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Scalia Dead, Obama to appoint new justice to Supreme Court in an election year


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They'll now be more in agreement when they decide the constitution is irrelevant. Nine professionals elected to tell you what the law says. Supreme Clergymen interpreting the word of God too incomprehensible for us mere citizens to understand and still splitting 5/4 in many cases showing heavy disagreement. Ugh. Nothing just about the justice department (congrats newspeak).

Edited by thebeardslastcall
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Indeed it will be a disaster. Although I don't agree with Scalia on many things at least he attempted to interpret the constitution the way it was originally interpreted which allows for much more liberty than we have now. If Obama is successful we will have a leftist supreme court enacting more tyranny than already present. Forget about ruling certain provisions of Obamacare unconstitutional.

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Does Obama's "lame duck" status mean that the appointment could potentially be delayed?


My prediction is yes. I can't see the Republicans letting it out of the Senate in the current climate. I think the election just got more interesting / important.

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The last justice appointed in an election year was Anthony Kennedy (during the Reagan administration after the failure to nominate Robert Bork). He is Mr. Swing Vote a lot of the time.


It would be *really* interesting for Obama to do another recess appointment which is likely to lead to a Supreme Court case that would likely involve the recusal of the appointee.

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There is a lot more to this than seems to be discussed here, but before I touch on the depth, I want to briefly redress those with a faulty of "libtard":

-  Those in power are not libtards, but, instead, they use libtard logic to gain more power for themselves.  (see my response here https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/46516-venezuela-destroyed-by-socialism/)


Scalia, supposedly died of a heart attack, was found with a pillow over his head.  If that does not baffle you, then you appear to be unfamiliar with heart attacks.


Additionally, the circumstance surrounding the death are not only suspect, but involve the law being broken:


The notion a local judge would break the law to avoid an autopsy of one of the most important people in America is, again, baffling. 


In regards to the notion he was poisoned, consider the heart attack gun, which I mentioned here (https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/46381-inquiry-into-the-capacity-for-us-reform/ ), which, btw, is an admitted technology that is over 40 years old.


Now, its possible the overweight old guy died of a heart attack, but it sure is convenient for some people.  I suppose it is important to have an idea of the general plan to understand why this is convenient.  It is not because libtards want to live in libtardia.


General Plan:

-  decrease the power of all nation states relative to global entities (IMF loans, trade pacts, etc)

-  with impotent nations, unify them under the pretence of empowering them (in trade, EU, north american union, etc)

-  unify the regional groups into global groups, have a world government

-  reduce population, re-institute not-equal-under-the-law, etc


And, with this, you can understand why a country, as a pawn of this general plan, would let in migrants, weakening the individuality/culture of the country, and weakening its power.


But, why would a country be a pawn of this general plan?  That requires a fairly long explanation, but, briefly, powered non-government groups have influenced who is empowered in government for centuries.

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