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LGTB Community and the Communist/Social Kool-Aid


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So, this is something that's bothered me on my journey to try and find someone who wants to co-father children with me in a meaningful way.


Why is the gay community so socialist? Why do they value the force of the government more than their own opinions.


On the whole gay marriage subject: gay people technically could always form a private contract between themselves, even if society never found it to be acceptable. Even present day, you can get a lot of the same protections through legal means, just not in a single package, which is inconvenient, but whatever. And I never needed a sheet of paper to tell me that my relationships are meaningful. I've never needed other people to tell me that my relationship is meaningful. I think I can evaluate the quality of my own relationships without an external power.


But now that there is this general approval of Gay Marriage in the population and instead of treating it like a voluntary interaction, which it should be, the gay community seems violently and viciously intent on shoving it everyone else's collective faces and expecting them not to gag on it. All while they claim that they are oppressed and underprivileged, they use government force to quash and intimidate people out of differing opinions.


I would love to hear people's thoughts on this? Is this also common in heterosexuals?

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Random thoughts:  probably not all gays are socialist, but you don't hear them squawking, and they are thus not valuable to mainstream media, which hates hates hates honesty anyway.


My observation of many so-called liberals is they are unthinking idiots, never mind degrees or careers, and their main motivation is being with the in-crowd of similar bumper sticker parrots.  


Doing so also allows for verbal bullying of those not present, and nobody will call them on it.  And they know that if they break rank by being...shudder...honest about something, they will be attacked by the other parrots; they know this because they do it too.

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Why is the gay community so socialist?

How do you know that they are? Could this be a case of assuming a generality based on the observations of a vocal minority? I think if I were gay, I'd want nothing more than to avoid special attention/treatment for it since it's nobody else's business.

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They're another useful tool for the left, once legislation is passed/society says "ok get married who gives a shit" then there's no remaining action to take, ergo many of them grab hold of the leftist checklist and get in line with Approved Opinions to remain part of a/the "cause," otherwise it's just waking up each day, being gay and living your life. Who would want that!


It's the problem with so many "movements," if there's any real results they will be insufficient by incentive; the protestors often have nothing else to do or offer, they'll just keep upping the ante and it gets more and more statist/extreme. Patrick Moore's recent description on FDR about the Greenpeace maniacs is another good example, as is current third-wave feminism and even the AIDS group trying to stir scares in the porn industry in California and bring in more regulation (of an already highly and efficiently self-regulated industry).

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Yes, I believe that 20-25% of the gay community votes Republican, but obviously many of these voices are afraid to speak up.  What has been your experience with advocating for more conservative/libertarian ideas in the gay community?  I remember Stef had a great call-in with a gay gentleman (maybe it was you?) that was uneasy about the Indiana religious freedom act, where he made the point that gays have done enormously well for themselves in the last half century, from the Stonewall riots to today, where gay marriage is supported by most people, one state after another is ratifying it, openly gay people occupy many important positions in public life, for example the CEO of Apple, and many gay characters are positively portrayed in media, including a married couple with an adopted child on Modern Family.  All of this was done without the government's help, really, so it's so strange that now all of a sudden they should latch on to the power of the State, to punish bakeries in Indiana for not baking a cake with two men on top of it.


Probably also the association of conservatives with Christian fundamentalists has something to do with it.  What is your take on this?  Do you think the promiscuity that is common in gay culture is a problem, or just a natural result of male sexuality unrestrained by the risk of pregnancy?  Do you think gay marriage is really an issue?  Is it a bad idea for children to be raised by same-sex couples?  Any way, it's a shame that conservatism in America has come to be so closely associated with Evangelism and all kinds of weird ideas.  Politics makes strange bedfellows as they say.

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He's certainly an important and interesting and entertaining voice, but also says some horrible things.

What things?  I vaguely recall an edgy moment or two on some link or other, which make me think more openly if I let it.  But I don't know if we'd be talking about the same quotes.

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What things?  I vaguely recall an edgy moment or two on some link or other, which make me think more openly if I let it.  But I don't know if we'd be talking about the same quotes.

I mean like for example being pro-circumcision because he doesn't like to suck cocks with foreskins.  Or being pro-police, pro-military, anti-whistle blower, without any discrimination.

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