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Terrorists attacks on Brussels


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If it wasn't the arrests it would have been some other excuse, the fact that the bombings appeared to me as indiscriminate shows their out for blood and it doesn't matter who it is, as long as its mostly, not in their own communities, for now. Why don't they target the people in power making the political decisions "against" them?


I think the high security thing is mostly an illusion, when there were riots and looting in London a few years back most of the police got sent to the south of the country and then looting broke out in other more northern cities. Tip of the iceberg though, how many more are just biding their time waiting for a time to strike. Maybe things might change if the Dollar becomes worthless or a "powerful" enough ideal counters Islam?  

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And yet another time we see religion or peace and religion of the state and the religion of relativism/PC/multiculturialism at it FINEST.


As i like to call it: "Religion of peace strikes again!"



I am very tired of feeling helpless after attack and attack like thes and the complete lack of outrage (or outright denial and avoidance) of the fact behind the ISLMAIC, IQ and WELLFARE based problems in society and mindless dronign on about the needy and poor and the "helpless" refugees. Because there only 2 abusers in the room.


One with a bomb. And one with words.


And the words are there to CLUB any moral or rational person with guilt over things one is not responceable for an one which the Ortator from the left and from the PC crowd does give flying monkey about.


People whom defence islam, multiculturism, excuse the wellfarte state or compeltely deny any fact regarding incomptabatability (spelling?) of this crisis in europe dont care .


THEY DONT CARE, ABOUT ME OR YOU. Except simply as niiiice moral still somewhat thinking lifestock to hurdle abuse and insults at to order around. To shame and to blame and project endlessly. If they cared (and they dont) they would have lisenned to reason long ago... not project irrationality and faint at the slightest sight of balls and sight of actual courage and actual emphaty.

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For want of a better term, the Molenbeek Ghetto deserves some scrutiny here. If you establish a zone that has its own culture, even its own courts and enforcement of mores, are you inviting a cultural war with the surrounding area? Going back to Claudius, there was a Roman problem with Jewish ghettos that established their own laws, boundaries, mores, and even ethics. It didn't lead to violence, directly, but it sure lead to conflict.

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If you establish a zone that has its own culture, even its own courts and enforcement of mores, are you inviting a cultural war with the surrounding area?


It's fascinating to look into history and to realize that this concept was used succesfully by empires with a diverse population. The Persians, Turks, and Mongols were multicultural societies with relatively few conflicts. They understood however, that conflict arises when cultures meet. So they set the groundrules that it's ok for you to have your own culture and laws as long as you accept that when there is a conflict between your culture and the empire, the empire has the last say. They also made sure that different cultures within a city were physically seperated with walls. And if there was a conflict between ethnicities there would be arbitration by an imperial magistrate. That is the reason why cities of those empires consist of several mini cities within one city all demarcated by walls. 

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For want of a better term, the Molenbeek Ghetto deserves some scrutiny here. If you establish a zone that has its own culture, even its own courts and enforcement of mores, are you inviting a cultural war with the surrounding area? Going back to Claudius, there was a Roman problem with Jewish ghettos that established their own laws, boundaries, mores, and even ethics. It didn't lead to violence, directly, but it sure lead to conflict.

Doesn't that bode ill for an anarchist society, then?  Especially if it's established near a statist society.  After all, you could very well end up with different cultures operating in different areas in an anarchist society, and the different laws/ courts thing isn't that different than a DRO model.

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