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The Solution (Featuring Stanley Kubrick)

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Hi friends, this is the final video in the series.  It's the most emotionally charged essay of all of them,  as well as the most entertaining.  At leas I think so.  I'm happy with it.  I added some new twists to the style of presentation.  Some of you may find my conclusions a bit off-putting I suppose.  I feel like the monkey is off my back though.  I've said all I wanted to say about this topic (this big topic) and I'm done...for now. Feedback is always much appreciated.  



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A worthwhile video, thanks for posting it.  I appreciate the concept of exalting the human mind versus our brains being "pickled" in "institutional boredom".  I recommend you check out Lyndon LaRouche and his associates for discussions about how, "the human mind is the only thing that's important" and opposition to the oligarchy that has remained with the US ever since the Revolution.  www.larouchepub.com, www.larouchepac.com and www.schillerinstitute.org.


"The pathway to Freedom is through beauty"



That said, though, I don't see how any revolution that dispenses with political power is going to avoid its replacement by money power.  If government disappeared tomorrow, without a cultural revolution that had already erased their money power, what would stop the world's richest families from re-forming a government, and one more ruthlessly suited to their desires?

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