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How could anarchy work?

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I got in a skype call with csekavec [/size] and he explained everything, I understand it now. Please also do not think down on me because of my age. I just needed a direct conversation,


I do not think down on you, it's great to see a young mind interested in these topics. Glad the call with csekavec helped you.


Just keep in mind your mind is young and for a large part shaped by your parents and teachers. They all have an agenda (just like the media you may watch/follow). Those with an agenda hardly want you to explore philosophy (the basis of anarchism); it's dangerous to their agendas.

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There is a difference between anarchy (chaotic anarchy) and rational anarchy.


In rational anarchy, government does not own you, so you can't be forced to fight against an invader.  Neither can government stop you from doing so. 


THat's why I think that capitalism must fail before we can implement rational anarchy, thus peace.


The Iroquois accomplished it, and they began as cannibals.  They were the longest lasting constitutional republic in history - established in 909 CE - with democracy by 100% concensus.  They had no social ills - no prisons, no taxes, no domestic abuse, no poverty, etc.   All contributed for the benefit of the whole.  The invading capitalist cultures destroyed theirs.

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with democracy by 100% concensus.

If it's something everybody wants, you don't need to enumerate it. Not that everybody is going to agree about everything all the time. As long as you don't steal, assault, rape, or murder, I don't care what you do. I might have an opinion, but that opinion won't include a righteous option to stop you.


What is chaotic anarchy? In a statist paradigm, it is believed that only a select few have the power to stop/prevent X, Y, and Z. That seems chaotic compared to the absence of the State, where it is understood that EVERYBODY has the power to stop/prevent X, Y, and Z.


It really bothers me when people use words to misrepresent ideas.

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