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More Donald Trump stupidity from the left


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Recently, I read the following stupid article





So, let me get this straight.  The article's source, which involved the really hard work of me opening up one more link (that the original article links to, imagine how much work that took for me to do), says


"Trump’s German wine-growing ancestors were named Drumpf, according to journalist Gwenda Blair’s book “The Trumps: Three Generations That Built An Empire.” The family changed the name at some point during the Thirty Years’ War."

Now, it took the really hard work of looking up the "Thirty Years War" in Wikipedia, which everybody knows takes a hell of a lot of hard work, to find the following:


"The Thirty Years' War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648."


In other words, Donald Trump and/or his supporters, is supposed to take seriously, a family name change that happened 400 years ago.


It's not like this was really hard.  I bet Mike could research this in like, 15 seconds?


In other words, Stefan is right.  Donald Trump is succeeding in making the left look really stupid and petty.


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In other words, Donald Trump and/or his supporters, is supposed to take seriously, a family name change that happened 400 years ago.


Geesh, I guess I'm in trouble. In 1560, my ancestor Andrew Mullica renamed himself Andrew Poulson (literally Pal Mullica's Son) because he wanted to distinguish himself from other Mullicas in what would become Northern Delaware. The rest is history.


Who do I pay reparations to for this name change?

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The attacks keep getting more and more amusing - and he keeps winning.


If you find more that weren't addressed in the Untruth About Donald Trump please post them here... I don't want to miss anything in the next video.

I'm glad I saw this thread.  I came here to ask Stefan to respond to John Oliver's video.  I really hate when British people come here and insult our country for our own entertainment... and when those "jokes" are blatant slander, and it does damage to Donald Trump's reputation, it's actually upsetting to me.  And John Oliver was wise to mock Trump for filing frivolous civil suits against people all the time, so now Donald would be confirming his slander if he justly sues him for damages to his reputation.  And for him, those damages are actually quantifiable.  He is a literally a brand.

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Woman charged with murder after brandishing child’s severed head in Moscow Guess her religion? This is what liberals are fighting for, they have death wish for all of us. The amount hate I feel for the nanny and the parents is only matched for the sadness I feel for the child.


As if child brides were not enough. As if cutting legs of women who want to run away was not enough. Europe will see the massacre, the only question is who will be butchered.


Stand behind Trump or soon you will have nothing else to stand for.


Greetings from Europe were humanity has been irredeemably lost.

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I'm glad I saw this thread.  I came here to ask Stefan to respond to John Oliver's video.  I really hate when British people come here and insult our country for our own entertainment... and when those "jokes" are blatant slander, and it does damage to Donald Trump's reputation, it's actually upsetting to me.  And John Oliver was wise to mock Trump for filing frivolous civil suits against people all the time, so now Donald would be confirming his slander if he justly sues him for damages to his reputation.  And for him, those damages are actually quantifiable.  He is a literally a brand.


If this video becomes popular enough, I would love Stefan to do a response to it.   I don't think it's currently important enough for Stefan to bother with, but who knows the future?


There's A LOT of really stupid stuff in that video besides what I mentioned.   To be honest, I couldn't listen to more than 6 minutes of it (and was falling asleep in the middle of that six minutes).  I stopped listening at about the time he misquotes Trump saying that because he's rich he's honest (which is pretty obviously NOT what he said).


If Stef does bother with it, it would be great if he reworded (in his own words) the following:   I'm sure Donald Trump, before he was born, went around the Earth and was watching various people fucking.   He narrowed it down to about 10 possible families that he wanted to be born in.  Then after doing further research, he finds that the Trump family changed their name back in 1612 from Drumpf to Trump and he thought "Man this family changed their name 400 years ago!   That does it!  I'm gonna choose THIS family!"


Stef can probably do a better job of making that sound totally ridiculous than I just did.

