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The Horrors of Children by The School of Life

corpus mentium

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The first two bullet points were horse crap, showed a lack of understanding of the subject matter, coupled with a lack of curiosity. I think it's dangerous and irresponsible to stand up before the world and say "this is how things are" without any information on the topic.


It might as well have shown somebody changing a tire, not putting the nuts back on, the car driving down the road and the wheel falling off and say "see, the wheels always come off." If you build the relationship correctly, a child will only enhance it. Then if you love and nurture the child, it will have nothing to attack you for and will not view attacking you as a method for resolution.


"I love kids and I love what they offer. I love watching them grow. But they are literally 24/7 work. Not labor intensive where if feels like a job but you always have to be alert and taking care of their needs. I wouldn't want to have kids too soon. I really want to solidify our bond and have all of that beforehand. If we did it too soon it would be like a long-distance relationship. There would be a hindrance. I don't want a child to be a hindrance. I want it to be a lovely addition."


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Presumably being influenced by this video is not a selectable trait to have, so if this video convinces people not to feel pressured to have kids when they actively resented the idea, it might not do much harm. (shame about the other people who find it convincing)


In terms of accuracy a large part of School of Life is to endorse ignorance for relationship pressure; they encourage not diving into relationships on a romantic whim (reminds me of the relationship arc im RTR) and considering remaining single. I see "The Horrors of Children" in these two lights as well, and on one hand it could be an advocacy for waiting for the right person and situation before diving into parenting, on the other hand it could be a message for noone to have children, which does of course make no sense as life advice.

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