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[YouTube] What Pisses Me Off About Donald Trump Protests

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Watching the pretend moral hysteria erupting after a group of Marxist-motivated, George Soros-funded Bernie Sanders supporters shut down a Donald Trump rally in Chicago by threatening and committing crimes against peaceful Donald Trump supporters is truly a gruesome spectacle that sets stage for an ever-escalating cycle of violence – unless it is interrupted, exposed, and thoroughly repudiated.

That is my job, and that is your job as well. Do not fail civilization, do not fail reason, do not fail peace, do not fail the future.

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All of this is true, but Trump doesn't help when he occasionally tells rally attendees to "rough up" protesters.  


Why not?

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Cruz comments were disagreeing with the violent leftist and disagreeing with Trump encouraging violence. Trump did say he would like to punch protesters in the face and he told his supporters to also punch the protesters. 

Ted Cruz has had disruptive protesters in his rallies but he does not encourage violence. In fact he invites them to the front to have a verbal debate. 

Is disagreeing with encouraging violence wrong? Why exactly does Stefan think this is the nail to Ted Cruz political career? 

Please explain. Thanks and great video. 
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Google - Thomas DiMassimo martyr


This guy who rushed the stage in Dayton posted on his twitter a picture of a gun and a winking emoticon in response to a comment about Trump.  He also said he wants to be a martyr.  Why isn't the secret service investigating him?

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Cruz comments were disagreeing with the violent leftist and disagreeing with Trump encouraging violence. Trump did say he would like to punch protesters in the face and he told his supporters to also punch the protesters. 

Ted Cruz has had disruptive protesters in his rallies but he does not encourage violence. In fact he invites them to the front to have a verbal debate. 

Is disagreeing with encouraging violence wrong? Why exactly does Stefan think this is the nail to Ted Cruz political career? 

Please explain. Thanks and great video.

Don't know how to put it but this was a watershed moment, the left is trying to intimidate the right and Cruz and Rubio needed to go full bore alpha K. Trump is absolutely right to encourage roughing up the protestors and right to express his desire to punch a protestor in the face, if he actually ever punches a protestor he would probably be crowned Emperor, let alone sweep to president.

It's easiest the make a sports anology, two teams, one wants to play the game (trump supporters) and one knows they will get rekt if they try to play the game so they need to play dirty and cheat (left supports). Now the referee (the media and police) should just penalise the left for cheating and playing dirty but they are not doing so but because off this you'll lose momentium, position and the teams heads will drop, they will lose the will to win and start bickering with each other.

What you need to do is get your team together and tell them how it is, they are cheating bastards, the ref plays for them and your going to have to kick the shit out of them. Because the ref isn't stoping them you have to make it so horrible and so painful when they break the rules that they don't want to try it twice, you need to rough them up.

But no everyone has it in them to switch it up, a lot of your team follows others, they need to be lead by your senior players so your team needs to see your senior players start dominating the other players, start hitting them so hard they don't get up.

Trump has done that and its glorious.

Cruz and Rubio? Cowards who are intimidated by the left, they just told everyone they can't win.

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When there was slavery in the US, there were leaders who encourage violence and others who did not. Majority would agree leaders like MLK who did not encourage violence were more successful.

Ted Cruz not agreeing with Trump encouraging violence will somehow end his political career... I still see no argument for that.

Calling Trump names like alpha or Cruz coward is no argument. Giving negative reputation to a post is also not an argument. 

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Don't know how to put it but this was a watershed moment, the left is trying to intimidate the right and Cruz and Rubio needed to go full bore alpha K. Trump is absolutely right to encourage roughing up the protestors and right to express his desire to punch a protestor in the face, if he actually ever punches a protestor he would probably be crowned Emperor, let alone sweep to president.

It's easiest the make a sports anology, two teams, one wants to play the game (trump supporters) and one knows they will get rekt if they try to play the game so they need to play dirty and cheat (left supports). Now the referee (the media and police) should just penalise the left for cheating and playing dirty but they are not doing so but because off this you'll lose momentium, position and the teams heads will drop, they will lose the will to win and start bickering with each other.

What you need to do is get your team together and tell them how it is, they are cheating bastards, the ref plays for them and your going to have to kick the shit out of them. Because the ref isn't stoping them you have to make it so horrible and so painful when they break the rules that they don't want to try it twice, you need to rough them up.

But no everyone has it in them to switch it up, a lot of your team follows others, they need to be lead by your senior players so your team needs to see your senior players start dominating the other players, start hitting them so hard they don't get up.

Trump has done that and its glorious.

Cruz and Rubio? Cowards who are intimidated by the left, they just told everyone they can't win.


IS your argument that violence is okay? can you be more clear?

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When there was slavery in the US, there were leaders who encourage violence and others who did not. Majority would agree leaders like MLK who did not encourage violence were more successful.


Ted Cruz not agreeing with Trump encouraging violence will somehow end his political career... I still see no argument for that.


Calling Trump names like alpha or Cruz coward is no argument. Giving negative reputation to a post is also not an argument. 


