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Predictions for 2016


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Guys, what kind of events it is reasonable to predict to happen during 2016?


My outlook is this: If borders of Europe are not closed before summer, Germany will be overrun by invaders, which is going to cause major public unrest or outright civil war. The war is going to be used as an excuse by the government to explain why the financial system collapsed.

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I'm not sure what will happen, but I wonder about that. There is so much freakin' resistance to anything considered xenophobic, to the point that leftist groups are actually threatening violence against any groups that would demonstrate against immigration. There are a hell of a lot of women who not only don't want protection from the native men, but actively resist it.


I'd be surprised if the people in Germany didn't just emigrate. There will be a point where it's too late to do anything, and it doesn't seem to be that far off. Just imagine the germans trying to export the migrants. Scary!




It could be too late for Germany and Sweden. People just aren't mad enough.

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History is just a cycle of trauma. Look where the most traumatized people are, and there it will be worst. Some of the German population is so traumatized that they literally have been convinced to prefer rapists to racists. That is an astounding level of dysfunction. World War 2 was approx. 76 years ago, but still the effects of that horrendous charade are alive as ever today. I think what is still to be ultimately answered is whether there are Germans who made enough progress in their parenting that they didn't raise yet another triage of terror. For some reason I don't think Muslims are in danger, though. I think Europeans' only danger is other Europeans. I don't think there will be civil war, and in some ways I am oddly optimistic. But it is a faint optimism considering what is in front of me today. To conclude, I think the cycle of trauma will escalate until it reaches a breaking point, and then I think a new trend of history will occur marginally better than the last one.


For 2016.. Hmm I think there will be an escalation of the pressure on America to adopt the policies of Europe.

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It is unlikely that Germans will give up their country. When events escalate they are going to get support from other European countries and I am afraid that immigrants are going to be treated worse than Jews during WWII :( Nobody is going to pay attention to leftists anymore.

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I think the Germans will take the migrants on the chin, I think there will be a large expansion of anti-muslim and anti-migrant sentiment which may lead Merkel into just enough redress to placate the German people but not enough to reverse a huge amount of damage. I would not be surprised to see a rise in white supremecist gangs or the far right, as well as an extention of Pegida, which is from what I can tell, a sensible and rational organisation.


I wonder if Islamaphobia will become the new frontier for SJWs as more people express concern, in the same way that 2015 was the year that  Transgenderism was the focus.



In Politics here are a few predictions that are fairly obvious


  • Trump will win the GOP nomination. he is favourite in the odds at the moment.
  • I don't think Trump will sue Cruz about his eligibility as Rubio only stands a chance in a 2 horse race.
  • We can also predict that Hilary will win the Democrat nomination, as I can't see her being indicted under a Democrat Administration. The delicious part about this is that Trump can go to town on HIlary and the media in his bid to be elected.
  • The UK media will get behind keeping the UK in the EU and create huge scare stories about how if they leave Europe, most people will fall in line and the referendum will deliver a result to stay in by a good few percentage points.
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I am afraid that immigrants are going to be treated worse than Jews during WWII :(

You think that they are going to suffer a worse fate than mass genocide by poison suffocation? That seems infinitely less likely than than them getting up and moving, to me, but maybe you know something I don't.


All the coverage I've seen has shown over and over again that the Germans mostly welcome their own annihilation.

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I'm not sure what will happen, but I wonder about that. There is so much freakin' resistance to anything considered xenophobic, to the point that leftist groups are actually threatening violence against any groups that would demonstrate against immigration. There are a hell of a lot of women who not only don't want protection from the native men, but actively resist it.


I'd be surprised if the people in Germany didn't just emigrate. There will be a point where it's too late to do anything, and it doesn't seem to be that far off. Just imagine the germans trying to export the migrants. Scary!




It could be too late for Germany and Sweden. People just aren't mad enough.

This has been ID'd as a photoshop on Joe Rogan's forum. Original says "Will trade racists for refugees"

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You think that they are going to suffer a worse fate than mass genocide by poison suffocation? That seems infinitely less likely than than them getting up and moving, to me, but maybe you know something I don't.


All the coverage I've seen has shown over and over again that the Germans mostly welcome their own annihilation.


True. Those will probably have fair chance.


Germans are nice until they are not.

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