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While I am sure that there are half-wits who are going to vote for Trump because "he is a honest and tough guy", the main appeal behind Trump and Sanders is that they are anti-establishment and corporation. The cycle so far has been the leaders not being obliged to consult the people in running the affair of the country, nor fulfill their promises. They derive laws from what is convenient, and may and do take away people's rights using that justification (ex. 'its for security', 'the majority wants it against the minority'). No question that we can't rely to have competent or just candidates, and they can get elected again simply by lying to the people and persuading them that they are the lesser of two evil.

Being anti-that-bullshit sends the message of not being bullied, controlled, or bossed around by corporations, lobby groups, and rich businessmen (Sanders by relying on small individual donations, and Trump by loaning half his campaign). It is unlikely for that BS to change much due to Trump or Sanders, but it is a change from normalcy none the less.


Definitely a misfire by J. Oliver.



Woman charged with murder after brandishing child’s severed head in Moscow Guess her religion? This is what liberals are fighting for, they have death wish for all of us. The amount hate I feel for the nanny and the parents is only matched for the sadness I feel for the child.


As if child brides were not enough. As if cutting legs of women who want to run away was not enough. Europe will see the massacre, the only question is who will be butchered.


Stand behind Trump or soon you will have nothing else to stand for.


Greetings from Europe were humanity has been irredeemably lost.


First of all, that is out of topic.


Second of all, her religion is irrelevant. Let me literate your narrative:


Muslim involved in violent crime: "Islam allows them to do it!", "Islam commands them to do it!"


Non-Muslim involved in violent crime: "There's bad people in every community", "Natural reaction to anger", "He is insane."


It is stupid. Fyi,, the woman was drugged at the time of arrest, and obviously crazed; she stated that the reason was due to her husband's infidelity =a psycho.

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Mike, if you want to make a deal with me, that I pay you $100/hr to duplicate the same research I did, I would be willing to take that deal.   Even at a $100/hr rate, I'm pretty confident that I'm only going to end up owing you a few dollars, if that.

Since I couldn't stand to listen to more than 6 minutes of the actual video, if anyone here has more stomach than me and has actually bothered to listen to the whole thing, let me know.  I would like to see a list of all of the stupid things he says in the video.

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I stopped watching John Oliver some time ago. He is funny, but I couldn't stand his politics, just way to lefty for me. And usually very wrong about his criticisms of people who don't share is his commie beliefs.


The people on the left will continue to argue about non-issues as they keep falling into the traps that Trump himself sets..... the best thing for him is to be underestimated by the Democrats as he continually is.

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Here is some race baiting from the New York Times Opinion Section 


Since this was on Facebook, the initial comment of the post reads


"The rise of Donald Trump is part of a racist backlash against the presidency of Barack Obama"


The article title and caption and author:

Author Brent Staples


Donald Trump and Reconstruction Era Politics

The leading Republican candidate is taking advantage of a backlash to racial progress, echoing event of the late 19th century.



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A few points about the insult:


Firstly, if you have to resort to whining that someone changed his name in the hope that people will change their vote, who stupid to you take voters to be?


Secondly, did anyone object to Raphael Cruz changing his name to Ted? He is just trying to appear more integrated, just like Trump a few generations ago.

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Here is some race baiting from the New York Times Opinion Section 


Since this was on Facebook, the initial comment of the post reads


"The rise of Donald Trump is part of a racist backlash against the presidency of Barack Obama"


The article title and caption and author:

Author Brent Staples


Donald Trump and Reconstruction Era Politics

The leading Republican candidate is taking advantage of a backlash to racial progress, echoing event of the late 19th century.




  Is this journalism?

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  Is this journalism?


Perhaps not as this from the NY Times opinion, however, these articles do not write themselves. Within the past couple of weeks there has been a huge increase in these particular type of articles cropping up. With the title of this thread being "More Donald Trump stupidity from the left", this seemed like an appropriate location to share this.

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We have a full presentation rebutting Oliver's video point by point.  Stef's voice has been pretty rough lately - he barely made it through last nights call in show - so it may not be released until next week. It's important to do rebuttals of all this absurd Anti-Trump stuff as 1) It helps expose the media, 2) It gives us lots of credibility when there are valid criticisms of Trump, such as the Apple/FBI situation.


