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Would China have gone to the Moon without the West?


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A plague wipes out all 'White' people on the planet in the 1600s.


Would China have eventually gotten to the moon anyway? Would they have colonised the world and taken in slaves? Would China make the same mistakes as the west?


Surely this has been covered but my very short google search didn't find anything, however with the wisdom on these forums I am sure someone knows someone else who has taken a good guess on this subject :)

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I'm too curious why this is important to you (not saying it shouldn't be..just wondering) but consider too that is going to the moon really an acheivement for anyone not directrly involved?  I mean the whole feat of it, of course....it's astounding and many calculate that had it not been a government program at all, the moon could have been 'conquered' even earlier.


But the whole point and motive behind it is not for 'funsies'...but to flex technological and military power assert ourselves as a super power and dominate the sky/space.  this has nothing of value when you really think about it for the majority of common folk not in government power. 


It's played off like this will protect us but it only motivates others to dominate the sky with scarier weaponry and that includes crazy-led nations like N. Korea.  So I'm not sure if it really matters if anyone would have done it had it not been the US.  I think it depends if none of the WW's would have occured...then people would have carried on being more industrious and prosperous and not worry so much about nationalism and militarization.

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An interesting point for you to consider is that early in the 20th century japan sent diplomatic fact-finding missions around the world to gain knowledge about the freedom and economic productivity of the west, and that was one of the reasons that Japan was able to launch a serious war effort in WWII, and later to be a tech/innovation powerhouse.


That's a lot of unknown unknowns in that question.


First we don't know what lead to the events which allowed the west to build rockets that could fly a person to the moon. It had something to do with freedom, culture, IQ and technological development; the actual causation is hard to really nail down.


Second, we don't know why china was moribund for two thousand years and when if ever they would have escaped it without western influence. (Also if you want to be pedantic I'm sure that given enough time something would happen, but there's no reason to suspect it would have been in the 20th or 21st century


You might also ask the question of whether the industrial revolution could have happened in Ancient Greece. The short answer is "no", and the longer answer is "probably a better chance of that than of China developing space travel"

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A plague wipes out all 'White' people on the planet in the 1600s.


Would China have eventually gotten to the moon anyway? Would they have colonised the world and taken in slaves? Would China make the same mistakes as the west?


Surely this has been covered but my very short google search didn't find anything, however with the wisdom on these forums I am sure someone knows someone else who has taken a good guess on this subject :)

Why Chinese, why not Africans?

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I think you mean, "Would China have faked the Moon Landings without the west?"


And I think you can find the answer if you look into the Chinese culture.  Did they have a history of faking things like this such as the Great Moon Hoax of 1835?  




I don't know as I haven't looked into Chinese history much but I'm sure the answers are out there...



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Why Chinese, why not Africans?


You know, this is the straightforward, simple, obvious answer :) Thank you.


The more change the human mind is subjected to, the increased need to adapt or die which also occurs at an increased rate. The more you have to solve problems, the faster the culture advances technologically and you reach a 'higher state of consciousness'


I can only assume that people in Africa and China and India experienced less frequent change and therefore less problems to solve and less things to adapt to in their daily lives when compared to Western Europe. They stagnate rather than innovate.

BUT actually it didn't answer the question !!!


Would Chinese or Indian or another far East culture... Africans, Native Americans, Incas, Aztecs make it to the moon?


Even if it took them 100000 years, would they have an industrial revolution and then a space program? Is the great filter the fact that few lifeforms are subjected to enough change to cause their consciousness and knowledge to get to a critical enough mass to allow them to leave the planet before a natural disaster occurs?


Maybe the Indian, Chinese or Mayan culture would have required 50,000 years to get to the moon and out into space, but thats far too long, too many things can occur to your planet in that time... a meteor or an earthquake etc.


You need to reach a high level of consciousness to innovate and be inspired to change something, but if the world is unchanging why bother innovating? If you are born into a sensory deprivation tank with a feeding tube and a catheter etc then they would have no consciousness, they would be a vegetable.. or god?


I am making no sense  I bet :)

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I think you mean, "Would China have faked the Moon Landings without the west?"


And I think you can find the answer if you look into the Chinese culture.  Did they have a history of faking things like this such as the Great Moon Hoax of 1835?  




I don't know as I haven't looked into Chinese history much but I'm sure the answers are out there...




It's like a precursor to War of the Worlds and Batman!  :D

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You need to reach a high level of consciousness to innovate and be inspired to change something, but if the world is unchanging why bother innovating? If you are born into a sensory deprivation tank with a feeding tube and a catheter etc then they would have no consciousness, they would be a vegetable.. or god?


I am making no sense  I bet :)

Without a good alphabet and printing to begin with, forget it. 

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