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I’d like to start a conversation about women’s suffrage. I think a case can be made that giving women the vote was a huge mistake. Women are the rulers of the sexual domain, so when they’re given equal share over the political realm we get feminism and Hillary Clinton.


Here’s a video I illustrated explaining how the integration of women into the political sphere has led to the decline of Western societies. Somebody is going to take women’s freedom away from them—it’s either going to be white Western men or North African / Islamic migrants. Which will they prefer?



I want to stress--this isn’t a moral issue. If we presume a State exists and if we want to maximize freedoms for everyone, then women's suffrage—like illegal immigration--is essentially a government program because women (especially single women) tend to vote for leftist policies, the net result of which is greater power for the State. For more on the marriage gap see: http://www.crisismagazine.com/2012/the-marriage-gap-in-the-womens-vote

Voting was supposed to be reserved for property-owning white men--typically the highest IQ in America. Since those days we've bought into the myth that everyone is equal and therefore deserves an equal say in their government. The only problem with that argument is it's just not true.


You might say “it’s going to be impossible to repeal the 19th Amendment”. I'll respond to that with two points. Firstly, we did it with prohibition. Secondly, a lot of people thought that a politically incorrect businessman like Donald Trump wouldn’t have a chance at the Presidential office. And yet, he's poised to win the nomination. Also, maybe this doesn't require a political solution. We--men and women who are waking up to the lies of feminism--can start shaming women who try to influence politics.


I look forward to hearing your comments.

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You think women aren't going to fight this tooth and nail and push their men to fight it as well? In order to repeal the 19th amendment, you would have to first disallow women from voting and even then you'd probably still fail. I don't see how this is possible. That's trying to put the worms back in the can so to speak.


So you have a goal, which is nearly impossible to do and not clearly desirable and you want to fight this hard fight instead of a more worthwhile fight why? Seems like a bad way to spend your efforts for minimal gain. Still going to have an unjust state and a horde of issues even if this were presumably desirable and achieved.


I'd advise you pick another fight. High risk, low chance of success, and questionable/low benefits (if any) if successful. Bad deal in my opinion.


Women clearly should get a 'vote' in a free society, via peaceful negotiation and free association. I wouldn't want to be associated with such a fight and think it would interfere with the end goals and make anarchists look worse if you claim to be one and propose throwing yourself into such a cause and trying to make such a case.

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I’d like to start a conversation about women’s suffrage. I think a case can be made that giving women the vote was a huge mistake. Women are the rulers of the sexual domain, so when they’re given equal share over the political realm we get feminism and Hillary Clinton.


Here’s a video I illustrated explaining how the integration of women into the political sphere has led to the decline of Western societies. Somebody is going to take women’s freedom away from them—it’s either going to be white Western men or North African / Islamic migrants. Which will they prefer?



I want to stress--this isn’t a moral issue. If we presume a State exists and if we want to maximize freedoms for everyone, then women's suffrage—like illegal immigration--is essentially a government program because women (especially single women) tend to vote for leftist policies, the net result of which is greater power for the State. For more on the marriage gap see: http://www.crisismagazine.com/2012/the-marriage-gap-in-the-womens-vote


Voting was supposed to be reserved for property-owning white men--typically the highest IQ in America. Since those days we've bought into the myth that everyone is equal and therefore deserves an equal say in their government. The only problem with that argument is it's just not true.


You might say “it’s going to be impossible to repeal the 19th Amendment”. I'll respond to that with two points. Firstly, we did it with prohibition. Secondly, a lot of people thought that a politically incorrect businessman like Donald Trump wouldn’t have a chance at the Presidential office. And yet, he's poised to win the nomination. Also, maybe this doesn't require a political solution. We--men and women who are waking up to the lies of feminism--can start shaming women who try to influence politics.


I look forward to hearing your comments.

So, you believe that the government should give people even less say in how the government rules them?


Yes, it is.  Saying it isn't doesn't make it so.  The problem is that people are allowed to steal from each other via government, not that a specific group of people are less able to make choices.

