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"Burning Children Down In Waco"


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 Sitting high above Central Expressway at the Intersection of Mockingbird Lane, the constant droning noise of traffic on the highway would finally die down after midnight.At that point I could open the window and enjoy a little fresh carbon monoxide.There were always cars on the highway but nothing compared to the rest of the day.At 2:05 AM,5 minutes after the bars closed it turned into a fucking Mad Max Fast and Furious stunt driving audition.This would last about 15 minutes and then everything went back to normal.Normal for that area wasn't really ever normal.Just across the highway was Southern Methodist University and Highland Park,a very wealthy neighborhood.Lots of fast cars and young drivers.It was also just off of Lower Greenville avenue, the biggest bar/party district in Dallas.Never a shortage of drunk driving and exhibitions of speed.I owned a car but I did alot of walking in that area because everything I needed was right there.Honestly, I'm lucky to be alive.I didn't realize it at the time but the rage was building up inside of me.Early in my driving career I realized how dangerous driving is and always took it very seriously.Iv'e got at least a million wreck free miles behind me with very few moving violations.I had developed a Zero Tolerance Policy for idiotic drivers and often invited them to pull over for some good ole fashioned physical violence Drivers Ed.I'm pretty big and no one ever took me up on it.One night my spouse and I were crossing the street heading back to the room with fresh cups of Starbucks Coffee and I saw a car,whom I knew had seen us well in advance,gun his car at us for a close strafe just as we were making it to the median.I turned and hurled my coffee right into his window.Lucky for him(and me too probably) his window was up.On another occasion I went down to cross the bridge to go to Seven Eleven.My spouse and I crossed this area on average several times daily.There was a souped up sportscar dangling over the bridge.The guy must have hit the off ramp at a hundred miles an hour,lost it,took out a bunch of decorative concrete barriers and went halfway over the gaurdrail almost back down onto the highway.There were a few people around who had already called it in.The guy was not seriously injured but he was still in his car screaming and panicking and as I walked by I said"I hope you die you fucking something something something".

 The building I lived in was sold and we were given about 2 weeks to move.Caught off gaurd and short on cash I ended up going to stay at my Mom's house out in the country,just outside of Waco,TX.It was only after a few weeks there that I realized just how much of a madman I had become and realized I never ever wanted to go back to city life.Especially that Redeck Shithole of Dallas,TX.My work is all over the Country so as long as there's an Airport within a couple of hours it didn't really matter where I lived.This was over 15 years ago and I still live out in the sticks near Waco.As it turns out all I really did was trade one kind of hell for another.

  McLennan County.Home of the Branch Davidian massacre.The Twin Peaks Biker Massacre.Crawford Ranch.The West Fertilizer Plant explosion.One of the highest per capita murder rates in the Country.Institutionalized Racism.A Sherriff who boasts a 450% increase in arrests since his election.Sell out crowds to hear Duck Dynasty celebs give speeches at a baptist college.The Texas Ranger Museum, which honors one the most murderous and racist law enforcement agencies in the history of America.Also Ted Nugent.

 Yesterday I saw Ted Nugent walking between the McClennan County Courthouse and the Annex buiding.He was on his way to report for jury duty.I had met him several times in the past when I was a big time backstage concert security guy in Dallas.He would stand outside his dressing room all day and talk politics with anyone who would listen.This was before 9-11,before he went off the Tea Party deep end.He didn't recognize me.I was wearing an oversized orange and white McLennan County Jail Trustee(Prisone Utilization Program) Uniform with my head shaved looking like I was fresh out of Aushwitz,pushing a broom as part of my job in order to get 3 for 1 jail time instead of 2 for 1 jail time.It was my 25th(and last) day in jail for posession of marijuana uner 2 ounces.I was on probation but I failed that.They restricted me from traveling to work and I lost about 15,000 thousand dollars since last summer.100% of my work is outside of McLennan County.When I went to court last time the judge denied an extension of my probation and told me that sometimes you just gotta pay the piper.Needless to say I'm leaving this redneck shithole forever.

 Anyhoo,the real reason for this post is to recommend a Novel I read when I was locked up.I very rarely read novels but that's all they had other than religious books.It was called "NIMBUS" by Alexander Jablokov.One of the coolest books Iv'e read in a long time.I highly recommend it.



p.s. The thread title references a punk rock song by a Dalls band named Pump n Ethyl.The song is "W.A.C.O".It references the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.


"terrorism at it's finest

up in new york city

they blow up the world trade center

it ain't very pretty

but the ATF was busy doing their job






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I don't mean this in a mean way but your process of thought as evidenced by your writing reminds me of when I studied psychology. I read letters written by schizophrenics that were like this. Unbridled stream of consciousness. 


Am I missing something? 

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