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Insight into Japanese Internment


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Hey, not really a current event. However it does circle back to a current event

One of my favorite Youtubers Jabzy posted this video discussing the reasons for Japanese Internment. He did not resort to "Thas Racis".

I've never heard some of these fears from the time such as a "fifth pillar" formed by the civilian Japanese-American population. Tell me what you think, but there are some startling similarities with the Muslims in Europe. 'Truth about the Japanese Internment' anyone?

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I read a lot of military history, but never heard of these particular events.  Thanks for posting.


There is an obvious surface likeness to Muslims in Europe.  So much is different between the two situations, yet one thing occurs to me.  Japan attacked as a country, no doubt about it, and the US public couldn't pretend massive attacks throughout the Pacific hadn't occurred, and Japan did it.


Terrorist attacks are not attributable to one county, however tangled the espionage and power webs.  It's a trickle instead of a flood, and there's no one place with national borders at which to point fingers, no one specific to hold accountable.  Terrorists, as far as states go, belong to no one. That will make it hard to get a public focused, indeed hard to know where to focus any possible pressure or retaliation.  People who get roused, and have no one to point to, will find some other way to point, and it might be an ethnic/religious reaction, just like so often. 

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Just like there was never an attack on the Twin Towers, yes.


Hoaxing is a much easier job than actually perpetrating an attack. No victims also means no families who can ask "difficult questions".


Since the 1940s the Elites have perfectionalised that strategy but still are sloppy due to their unlimited arrogance.

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I read a lot of military history, but never heard of these particular events.  Thanks for posting.


There is an obvious surface likeness to Muslims in Europe.  So much is different between the two situations, yet one thing occurs to me.  Japan attacked as a country, no doubt about it, and the US public couldn't pretend massive attacks throughout the Pacific hadn't occurred, and Japan did it.


Terrorist attacks are not attributable to one county, however tangled the espionage and power webs.  It's a trickle instead of a flood, and there's no one place with national borders at which to point fingers, no one specific to hold accountable.  Terrorists, as far as states go, belong to no one. That will make it hard to get a public focused, indeed hard to know where to focus any possible pressure or retaliation.  People who get roused, and have no one to point to, will find some other way to point, and it might be an ethnic/religious reaction, just like so often. 

That's a valid difference to bring up, that there is a less direct enemy. The Regressive Left is also doing much to obfuscate this further, like claiming that Islam is a race. The reasons for western inaction also go much further I think, not only is a clear target tough to find, but the mindset towards dissimilar peoples is so much different now. It's 'racist' to bring up that peoples with wildly different beliefs, allegiances, cultures, etc. aren't going to get along (in the absence of philosophy). I truly, truly hope that the western inaction ceases. If this isn't ended soon it will be ended later, however swiftly and brutally

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