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The Covert Narcissist: The Passive Aggressive Manipulator

Bipedal Primate

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PRO TIP: Covert passive aggressive manipulators love to start conversations with:

"I'm concerned about you."   "I care about you."   "I'm worried about you."  

This type of passive aggressive communication is a strategy used by covert manipulators as a way to level up their dominance, to intimidate the target, to leave the target feeling self-doubt, and to put the target on the defensive. Manipulators want to control the target's emotions and actions.

In my opinion, a better way to start a conversation is with curiosity.
For example, "How are you? I am very curious to know more about what has happened.


A healthy person, who is in ally, will never start a conversation putting you on the defensive. A true friend who respects you, will want to hear about what has happened, from you, before they solidify their thoughts and feelings. The appropriate time for a friend to declare 'I'm worried about you' is after you have told them the story!   


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/USO6gq5hHJ4"frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




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Oh man, so true! I wince to even call that sort of thing a "conversation" because a conversation indicates that there is an exchange of ideas. Someone dumping their feelings like that is one way. More of an infliction than a conversation. 


Great content, as usual, Miss Sacha! :) 

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"And get toxic people out of your life"  -- and they keep showing up, like weeds, it's not just one sweep.  Gotta keep vigilant.

Yes, I agree, narcissists are like weeds, we must 'keep vigilant.' :-)

Great video!


I've certainly come across this kind of thing, often coupled with ''people might think... ''


Eugh! :sick:


How's the old saying go


Thank you for the lovely compliment. Another funny quote: Don't break my leg and then try to sell me a broken crutch! :-D

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