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I said in my first sentence---I want to get a conversation started. Like it or not, people who aren't anarchists are stuck in the paradigm of changing things through government. Most of them won't listen to your arguments about the initiation of force but they will listen to an idea within the current system even if that idea is "radical". I personally don't think there's much good that will come from policy decision or even repealing the 19th amendment (our men are feminized too!). But it's a conversation that can gain traction and get people thinking. In that sense I absolutely think it's worth the energy. We need to push back on the feminist narrative. If you're afraid of being called a misogynist then our society will keep being flushed down the toilet. However, if you tell someone you don't think the 19th Amendment should have passed they at least know where you stand.


I wouldn't want to be associated with such a fight 

Of course you wouldn't. It sounds like sexual suicide. I don't actually think that's true but it seems that way. Women have to take up the cause, not just men.

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If the non aggression principle were to be applied, I would say let the Islamic migrants go Cologne all over their asses and bring the state down with it. These women are ruined to the point where they can't even entertain an idea that they are not perfect. When the shit hits the fan, I won't fight for any of them, and the nice guys who do will be unapologetically weeded out of the gene pool as the collapse runs them over. 


But, unfortunately, because of the state and control of the sexual domain you speak of, to let such a thing happen would be like to let a 5 year old child chase a butterfly off a cliff. Women simply have never had the chance to understand what is truly at stake, or what's going on. It is a point of confliction for me. 

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These women are ruined to the point where they can't even entertain an idea that they are not perfect.


When the shit hits the fan, I won't fight for any of them...

First sentence:  I totally agree.  And the Democratic/feminist machine wants them to stay that way, as they are be much easier to manipulate with praise and lies.  Willingly, I might add.


Second sentence:  I've said as much in these forums, that irresponsible behavior, the devotion to deceit, the blatant moral bullying, the mind-boggling arrogance, is costing to all women, resulting in a massive trend of the individual male's voluntary removal of his non-state protection of them.


I'm tickled to see this brought up at all.  It has been rattling around in my mind increasingly, as I try to get one after another female to simply be honest about what's in front of her face, to act like something other than a stubborn four year old.  To deny support to the obvious criminal!  Just won't, and gonna make a smug face too!


Women will keep the vote; it's far too useful to frauds.  But keep tickling the issue; I'm curious to see what happens.  

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Of course you wouldn't. It sounds like sexual suicide. I don't actually think that's true but it seems that way. Women have to take up the cause, not just men.


That sounds like you are just accusing me of being a coward as if I don't have good reasons for not supporting the issues. My desire to not be associated with the ideas is because I think they're unproductive and not a good philosophical position. I'm against both women and men voting. They both vote for immoral and harmful policies. Separating out one as being 'worse' seems to be the same error the feminists make with their anti-male talk.


Your thesis, so much as you seemed to possibly have one, is that getting rid of the female vote is the only, or a practical, way of getting to the end goal of freedom. A necessary step in the direction. To me it seems totally impractical and not a needed or useful step. You think you can shock people into philosophy instead of just repulsing them and shutting down their reasoning? Where is the evidence your strategy works and won't just make it all the more easy for people to write off 'philosophers', 'anarchists', or others? I think this line of action will drive people away more than towards a rational and philosophical approach to the state and freedom.


I want to tell people they can be part of the solution and come together for the cause. I don't want to cause an unnecessary and unproductive sexual divide. Men and women are not equal. That fact is basically axiomatic to me. You seem like you want to insult women while also setting the bar higher and expecting them to join you. I'll set the bar high and encourage them to meet the higher demands for the benefit of all without simultaneously calling them crippled as if they can't meet the high expectations we need of them and men to get to a better place.

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Fighting women having the right to vote is just hacking at one small branch growing out of the tree of tyranny. Governments used to not require anyone to vote in order to harvest their livestock. Since the birth of democracy women voting for the initiation of force developed as a tool that the rulers use in order to better optimize their yield. The root still is and forever will be the ability of some to initiate force against others. Hack off the branch of women's suffrage and another one will grow to take its place.

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