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Anyone in Taipei? Or willing to be "remote friends"? :)


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I'm a 38-year-old software developer guy from Finland.


Wow, this already feels awkward right after the first sentence!  :laugh:


So anyway.. I like discussing anything worth discussing, like "Philosophy" (whatever that means in practice), economics, politics, reality, life and the world in general, and so on. Oh, and of course any IT-related stuff.


Basically I'm hoping to find a new friend to hang out with, even if remotely from halfway across the world! 


I wouldn't mind finding the woman of my dreams either, if she happens to see this here! :)


(Ladies, feel free to submit your resumes :P )


So now that I'm an expat and basically an outsider anywhere I go, I've been even more lonely than in Finland before leaving! That was to be expected, of course.


But I'm finally kind of fed up with being alone, so here I am, trying to do something about it!


In theory, this could be 'fixed' by going to Meetups and stuff, but I've gone to a few, and.. it's just really rare to meet someone who's smart and/but has an open mind! I wouldn't expect anyone to be a Voluntaryist already, but they would need to be, um.. that way inclined! :)


But what about you then, dear reader? What would you like to talk about? What pisses you off? What makes you happy? How are you navigating through life?

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 Even though I'm not in Taipei I'm pleased to see a fellow native here (yes, I know nation is pure fiction). If you ever visit Finland you're welcome to our meetup group! How did you become voluntarist? What do you mean by saying that you're an outsider where ever you go now; do you refer to you being a voluntarist or the tendency for people from other countries to put a national label on you even if you don't really feel Finnish at all? I understand you'd feel that way in Taiwan but surely it is not given you would be seen as much of an outsider in London for example?
 I usually talk more about psychology and economics (femto and macro econ) than philosophy. What pisses me off? Hmm, mainly my limited success of applying philosophy so far. Irrational people don't actually irritate me anymore since I've cut ties with them. I get happy when I can be my authentic self in other people's company without getting ignored and/or attacked - this has been a new experience for me. I use FDR's and different (other) self help communities' GPS for navigation. Ultimately you still have to calculate the new coordinates and directions yourself however.
 Anyway, if you want to talk to me you can find me on G+ and Skype (look at your private messages (edit: Apparently you cannot use the messaging system, so in Skype my name is unsurprisingly Huboten)). Also, there's the famous "Philosophy Europe Call" community - the only downside for you about that is the timing, if you think you're able to wake up extremely early (2-5 AM) on Sunday (or stay up very late) you can give it  a shot. Welcome to... your new life?

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Moikka :)


How did you become voluntarist? What do you mean by saying that you're an outsider where ever you go now; do you refer to you being a voluntarist or the tendency for people from other countries to put a national label on you even if you don't really feel Finnish at all? I understand you'd feel that way in Taiwan but surely it is not given you would be seen as much of an outsider in London for example?


I don't remember the details, but I'd say Ron Paul got me started on the path.


Well, I'm an outsider because:


  - I don't know anyone in Taipei

  - I'm from another culture (and don't speak their language)

  - I'm outside of The Matrix and they're still in it.


As you know, most people are kind of allergic to objective and rational conversations on things that actually matter.. and that makes us 'outsiders' too.





I get happy when I can be my authentic self in other people's company without getting ignored and/or attacked - this has been a new experience for me. 


That would be sweet :)


But on the other hand, it's not enough for making real friends that you can talk about stuff rationally, you need to be 'compatible' too.. have some common interests etc.



I'll wrap this up now, but I'mma add you on Skype :P

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Hi kikkakutonen! I'm a developer in Hong Kong. What do you write? Why are you a developer?

I haven't found any FDRers in HK, so I guess Taipei is close enough. How's Taipei? Why Taipei?


Ron Paul 2008 was where I got started too. I moved on when I realized there was no way he could become president, nor could he realistically change anything.

The story of my life since learning about libertarianism and FDR has been about being true to myself, self-introspection and debugging. I want to meet people who are consciously doing the same and on the same road. 


I try to be as authentic as I can. When I am not, I accept that I'm not, try to figure out why I'm not and see what I can do to fix it. Like getting over my anxiety over rewriting code.  I realized I was afraid of creating bugs and making mistakes, because mistakes were a really bad thing back in school and at home. Once I realized where my fear was coming from and how it tried to protect me, I became grateful and able to realize that it's different now, and that making mistakes is a path to learning.


I like to talk anything from tech, psych and philosophy.


Feel free to PM me or skype:eugenewong2010!

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