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Do you need high IQ to understand modern medicine?


What percentage of humanity understand medicine really well?


Are people doomed to ill health because they don't understand medicine?

Nicely played:) We accept that modern medicine is good for us based on trust. Is this what we can expect with morality? 

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Nicely played:) We accept that modern medicine is good for us based on trust. Is this what we can expect with morality? 


To some extent, yes.  Most people, especially average IQ and lower, go with the herd.  They are not going to oppose a society based on the UPB, just as they are not going to oppose modern statist society.  I share your fear that it seems overwhelming and impossible, how we could go from the world today, to a stateless society, but don't think that you have to convince everyone rationally.

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Do you need high IQ to understand modern medicine?


What percentage of humanity understand medicine really well?


Are people doomed to ill health because they don't understand medicine?

Modern medicine has lots of fraud and alarmism, much of it truly dangerous.  So I'd say yes, high IQ is needed, tho' not a guarantee.  Read thru these two links, and see how vulnerable you are with trusting modern medicine.  (I came from a medical family, this is not a pre-existing grudge.)


2 top medical journals claim medical research half false - Current Events - Freedomain Radio Message Board


"free" screening risks, prostate - General Messages - Freedomain Radio Message Board

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If you listen to the podcasts, Stef claims his daughter Isabella grasped UPB at a little over 2 years of age.

And yet it took him 30 something years to pen it. This would imply that if we can shake off the emotional baggage and irrational propaganda then UPB stares us in the face.

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Modern medicine has lots of fraud and alarmism, much of it truly dangerous.  So I'd say yes, high IQ is needed, tho' not a guarantee.  Read thru these two links, and see how vulnerable you are with trusting modern medicine.  (I came from a medical family, this is not a pre-existing grudge.)


2 top medical journals claim medical research half false - Current Events - Freedomain Radio Message Board


"free" screening risks, prostate - General Messages - Freedomain Radio Message Board

yes, fair enough.  the point is that low IQ people can go along with something that takes a high IQ to fully understand.  maybe a better example is that low IQ people can be very competent on smartphones designed and programmed by high IQ people.

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And yet it took him 30 something years to pen it. This would imply that if we can shake off the emotional baggage and irrational propaganda then UPB stares us in the face.


You're absolutely right, DCLugi, if we can shake off the emotional baggage and the propaganda, then what else is there but UPB? 


And I can tell you from personal experience, we don't even need to shake off all of it, just enough that you see it. 


Is this a false dichotomy? If you don't see it then you haven't shaken off enough? I don't know. I don't think it's false, but ultimately I can't prove it.


Here's what I do know: the theory of UPB is consistent and it was the abandonment of certain emotional preferences that helped me see it, or if you want more technical "psychobabble", it was taking away the guns from my false self that allowed me to look past the fence.

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Do you think it's necessary to be equipped with a relatively high IQ to understand UPB?


If so then what percentage of our current humanity will get it?


Are we doomed?

I don't think it takes incredibly high intelligence to get it however for children it's easier since they aren't bogged down with cultural, religious, political biases to throw them into cognitive dissoance as much as introducing it to an adult. 


But the trouble is, children who have trouble with incosistancies are seen as 'troubled' or 'problimatic' and are usually medicated for ADD or a type of autism.  Consistancy is the new crazy.


so for adults who are newly introduced to it it takes a dedicated committment.  So their IQ can be lower but if they are not dedicated to implementing it like a daily exercise in the things they do and say and support and such, then it's like any muscle, it's simply lost.  Not because they don't hold the mental or intellectual capability to do so, but simply laziness.  As somely pointed out before, again, children can pick up on this.  So if an adult at least has an IQ of a gradeschool child and no valid reason not to implement the principles in their lifestyles they cannot claim 'ignorance' as any excuse...only laziness.


I have been amazed after fine tuining UPB in my life how it helps me see the OBVIOUS cognitive dissoance 'prinicples' that surround us...more accurately OVERWHELM us around every corner.  I dedicate a lot of my FB page to simpy point out cognitive dissoance in our daily lives so people will learn how to pick up on it.  

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