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Hi my fellow fdr listeners

I am new to the fdr community, though i have watched many videos allready. Are there any other fdr members from switzerland? I am curious to see who is around and possibly get to know each other.

Best regards


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Hey amos, yeah I'm from Dübendorf. I'd totally be up for meeting sometime. Maybe beginning of next week or so? (Best write me a pm, as I'm not as active on the boads, but I think I do get an email, if someone writes me a pm, so I should see that, even if I forget to check the boards)

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Hi Fellows


Sorry TheRobin, i can't yet write you a pm, i think it's because i am still a newbie ;) but please write me, would be cool to meet up some time. i live in Winterthur.


@luxfelix: nice. i found fdr over youtube, i progresed from hitchens and dawkins to milton friedman and tom sowel, to ron paul and all the other libertarians and then finally to molyneux. phhh, the attitude towards migrants ranges over the full spectrum, though we have quite a few green/red lefties here who love to save the world with other peoples money.. but i think they are also just the ones that are the most vocal about it, since its the politically correct mainstream position at the moment. there are also quite a few ppl who dont like the whole refugees industry. but they get branded as far right.

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I see, yeah, damn, I can't even send you a message either.


Do you use facebook? If so, then write me there, if that works for you (https://www.facebook.com/robin.balsiger) and we can maybe plan to meet and chat sometime

I usually don't have fixed plans for most days, except Wednesday and Sunday, so I'm relatively free in terms of time for meeting up and chatting a bit. When would it work best for you in general?

Looking forward to hearing from you. Always cool to meet more like-minded people

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@amos: That seems to be pretty common over here as well.


Tangent: I recently found out about an upcoming referendum this November that would restore the Swiss Franc's connection to a gold standard. Does that mean that there's a general financial awareness in Switzerland?

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That was actually in 2014. They wanted to have a 20% gold backing for the currency. Sadly i didnt have much of a clue about anything economic back then so i voted against it. Now i am just in the process of freeing me from the illusion of voting completely, so i guess it doesnt matter anyway :D but the propaganda against the initiative was strong. Of course, wouldnt be in the interest of the gangsters ripping of the public.

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