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Silencing the Voice of Reason (Part 2): Values, Principles, and Lack Thereof


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Part two in my three-part article series on silencing the voice of reason.


"Having principles carries a lot of weight. Your thoughts and emotions dictate your behavior. So if you have a certain mindset, you will act in a certain way. When you live in a highly delusional and unprincipled society as ours, having principles and applying them consistently requires enormous inner strength and courage. Your life is different than that of most people; your priorities are different than most people’s; your relationships are different; you see things that other people don’t see. And when you describe those things, people who are highly invested in staying unprincipled and irrational—that is the majority of our population—get upset and unruly."


Read more here: http://blog.selfarcheology.com/2016/02/silencing-voice-of-reason-part-2-values.html

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AcuuTron, I'm glad you found value in it!

A4E, I see your point. I added Hypothetical example #1 and Hypothetical example #2 before the examples to create a bigger separation, and I changed the As and Bs in the second example to keep the consistency. It's a little unusual to start with a letter B but better than confusing people. Thanks for your feedback, A4E—it was really helpful.

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