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Differences in authoritarian & cooperativeness between races.


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(Excuse me for my poor sentence formulation, I'm tired, just liked to share some ideas before I'm going to bed.)
Next to the differences in intelligence, I think that Aryan & north-east mongoloids have more cooperative personalities than Hamitic/Semitics/Negroids who have generally more authoritarian personalities. If you think about it, northern tribes where warmth & food was scarce, there was no time to conquer other tribes, rape other women, own slaves etc. Because of the though environments they evolved to be more cooperative, if they would go out and do that, rape women of other tribes & conquer & fight for authority, they would die out themselves.
Think about it, if 2 tribes in a cold winter climate didn't cooperate with each other instead try to conquer each other, both tribes would die out (the genes that caused such behavior would die out). Take slaves for example, would slavery like in Egypt be possible in Sweden? No, your slaves would simply die in the winter, through the winter there was only meat to eat & you can't provide all your slaves with meat, through the winter you required good clothes and warm shelter, you also can't provide that for all your slaves. 
Now in the middle-east where food and warmth wasn't scarce, which behaviors/which genes would spread even more? Those who gained authority over other people, those who were able to claim the men of other tribes as slave & rape their women, because the environment was less though they had the room to compete with each other instead of working with each other to compete against nature.
Pyramids symbolize authority & might, a product of slavery. The wheel, windmills & boats symbolize technology & science, the product of wanting to have food during the winter. Also, why is it so easy for white people to accept & understand & acknowledge that orientals are intellectually superior to them, but why is it so hard for blacks to acknowledge whites are intellectually superior than them?

This is also why northern people (think about swedes lol) are so incredibly liberal, do you think blacks/Hamitic/Semitics would ever act as pro white & tolerant towards other races as whites are towards black? But I think this will also be the downfall of them, because warmth & food isn't scarce anymore, people who have evolved to live in southern climates now can come over and habituate in Sweden. But northern human gene set (where the biggest competition wasn't to conquer each instead work with each other to create great things like windmills & warm houses, who are generally more interested in science and how things work) wont protect themselves against those with a strong nature of authoritarian tribalism, they don't understand that not everyone is like them, they are being sane & liberal & tolerant against people who will just run over them. (Which is shown as Islam, which is shown as sympathy sucking and shaming on white men, which is shown as BLM, which is shown as affirmative action in south africa, etc).

Luckily there is the variety we need in white people for white people to survive, some white people are rational enough to understand that not everyone is like them, and it's those aryan gene sets who aren't evolutionary dead end in this new environment of global urbanism.
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some white people are rational enough to understand that not everyone is like them


Do you think a survival without homeland is possible?  


Only the jews were able to do this with common religion and very strong in-group preferences. Whites lack common religion, ingroup preference is ostracised, and soon there will be no homeland left.


Do you think places like hungary will survive as white enclaves in between eropean and middle-eastern caliphates? 10 million whites against 900 million muslims?

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Do you think a survival without homeland is possible?  


Only the jews were able to do this with common religion and very strong in-group preferences. Whites lack common religion, ingroup preference is ostracised, and soon there will be no homeland left.


Do you think places like hungary will survive as white enclaves in between eropean and middle-eastern caliphates? 10 million whites against 900 million muslims?

I would say that the very fact that you are referring to groups of people by their skin color and not social commonality make you a bit racist.  Why does "race" even matter to you?  I look at people and the way they act, not what area of the planet they or their ancestors are from.

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Definition of racism:

"The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others."


I totally agree on "race accounts for differences in human character or ability "  but i have not said "a particular race is superior to others" so you might need to re-evaluate calling me 


a bit racist


because there is an AND not a OR in between the statments. Do you consciously do "ad hominem" attacks?

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Definition of racism:

"The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others."


I totally agree on "race accounts for differences in human character or ability "  but i have not said "a particular race is superior to others" so you might need to re-evaluate calling me 


a bit racist


because there is an AND not a OR in between the statments. Do you consciously do "ad hominem" attacks?

congratulations, you picked a definition which supported your argument.


since you used part of dictionary.com's definition though, here's the rest of that definition:


2) abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief
and since you are arguing that they are the enemy at least in part because they aren't white, that could be considered aggressive behavior based on those beliefs.
You didn't answer my question.  Why does the part of the globe their ancestors came from even matter to you?  Why is a trait they are born with more important to you than their behavior which they are responsible for when trying to group people together?
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abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race


Where have i done this?


they are the enemy at least in part because they aren't white


Where have i said this?


Why is a trait they are born with more important to you than their behavior


The trait and the culture they are born with IS their behavior. 




Nitpicking much?

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I don't think this is so much a race thing, it's more of a cultural thing. When I see the problems in the world I understand why there probably is an illuminati - A group of like minded people that look after their own self interest.


"The welfare state must be destroyed"


The problem I see with libertarians.... we're trying to help too many people instead of building our own libertarian culture that puts our ideals first. Asians have their own set of beliefs and they stick to them. If there's a common ground amongst all libertarians it needs to be discovered, we need to talk about it and build up from it.


It would also be to our benefit not bring up the issue of race or religion, if low IQ people aren't interested in joining the libertarian movement why force them? Why even attempt to court them? If our ideals work which we all know they do I think we should start small and build ourselves up. Anyone can join but obviously most people won't. I personally think the race issue isn't worth the effort. We know what low IQ people are going to do(leech off the government), what we should be doing is hitting them where it hurts.


