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Donald Trump Should Attack Fox News


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I think Donald Trump would stand to benefit from attacking Fox News for being too easy on him.  All of the liberal media is saying that Fox News is being easy on Trump and not calling him out on his "racist" inflammatory speech.  I'm not saying that Trump has said anything false or insulting.  I'm saying that the liberal media is portraying him as such.  More-so, the liberal media is harassing Fox News for not addressing race when interviewing Trump.

It would benefit Donald Trump, the next time he was on the O'Reilly Factor, if he would say that Fox News is unfairly going easy on him.  Donald Trump wants to respond to tough criticism, with the same level of scrutiny that he would receive when he is president of the United States.  It's about time for Fox News to start questioning Donald on his views about race and socioeconomic class relations.  In reality, these types of questions will always be softball questions.  Just say what the democrats say, but then follow with the republican rebuttal.  Done.  It's that simple.  Say the democrat point of view... sympathize with it... and then say that the country can't afford to support people who aren't willing to support themselves.  The end.  That's what you do.  The path to success in this country will never be to live on welfare for a couple years, collecting food stamps, until you work your way out of poverty and become a highly productive member of society. This abhorrent abstraction of the liberalized "American Dream" is what lead Obama to the political arena, and it's proved to be an illusory promise.  What a joke....

That's the message Donald Trump needs to run on.  The "hope and change" Obama promised was an illusory promise.  Who's hope and change?  What master are you serving?  That's the question Trump is going to ask Hilary Clinton.  He needs to say, straight up, "What master are you serving, Hilary?"  Whatever she says, the response will be swift and easily refutable.... because... what master is Donald Trump serving?  ... .... ... 


Donald Trump is his own man in this election.  He's serving no political party.  He's his own master.

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Murican politics comes in three-generation cycles.  George Washington was inaugurated in 1789, bringing into being the Republic.  Abraham Lincoln came to power 72 years later in 1861, uniting the North and South and abolishing slavery.  And 72 years after that Franklin Delano Roosevelt brought the country out of the Depression, wrought the New Deal, and helped win World War Two.  Whether you agree with what they did or not, you can't deny these were the three greatest presidents in terms of the scope of change they initiated.  They were men of Destiny.


Now, 72 years later was in 2005.  But was George W. Bush a man of Destiny?  Or is the needed agent only 11 years late?  If so, we're in for a wild ride to his inevitable victory in November.  If not, then the cycle appears to be broken, like Murica itself.

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Murican politics comes in three-generation cycles.  George Washington was inaugurated in 1789, bringing into being the Republic.  Abraham Lincoln came to power 72 years later in 1861, uniting the North and South and abolishing slavery.  And 72 years after that Franklin Delano Roosevelt brought the country out of the Depression, wrought the New Deal, and helped win World War Two.  Whether you agree with what they did or not, you can't deny these were the three greatest presidents in terms of the scope of change they initiated.  They were men of Destiny.


Now, 72 years later was in 2005.  But was George W. Bush a man of Destiny?  Or is the needed agent only 11 years late?  If so, we're in for a wild ride to his inevitable victory in November.  If not, then the cycle appears to be broken, like Murica itself.


All three of those men are not looked upon highly in this community.  Especially not FDR, who did not end the Depression - the New Deal made it worse.  Have you ever been exposed to the libertarian perspective on the Great Depression?  And what did he win in WWII?  Sure he defeated Hitler, but only by allying with China and USSR, two far worse regimes, and agreeing to sell off half of Europe to Stalin at the advice of Communist spies in the State Department.

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All three of those men are not looked upon highly in this community.  Especially not FDR, who did not end the Depression - the New Deal made it worse.  Have you ever been exposed to the libertarian perspective on the Great Depression?  And what did he win in WWII?  Sure he defeated Hitler, but only by allying with China and USSR, two far worse regimes, and agreeing to sell off half of Europe to Stalin at the advice of Communist spies in the State Department.


Yes, I've heard that point of view before.  As I said, whether those views, or the men in question, were right or wrong is not what I'm speaking to.  I'm speaking to whether or not Murican politics comes in three-generation-long cycles, and, if so, whether we have the newest president in that cycle, who will radically change the country and by extension the world, imminently before us.


"This is going to be one of the most exciting, and most hard-fought, presidential campaigns in American history."

--Roger Stone

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