Well as of right now Trump's support in the republican party has gone from 44% to 52% and lil' Marco has just dropped out and lying Ted is about to get squeezed out of Missouri. Proof is in the pudding.

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IS your argument that violence is okay? can you be more clear?


Initiating violence is not OK but threat, intimidation and violence needs to be met in kind without hesitation.


When the left shows up to protest they are not trying to make an argument, they are trying to intimidate people, they are trying to make it unpleasant to be there because they don't want a discussion, they want to dispute the event. Now if the media won't do anything about it and the authorities won't do anything about it then you've got two choices, let yourself be victim, let them disrupt you again and again and again or reciprocate and make it such that it is so unpleasant for the left to disrupt your event that they don't want it any more.


I can understand why it might be uncomfortable if your not use to it but it has to happen. The left will try to intimidate and disrupt, the right under Trump won't accept it, it'll come to blows a few times and a few socialists will end up with concussions, stitches and fractures and then it'll settle down again.


So yeah, it is a good thing for Trump to "encourage violence" because he is encouraging the conservative right to not back down in the face of bullying from the left, to fight back because they have something worth fighting for.


Cruz and Rubio not doing the same is to the effect of encouraging the conservative right to back down in the face of intimidating opposition, and shit like that is why America is in such a bad way.

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Initiating violence is not OK but threat, intimidation and violence needs to be met in kind without hesitation.


When the left shows up to protest they are not trying to make an argument, they are trying to intimidate people, they are trying to make it unpleasant to be there because they don't want a discussion, they want to dispute the event. Now if the media won't do anything about it and the authorities won't do anything about it then you've got two choices, let yourself be victim, let them disrupt you again and again and again or reciprocate and make it such that it is so unpleasant for the left to disrupt your event that they don't want it any more.


I can understand why it might be uncomfortable if your not use to it but it has to happen. The left will try to intimidate and disrupt, the right under Trump won't accept it, it'll come to blows a few times and a few socialists will end up with concussions, stitches and fractures and then it'll settle down again.


So yeah, it is a good thing for Trump to "encourage violence" because he is encouraging the conservative right to not back down in the face of bullying from the left, to fight back because they have something worth fighting for.


Cruz and Rubio not doing the same is to the effect of encouraging the conservative right to back down in the face of intimidating opposition, and shit like that is why America is in such a bad way.


How can you be so sure of the intention of the protesters? Do you believe people should have a right to assembly and free speech? Are the protesters threatening Trump supporters at these venues? Are you arguing that violence is a just reaction to protests in general or only in this instance?

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How can you be so sure of the intention of the protesters? Do you believe people should have a right to assembly and free speech? Are the protesters threatening Trump supporters at these venues? Are you arguing that violence is a just reaction to protests in general or only in this instance?


What you mean the protesters who call Trump a nazi, say they'll assassinate Trump and confess on camera their intention to prevent Trump from speaking? How can I be sure about those intentions? 


Or when the left protests Ben Shapiro talking at a college, how can I be sure of their intentions?



Amy Lutz, a program officer at YAF, said the group was able to funnel roughly 100 students into the theater on the CSU-LA campus before protesters surrounded the entrances, preventing anyone from entering or leaving for the duration of Shapiro’s speech.

“It was frightening. I felt like we were hostages in this room, because we couldn’t get out,” Lutz told The Daily Signal.

She said more than a dozen police officers stayed inside the theater, ordering attendees to stay put until the crowd dissipated. A demonstrator pulled the fire alarm midway through the lecture, but Shapiro carried on with his remarks despite the shrill noise and pounding at the doors.



Rushing a stage to prevent free speech isn't an act of free speech, it is censorship.

Preventing free assembly isn't protesting, it's picketing.


Going to a Trump rally, disrupting the entire event for thousands of people and crying like a baby when you get a kick? Honestly its the least masculine thing I've ever seen. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw this come up from the Wisconsin rally. Instant karma 


Preface from the uploader of the video.


...I took this video and watched the entire situation unfold. This girl is only 15 (she shouldn't have even been there without adult supervision!) and she is going to rallys and crying wolf that she was "sexually assaulted". What a horrible thing to accuse an innocent man of!! The poor guy was standing there with his hands up saying "I never touched you" (which is the truth because I was watching him the whole time) as she accused him over and over again of "touching her chest" and as he innocently stood there with his hands up trying to avoid a confrontation, then she sucker punched him in the face! Who does that?! Oh yeah, "tolerant" liberals do that! She was then maced by another individual. And aside from her resorting to violence for NO REASON, she was already breaking the rules and being a complete moron, begging for trouble by marching to the entrance of the building with her BLM sign, yelling and spewing her hate for the people who were gathered there. She knew exactly what she was doing, trying to start a fight and then crying sexual assault to the media to push her agenda, and she did it the only way a lib knows how... LIES and VIOLENCE!!



Nice to see some Trump supporters applying the NAP(even if they do have their fingers on the trigger of their spray can.)

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