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UK referendum for leaving the EU


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The UK is having a referendum on the 23rd of June which will decided if it stays within the EU or not. Personally I will be voting to leave it mainly down to the migrant situation in Europe and my opposition to larger centralised governments having more control.


That said I'd love to have a better idea of the pro's & cons of being in the EU. Anyone got anything to share?

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The only good thing about the EU is the Schengen agreement, but it seems that's being dismantled through the manufactured Syrian 'refugee' crisis, so there's no need to worry about missing out on it if you leave the EU :)


Other than that, it's just a massive boondoggle for centralizing control over the masses and for looting us in new ways.

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The UK is having a referendum on the 23rd of June which will decided if it stays within the EU or not. Personally I will be voting to leave it mainly down to the migrant situation in Europe and my opposition to larger centralised governments having more control.


That said I'd love to have a better idea of the pro's & cons of being in the EU. Anyone got anything to share?

Con...free movement within the EU being lost?

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Here's the journalist Peter Hitchens critiquing the EU for about an hour.



Here's the activist and author Richard North talking about how we might go about leaving for about half an hour.



If you really want to dive into the subject, here's 'The Great Deception', a thorough history of the subject up until 2005 (unfortunately, no longer in print).





Hope that helps.

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I don't think most voters think about pros and cons, in fact I don't believe they think at all. By that I mean hardly anybody will change their mind between now and referendum day. I think the issue is simply whether or not you like big government.


I include myself in this - I want less government, ideally none at all, so debating whether we will be a few pounds better off by staying in or whether one particular business leader approves does not interest me.


The 'pro' argument you constantly hear is that the EU has kept Europe at peace for 50+ years. Vacuous as this argument is, it does seem to be persuasive. Notwithstanding what I said above, the result looks like it may be close and we should  not underestimate the influence of the BBC to tip the balance. It has a huge influence over people and is extremely pro-EU. Not surprising as it receives some of its funding from it!

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