Many people have zero credibility to criticize Trump at all given the muck they have been throwing - and we very well may have eight years of President Trump.


To be honest Mike, I kind of hope not.  Although I will have to admit that US politics is bad enough that someone like Trump can become president.


My main problems with him are:


1)  He has changed his positions on a few things.  This wouldn't be bad if he changed his position because he has considered the evidence.  I myself, changed my position on the war on drugs once I examined the evidence.  However, in Trump's case it seems like he changes his position based on political expediency.


This kind of puts him slightly above Hillary Clinton in terms of scummy


2)  The wall between the US and Mexico is a stupid idea.   It would be expensive.  And in the future Mexicans might develop the technology to make ladders, shovels, and metal cutters which would make the wall obsolete.  I know that such things are on the same scale as the Star Trek replicator in terms of the technological advancement you would need to make such things, but still..


It also won't stop the many people who are in the US illegally, who got here by overstaying their visa (i.e. they get a student visa and simply don't go home once the student visa has expired).

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Also, those interested can see Aaron Clarey's response to this called "The Truth about the Daily Show" 


Since China has upped it's Internet censorship, I can't get to YouTube.  So I can't copy and paste the URL.  So if Mike (or somebody) do a quick one minute search for it and edit this post WITH the URL, I would appreciate it.

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I read his grandpappy owned a Brothel. Seems blaming the sins of the father on the son are not enough for the MSM, have to go straight to grandad now. 


I think the MSM are getting more rabid in their attacks on Trump as some meat is put on the bones of his policies and it becomes clear:


Some figures on Healthcare...




Look at how much the drugs and health insurers spend on Lobbying. The NRA which leftists loves to tell us has 'bought congress' doesnt even get a look in.



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Here's another great example:


The first thing Scott Adams says in an interview with Fox News is "Let me start by disavowing Donald Trump."


Fox News titles the video "Why the 'Dilbert' creator is supporting Donald Trump"



1 minute and 10 seconds into the video he says the exact opposite!



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There's the impotent attempt at "Drumpf," by John Oliver. Not sure if that's worth even mentioning.


There's also the people calling for the NY Times to release an "off the record" portion of an editorial board interview. Even a NY Times editor says, "There's not a story here." It's a literal non-story story.




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I realize this is not specifically anti-trump stupidity.


There is a book a read a little was back called:


The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap



I'll just quote a small bit that is descriptive of the 2 chapters in this book on 'Border Trouble'


From pg 201


"The squad cars perch on the side of the road like ticks on a vein, hauling in alien after undocumented alien and tossing them into the criminal justice/deportation hopper. From there, in a complex arbitrary, and mindlessly cruel legal process that puts people literally in chains for the crime of going to work or taking their kids to school, the detainees get ground up into a rich financial and political meal, shared in nearly equal parts by state and federal authorities on the one hand and private prison companies on the other."


This was a pretty interesting read in regards to the various forms or corruption in the US/Mexico border zone. While the book covers other forms of corruption as well, this may be something to look at in regards to border issues which covers about 110 pages. 


The author is specifically talking about the Delegation of Immigration Authority Section 287(g) Immigration and Nationality Act 
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its so transparent that the media hates Trump.... and the establishment hates trump.... anyone ask why this is? Stefan admirably connects the two and shows the bold hypocrisy and blatant favoritism of the media.


so transparent, so pathetic.... I hope FDR does a video about Romney.... who has now shown himself as part of the establishment.  


Trump is the only anti establishment candidate we have chance with.    

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Check this one out



More Latinos Seek Citizenship to Vote Against Trump



Study materials were handed out during a naturalization workshop in Denver to help legal residents become citizens. CreditTheo Stroomer for The New York Times





Over all, naturalization applications increased by 11 percent in the 2015 fiscal year over the year before, and jumped 14 percent during the six months ending in January, according to federal figures. The pace is picking up by the week, advocates say, and they estimate applications could approach one million in 2016, about 200,000 more than the average in recent years.

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