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Violent leftists shut down Donald Trump rally


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Ah so the anti trump protestors protesting trumps authoritarianism, provocation of violence, and divisive speech by provoking violence and shutting down a rally in an extremely authoritarian and divisive way. Out of all the frustrating, low iq tendancies of the left i would have to say their extreme hypocrisy has to take the cake for me. When you see them calling trump supporters 'sheeple', you can't help but look on in bewilderment at their unwavering commitment to stupidity. They're the ones that are so ignorant of their destructive ways, that conversing with a doormat about the origins of the word 'welcome' would be more efficient.


It's simply a knee jerk reaction, they feel under threat, their blissful ignorance, and forcefield of social justice are slowly being shattered, and they have now collectively reacted in a way you'd expect a baby to react to having their toy taken away. Difference is the baby won't continue to systemtically pick you apart like a pack of pigeons to an unsuspecting chip, until there is nothing left but them and their coercive state. Even the pigeon will fly away once it realises it's not getting any chips.

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We have the same problem at PEGIDA and AFD rallys in europe. The Anitfa violently disrupts events, beat up elderly people on the way home, slash tires visitors cars, infiltrate protests to throw bottles and petards at police to give them a reason for water cannon and teargas use (köln protest). Antifa get full police cover, they are never arrested. They actively seek protection behind police line if counter-attacked. Some say they are paid by the hour (höpke) and they get free transportation to and from the event paid with taxpayer money. 


In germany in 1920 very similar circumstances were responsible for the creation of the brownshirts, the SA. Do we need a new SA to protect trump, to protect PEGIDA, and to protect the AFD? Are those leftist aware this will happen?

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They are actually blaming Trump's rhetoric (his "racism", strength, etc.) for this. It is getting pretty insane how much narrative drives discourse and peoples reaction to things. The media creates a narrative through repeating things over and over and then they use that narrative in order to not have to make a case. So when this happens, instead of looking at the facts on the ground and how the violent protest would be unacceptable by any other group or against any other thing, all they do is bust out their narrative and the people are like "yeah this just Trump's racism and meanie aporoach to things."

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Chicago area leftists are extremely well funded and well organised. This is hardly surprising, given that their sole reason for existing is to shut down free speech for anyone they disagree with. Apparently they are also blocking access to emergency rooms to prevent people from getting treatment for their injuries.

I'm overseas (American) and missing out on all the nitty gritty details of the daily 'news'...ok...maybe not missing but I am filtered from it but from a long-distance perspective it might have been a clever tactic to do a rally in Chicago simply to expose how extreme the left can be. 


I have found this occuring in much of Trump's campaign, again, from my filtered from pundit-viewing.  That much of what he says or where or how he says it will elicit the exact thing he is either purposely trying to expose or by default is exposing.  I think it's refereshing but unsettling to see what we are up against. 


Those who call him a tyrant and behave this way.  The media does SO much in inciting violence.  I mean when they spoon feed people to belive that he really is a tyrant, of course they will react this way.  I am NOT condoning their behavior but just pointing out how brain-dead/brain washed portions of the masses are and their addiction to media.  

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Ah so the anti trump protestors protesting trumps authoritarianism, provocation of violence, and divisive speech by provoking violence and shutting down a rally in an extremely authoritarian and divisive way. Out of all the frustrating, low iq tendancies of the left i would have to say their extreme hypocrisy has to take the cake for me. When you see them calling trump supporters 'sheeple', you can't help but look on in bewilderment at their unwavering commitment to stupidity. They're the ones that are so ignorant of their destructive ways, that conversing with a doormat about the origins of the word 'welcome' would be more efficient.


It's simply a knee jerk reaction, they feel under threat, their blissful ignorance, and forcefield of social justice are slowly being shattered, and they have now collectively reacted in a way you'd expect a baby to react to having their toy taken away. Difference is the baby won't continue to systemtically pick you apart like a pack of pigeons to an unsuspecting chip, until there is nothing left but them and their coercive state. Even the pigeon will fly away once it realises it's not getting any chips.

exactly.  I guess this is their preemptive self defense.  ironic, isn't it?

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Oh yeah, it has irony all over it, fancy threatening others in the pursuit if uoholding 'democracy' and stopping 'authoritarianism'. It's barely even self defense though, it's completely unjustified, it is extremely ambivalent, and hostile in a way that attempts to dominate the other party and repress them. But yeah it's probably what they see as justified self defense. I would really love to see the response if trump supporters even dared to boycott any other political rally, even if it was mostly peaceful it would be jumped on and sarcely be called self defense. It would be twisted in an emotional wave of histeria by the very people who have boycotted this chicago rally.

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Calling it right now, bump in Trump's polling numbers across all states. Can't be stumped!

Because media uses the same tactics that typically 'stumpify' other candidates and people in they catch in their net they assume these tactics at higher velocity will bring Trump down.  Frankly it will expose exactly the monster they are which one thing I do believe Trump when he says...how much he loathes the media so I trust that his calculated 'behavior' and 'plan'...where and when to do rallies etc have a lot to do with using media against themselves and their dangerous narrative. 


And I say all of that having friends of my own and other random strangers on the internet looking at this and literally saying, "well...gosh darnit...I never thought I would actually feel bad for Trump or want to defend him'.  That says a lot and these are people on the left. 


One person I know who is very left said.. "well glad to see people in Chicago stopped killing each other to go after a common goal.... maybe Trump is right, he is making america great again'.  now it's a pun with a twist as he is very much against Trump but more deeply I thought.. BINGO.  that's his value or power.  he is so capable of taking ALLLLL the hits and anger and absorb all of the toxicity from the nation so we will at least leave each other alone for a bit.  Not saying overall that's the most philosophical appraoch to anything of value, of course, but just a thought that made me take pause of how much Trump really does take on and barely shows any fragility.


If nothing else....just that persona is quite comforting....unless it's just me?

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The question now is how Trump will respond to these attacks strategically.

This is pure speculation, of course but I see Trump as SEVERELY well prepared and EXTREMELY calculated.  I do'nt think he goes to Chicago and then has to 'react/respond' on the spot or after the fact.  Before he went to Chicago he knew EXACTLY what he was up against and probably already had a few plan A,B,Cs in order if X then A if Y then B, etc.  I don't think much really catches him by surprise and thus his response if/when/how ever comes, was well prepared before he even arrived or attempted to arrive.  


Chicago is known for its leftism, his people or he himself is well aware of the visceral hate they have for him, he did not go in this unprepared.

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