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Am I out in 'left' field here?


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At the risk of sounding a bit like a conspiracy theorist, I am concerned that there may be a paradigm shift around the corner and that the voice of freedom will get lost in the battle.  Siding with, or 'supporting' the likes of Bill Whittle and Donald Trump in the battle against the left,...   The oligarchs are good at this game and have been playing it for centuries.  When tensions get high and the cattle need more freedom, they have no problem opening the gates and sacrificing a segment of the ruling class to give the masses more freedom control of their own destinies, let them prosper for a while even.  It happens every few generations.  There are many more examples of this playing out since as far back as Pharaoh Akhenaten and the rise of mono theism:  Rome, when General Vespasian (K) and the Flavian Caesars took control of the Empire from Nero ® and wiped out the enemies and create 'pax romanus'; Constantine who turned the crumbling Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Church, Luther, with the Protestant revolution; the French and American revolutions which saw introduction of democratic politics and the chopping off the royal and religious heads.   What segment of the ruling class will be sacrificed this time?  The lefty media, the banking elite, the political class?  What is never challenged is the 'right to rule', the myth of authority.  I would like to get some feedback on this perspective.  

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How do you propose this be accomplished?

How I will go about getting feedback?  I assume you are asking how freedom should be accomplished Koroviev?   I don't have answers, I don't know what everyone should do, as long as their behavior is moral, I am not concerned about the outcomes.  

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