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Did Donald Trump contradict himself about outsourcing?


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The older statements are from a business person working within the existing system without a great deal of power to do anything about it and doing what was necessary to keep his business alive. Today he is campaigning for a post that has influence on how the system works.


The older is fact and history. The newer is an intelligent person evaluating a situation and proposing a change to the system that is a win-win for business and workers. 

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I can see how it is contradictory, however with a little mental gymnastics you can give Trump the benefit of the doubt if you wish.


Trump has said that America has some of the highest Corporate Tax rates in the world and has cited companies going to low tax regimes such as Ireland as a problem. In this case, when he says he is going to stop jobs going abroad, he could mean that he is gonig to make it less attractive.



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