themselves.

The root of male disposability is female indifference.

Lack of female respect, lack of female curiosity, female contempt..because men are appliances that generally don’t work the way women want them to so they must be BANGED and ignored and INSULTED...and so often attacked and why is the majority of domestic violence disputes initiated by women?

Because men are supposed to provide x,y, and zed regardless of how they feel, regardless of what they want. That’s why male suicidality is so high: isolation...isolation, isolation.


We live for each other and not the world and if there is no other the world is just a slow walking dusty tomb.

Women gotta fix what they broke. And until they do, male disposability will ensure the disposability of the entire world. Think about it.

Thank you."

From The Consequences of Male Disposability

by Stefan Molyneux

Starting @ 45:46-55:30


“To take away failure from a living organism is to take away the very stuff and whetstone that sharpens and enhances life at all.” -Stefan Molyneux

That which you Praise...

"Our ideals are the sun around which our actions revolve. That which you praise, you become"- Stefan Molyneux





  • Upvote 6

The following quotes come from this video:


The Decline and Collapse of Sweden | European Migrant Crisis - YouTube - http://bit.ly/1Tsoa2M


[Time to hit bottom (

  • “For a western man, would you rather live as a patriarch in a Muslim country, or under a gynae-centric radical feminist state driven matriarchy as it stands?”
  • “A woman can wake up one morning and decide to destroy you. And she has a damn good chance of doing so.”
  • “A [divorce] system where men are broken up and sold for parts to feed women’s vanity and greed.”
  • “Men see a system where they are the hunted. it is open season on men in the West.”

I devoted a couple of hours to that video. Plus I wrote up a blog post with a link to the video. That's how much I loved that video.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

"If you raise children in an environment where violence works, we cannot then be shocked, when they turn to violence to solve even the imaginary problems they find on the web." - Stefan Molyneux re the Orlando shooter. 

"Every attack of the person conceals a deficit in being able to attack their ideas."
  • 4 weeks later...

"If you say 'I can hit my five-year-old 'cause I can't reason with him' then you should, at least, be open to reason yourself and accept reason and evidence and change your behaviour thereby; because you can't really have a higher standard for a five-year-old than you have for yourself. That would be pretty hypocritical."


Stefan Molyneux (The Facts About Spanking)

  • 3 months later...
  On 2/13/2016 at 9:02 PM, Daniel Wagner said:

Thought I'd create a thread of powerful quotes and images we can use to help spread the word about FDR on social media channels. Please feel free to add your own for the community. Here's one to start. Should be able to save the images to your computer and share them from there in your posts. If they need to be uploaded differently so they're easier to share please let me know. 



Here's another one





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