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My New Book -- Crowd Freedom: How To Create A Free Society Without Government


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Hey everyone,


As a long time listener to the show I've spent the last few years working on a book which I think many of you would enjoy checking out, or at the very least provide some valuable feedback on.


The book is entirely free and can be read online at: http://www.crowdfreedom.com/book


The book is all about creating a free society without government. And the website is more than just a book, it is a movement to create an actual free society without government.


Please browse through it if you have some time and let me know your thoughts. I've put a lot of work into it.




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I know it's hard to accurately quantify how much money would be saved (and value created) in a free society, though the accounting section gets the point across very succinctly.  :turned:


You may have heard of [http://www.startupcities.org/], or Elon Musk's Ad Astra (education related)? T(here's also historical examples like Iceland's Alþingi (DRO equivalent?), or the ahistorical feudal what-if.)


I agree that reputation will become more apparently important in a free society, as well as other capital archetypes: [discussion link;)

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Congrats on finishing your book! I've resumed work on mine and progress is a lot of work. Not easy to 'finish' a book, which I'm sure makes completing one all the more satisfying. Did you make any attempt to get it published or did you just assume the book due to its nature wouldn't get one or were you just more interested in getting it out there for free? I'd like mine to get a publisher, but will probably not be able to and will be forced to self-publish and release in digital form.

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I know it's hard to accurately quantify how much money would be saved (and value created) in a free society, though the accounting section gets the point across very succinctly.  :turned:


You may have heard of [http://www.startupcities.org/], or Elon Musk's Ad Astra (education related)? T(here's also historical examples like Iceland's Alþingi (DRO equivalent?), or the ahistorical feudal what-if.)


I agree that reputation will become more apparently important in a free society, as well as other capital archetypes: [discussion link;)


I appreciate the reply :). I have not heard of Startup Cities and it seems somewhat interesting, but I think different in scope. It looks to want to supplement existing cities and continue to work off the existing framework which I would call broken. I think we need to replace the foundation of a city completely. We really don't need the city to do anything. We just need a location that allows individuals to create businesses to replace all the services and things a city currently does. And I also don't want to have a city within a country. I want the city to be the country -- completely independent and sovereign. But I'm sure there is some synergy between what they're doing.


I think Elon Musk is amazing and love everything he's working on. I'm not familiar with Ad Astra but from what I've quickly gathered it seems cool. It's funny because what led to me wanting to start a city was me wanting to create an educational service. But I quickly found that you can't really replace the current K-12 educational system we have throughout the US. All you can really do is supplement it. People don't have complete control with how they educate their children. I hope Elon gets some momentum and would love to join forces with him or Peter Thiel at some point. I think both those guys are brilliant and would work towards creating a better framework for society.


I have heard of some examples with historic Iceland as well as Ireland. I'm not too familiar myself but I know Murray Rothbard writes a bit on this. I still think one of the most blaring and clear examples is early America. Of course it wasn't completely free, but it was obviously much more Capitalistic than what we have today and early America progressed greatly.


Thanks again for the response and your thoughts.

Congrats on finishing your book! I've resumed work on mine and progress is a lot of work. Not easy to 'finish' a book, which I'm sure makes completing one all the more satisfying. Did you make any attempt to get it published or did you just assume the book due to its nature wouldn't get one or were you just more interested in getting it out there for free? I'd like mine to get a publisher, but will probably not be able to and will be forced to self-publish and release in digital form.


Thank you! Yeah writing a book is a lot of work. This is actually the 2nd book I've written and I took a much different approach this time.


I made no attempt to get it published because I don't think that would add any extra value. I want people to view it for free and I want people to be able to easily just go to the site and browse through it. I don't want to make any money off the book and I want as many people as possible to read it. And the book is also a bit more tied to the website which makes the free digital format more favorable for it in my view.


With my first book I made it an actual paperback, got an ISBN and tried to get people to buy it and read it that way. I went the more traditional approach because it was somewhat satisfying for me to actually have a legit book with an ISBN and that type of thing. I sold like 5 copies total. Now I just want to write good content and get it in the hands of as many people as possible. Needless to say, that book is now digital and free also.


I'd be curious to know what you're writing a book on.


Thanks for the reply :)

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My pleasure.


Aside from them still being states (violence monopolies), would city-states like Monaco, San Marino, Singapore, Hong Kong, (historical examples/etc.?) be closer to what you're going for?


Ditto for Elon Musk/Peter Thiel.  :thumbsup:


The big takeaway with Iceland is that idea that law need not be tied to a land, just as nowadays we associate with people and exchange goods/services/etc. so that even if one can't secure an allodial title anytime soon, some kind of "social scaffolding" could be erected in the meantime for if/when the current system eventually collapses. (An extension of FDR in a way.)

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I'd be curious to know what you're writing a book on.


This is out of date, but should give an idea of what I'm writing my book on: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0GQN_nG55kXVXczVlpnODVxZHM
My Wordpress page, linked in signature (assuming it's working now, was linking to above Google Drive file for some reason before), also has some (also) out of date rough drafts of a few chapters.  https://thebeardslastcall.wordpress.com/about/
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My pleasure.


Aside from them still being states (violence monopolies), would city-states like Monaco, San Marino, Singapore, Hong Kong, (historical examples/etc.?) be closer to what you're going for?


Ditto for Elon Musk/Peter Thiel.  :thumbsup:


The big takeaway with Iceland is that idea that law need not be tied to a land, just as nowadays we associate with people and exchange goods/services/etc. so that even if one can't secure an allodial title anytime soon, some kind of "social scaffolding" could be erected in the meantime for if/when the current system eventually collapses. (An extension of FDR in a way.)


Yeah, I see it similar to these but have it where the city is completely outside of any government control. Rather than having a government put together a city-state, instead have a bunch of people, or a few private firms put up the money to buy the land outright and be completely free. This is obviously a big challenge and I talk about it in the book. But more than just this, allow for this to be done multiple times in a competitive way as to give people living their different choices on how to live. Lets businesses create cities/countries rather than governments. And of course, base it around private property and the non-initiation of force. I want to create a framework and a strategy for allowing people to go about doing this.


If I see what you're saying about Iceland you're saying that basically we can do law/commerce outside of a country or land and instead do it all through something like an Internet law or framework. If that's what you're saying I agree completely and it is something I want to work towards :) And I agree, getting allodial title could be a huge hurdle and a big step and it may make complete sense to first start the free society movement and following online (like FDR as mentioned) and move to a more physical reality as it grows.


This is out of date, but should give an idea of what I'm writing my book on: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0GQN_nG55kXVXczVlpnODVxZHM
My Wordpress page, linked in signature (assuming it's working now, was linking to above Google Drive file for some reason before), also has some (also) out of date rough drafts of a few chapters.  https://thebeardslastcall.wordpress.com/about/



This looks like really interesting topics. It actually reminds me a bit of the stuff I wrote about in my first book. I'd be interested in reading through it when you finish it, because I know you're going to push through and get it done! ;)

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If I see what you're saying about Iceland you're saying that basically we can do law/commerce outside of a country or land and instead do it all through something like an Internet law or framework. If that's what you're saying I agree completely and it is something I want to work towards :) And I agree, getting allodial title could be a huge hurdle and a big step and it may make complete sense to first start the free society movement and following online (like FDR as mentioned) and move to a more physical reality as it grows.


That's right.  :happy:

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