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I don't even know what to say about this


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I'm sure the Pope relates to the refugees really well. I mean after all, he knows deep in his heart that what they want. They want their feet kissed by an old man in a funny costume. This man is deeply empathetic and in tune with the needs of the refugees, and his influence and power clearly suit him to be kissing their feet. It's not just for show, right? Nah, can't be. He is genuinely so humble that his best way to relate to refugees is to kiss their feet, and then of course he will return to his enclosed, exclusive habitat where he will be surrounded by the finest jewelry and art; a life experienced by about 1 man for every billion; and on his mind, with every step he takes on his golden carpets, will be the poor refugee who he empathizes deeply with.

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One small foot for a Pope,

One giant leap for ass-kissing.


This is the same Pope, let us not forget, who did a giant selfie with Obama supporting global warming fraud.  Pope-eye the Fisherman seems a little chummy with Bluto-crats.


(Readers from other countries, or not old enough, research Popeye the Sailor Man comics for references.)

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Hahahahaha wow sorry but, what? Fancy the head of a church with a frankly disgusting record with sexual assault, focusing their efforts on promoting multi-culturalism. See he gets down to wash asylum seekers feet but he won't take affirmative action about the vicious cycle of sexual assault going around his religion. He'll get down on his hands for illegal immigrants feet, but gets a little sleepy when it comes to sexual assaults by catholic priests, he Just sort of sweeps it under the 50ft high rug of things the church prays will go away.

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