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AI released. Goes 10111010000 in 24 hours.

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I had trouble figuring out what was even going on.  What's going on?

No idea, though the top tweet by the guy who you linked to was "seems like the right to bear arms ought to be outweighed by the right to go to school and come home alive."  Apparently that's relevant somehow?  Also, how is that even a coherent statement?

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Full disclosure: I work for Microsoft, but not on this project.


Microsoft put out an AI bot on twitter that would communicate with millennials similar to other chat bots in the past like ELISA would do. It was intended to learn from its conversations and synthesize new and interesting things to say by lifting elements from replies and combining them with some pre-existing rules.


Some vandals came along and seeded the AI with a lot of racist, violent, and otherwise ugly things to say and eventually got it to start replying to people with distasteful things to say.


Gone are the days when you can put out something cool or interesting and people would be polite enough not to subvert it immediately.

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Full disclosure: I work for Microsoft, but not on this project.


Microsoft put out an AI bot on twitter that would communicate with millennials similar to other chat bots in the past like ELISA would do. It was intended to learn from its conversations and synthesize new and interesting things to say by lifting elements from replies and combining them with some pre-existing rules.


Some vandals came along and seeded the AI with a lot of racist, violent, and otherwise ugly things to say and eventually got it to start replying to people with distasteful things to say.


Gone are the days when you can put out something cool or interesting and people would be polite enough not to subvert it immediately.

Reminds me of chatterbots I used to play around with in high school.  Most of the ones on the website would cuss at you, say racist/sexist things, etc.  I tried to get a new one to act like a butler, since the others were too far gone, but I didn't do enough with it.

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