Everything leads back to unearned income with the low IQ people. What are the sorts of qualities that libertarians can bring to market that these bloodsuckers can't sink their fangs into?.. more than once! (They will try)


"The welfare state must be destroyed"


What kinds of traps can libertarians set for low IQ people to fall into? These traps don't have to be loud traps, they could be silent traps, time consuming traps, traps that costs the vampires a lot of time and energy, traps that don't guarantee a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, traps that can disrupt corporatism and make masses of people skeptical of socialism.


Based on my experiences there are low IQ people that take the high road and there are those that accept who they are and put on their best mask for the day. In my opinion and I'm talking as a solution minded individual, you have to set traps for the lazy. Acknowledging the race topic is understandable. But revolving the solution to your argument around it... In my opinion not going to work in this world.


Low IQ people will flee from high IQ societies especially if there's no welfare waiting for them. You don't need to mention race or even religion to accomplish this. Find holes in the welfare state. Bitcoin as an example is a hole in the welfare state. Gold and silver are holes in the welfare state. special privileges for refugees are holes in the welfare state. Under what basis is one group allowed a particular privilege over another group and what are the holes in those laws? Again in my view it's best to start small but strike viciously.


"The welfare state must be destroyed"


As our following inevitably grows as long as the core principles remain in tact any disagreements within the inner circle won't disrupt the long term goals which ultimately is to destroy the welfare state. It must be destroyed and quite frankly if we focus on the solution it will happen sooner than later. We owe it to the future of humanity. It is also to your benefit to listen to arguments of the low IQ individuals because it's easier to set traps for them.


Your argument is understandable, however I wouldn't want to create an atmosphere of alienation by association. People can't help how they look or even the culture they we're brought up in. However I should be afforded that same privilege if we're equals. If I'm being forced to give I should be forced to receive as well, and if I'm being forced to give to my secular oppressor I must also be forced to receive regardless of my race or cultural background. If everybody owes then everybody pays then everybody benefits. If this argument can't be argued with words it must be shown using other legal means.


The welfare state must be destroyed!

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Why does the part of the globe their ancestors came from even matter to you?  Why is a trait they are born with more important to you than their behavior which they are responsible for when trying to group people together?


You think that behaviors are only cultural?

It is not because one is responsible for one's own behavior that one chooses one's behavior.

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Do you think a survival without homeland is possible?  


Only the jews were able to do this with common religion and very strong in-group preferences. Whites lack common religion, ingroup preference is ostracised, and soon there will be no homeland left.


Do you think places like hungary will survive as white enclaves in between eropean and middle-eastern caliphates? 10 million whites against 900 million muslims?


abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race


Where have i done this?


they are the enemy at least in part because they aren't white


Where have i said this?


Why is a trait they are born with more important to you than their behavior


The trait and the culture they are born with IS their behavior. 




Nitpicking much?

I already said.


Race isn't behavior.  Behavior is cultural, not a result of their genetics.  Even if they more likely to behave a certain way because of genetics, that wouldn't make them behave that way.


Also, gypsies, to answer your question about other groups that could do that.  Also, you are determined to define groups of people by race, not common culture, and think that each race should have its own area, so yes, you are judging people based on race.

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> Behavior is cultural, not a result of their genetics.


Wrong. I recommend to watch the norwegian series "brainwash" on youtube. Norwegian state did defund "gender studies" and other nonsense because of this report. Watch the part about race 


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If this is true, then criminals murder and rape people because of their culture, not because of their genes.

In a sense, yes, they do it because they can get away with it, and in many cultures they can.  Just look at the number of times the government criminals get away with it.  There are also areas where criminals know they can get away with it because they know that people look down on "snitches". There are genes, however, that alter this.  Having a predisposition towards schizophrenia, for example.

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In a sense, yes, they do it because they can get away with it, and in many cultures they can.  Just look at the number of times the government criminals get away with it.  There are also areas where criminals know they can get away with it because they know that people look down on "snitches". There are genes, however, that alter this.  Having a predisposition towards schizophrenia, for example.

Why are there so many criminals in the US since they get life easily?

If genes do not explain behaviors, how come twins given for adoption show extremely similar behaviors many years later? Womb culture?

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Why are there so many criminals in the US since they get life easily?

If genes do not explain behaviors, how come twins given for adoption show extremely similar behaviors many years later? Womb culture?

What does this even mean?  Are you saying that the US culture should have few "criminals" for some reason?  First, I use "criminal" to mean people who hurt others without just cause (self defense, etc.), so people in jail aren't necessarily criminals.  The reason the US is second in per-capita people in prison is because we have stupid laws and punish people for crap that isn't even a crime.


Yes, they'll be similar, but not the same.  Also, if they are raised in different cultures, they'll pretty much differ to the degree that those cultures do.

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There are three things that govern a persons actions. The first is their biology, which includes things like IQ and psychological disorders. There are a few ways to correct it, but they tend to revo k ve around msmanaging it moreso than changing it. The second is experience and our relation to our experience. While our experience (past) is fixed, our relation to it is not. The problem is that you need to be very invested in self improvement (self knowledge) to improve your relation to your experience. The third and easiest to change is situation. The problem is that if it is not combined with either biologucal improvement or self knowledge, you will likely find yourself back in that situation. I think this is true regardles of race, but race xurrently has a big impact on all three. Someone born into a black ghetto is screwed on all three fronts (on average). Success cases are those who won the biology lottery (high IQ). The same is probably true for the middle east. The fastest way to solve the problem is to let evolution run its course. As long as one group of people are subdidized at the expense of another (welfare state) the problem will persist and expand.

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