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How Donald Trump Answers a Question

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Does he have any analyses of Obama speeches?

Great question since Obama always uses linguistic tricks in his speeches.

I briefly searched and there's one where he has a sycophantic clip of an Obama speech set to classical music with the narrator saying it's the dream of humanity or some nonsense.

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It's possible that the use of simple language is deliberate on Trump's part and that, rather than indicating a lower intelligence than the other candidates, it reveals his deliberate effort to communicate effectively with a wider audience.   ;)



Also, is Cruz starting to use the same Obama speech pattern?

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From my Facebook share of this very video a few days ago:


This is absolutely why Trump is winning. He's just talking to more people and the way he talks to them just "feels" more natural.

Of course, the guy making the video has to shoot himself in the foot by calling Trump "not smart" (is it really "not smart" to make yourself "heard" by the most people when you're trying to win a popularity contest?) while he may be right that Trump's not the most informed (although that's just an assumption) and, of course, the video's message is simply not going to be received by the people who have bought into "The Trump Train".


And ultimately, that's WHY Trump is good, because something so simple can be so hard to implement.

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I read that if you want to be heard, you have to use sentences with maximum 10 words, because the later words will not be understood by people's brain. I think it was an article about a research, I read 12 years ago.

is this real  ? 


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My only criticism of the video is that they claim he isn't informed.  I really don't see evidence to back this claim.  His speech persuasion style may not imply that he's informed since he is using 4th grade level speech.  But he is VERY informed of the laws and rules and patterns and goings-on in the world as it were.  Now, it may be HIM or his staff which again, shows he is a damn fine delegator of tasks and utilizes people to their highest potential.  


With that said, if he is informed and needs to break it down to a 4th grade level as to reach the maximum number of people, even if that means turning off those smart enough to be bored by his speech but not so smart that they can at least entertain that this strategy is to pass along his high level of being informed to those who couldn't keep up if he really spelled it out in higher language.  It's a 'talking in code' of sorts.  


So I thought after a well explained presentation, the narrator/writer got lazy but simply stating without backing it up that he's not informed.  My pushback if I had the opportunity to ask the creator of the video is, 'then where is Trump inaccurate?'  If he's only selling a product/idea while being informed, then point out where he is inaccurate in the product/idea.  But he's been accurately informed on many of the topics he pushes...even at a 4th grade level presentation in his campaign.  


Like there are things I am VERY well informed on but when I present it to people, I sort of 'dumb it down' so i can capitalise on the most talking time with them at the expense of them not realizing I am an expert in that particular subject.  My husband does the same thing.  People ramble on and try to 'teach him' and he gives them their time and he injects points on a humble level and slowly they realize he knows FAR more than they will ever dream of and then they start to ask more questions rather than 'teach him' or 'teach me' about the subject. Where as he could easily say from the begninning in a very high-level presentation who he is, and why he's the expert and rattle off the appropriate jargon but then it quickly turns people off or puts them on the defensive and is often counterproductive.


  Rather than be OBVIOUS in how informed I am, which typically puts people on the defensive or dis-ease or makes them feel inadequate, I would have acheived as them viewing me as the 'informed authority' on the matter, but I wouldn't have as much 'face time' with them to try to convince them.  

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My only criticism of the video is that they claim he isn't informed.  I really don't see evidence to back this claim.  His speech persuasion style may not imply that he's informed since he is using 4th grade level speech.  But he is VERY informed of the laws and rules and patterns and goings-on in the world as it were.  Now, it may be HIM or his staff which again, shows he is a damn fine delegator of tasks and utilizes people to their highest potential.  


With that said, if he is informed and needs to break it down to a 4th grade level as to reach the maximum number of people, even if that means turning off those smart enough to be bored by his speech but not so smart that they can at least entertain that this strategy is to pass along his high level of being informed to those who couldn't keep up if he really spelled it out in higher language.  It's a 'talking in code' of sorts.  


So I thought after a well explained presentation, the narrator/writer got lazy but simply stating without backing it up that he's not informed.  My pushback if I had the opportunity to ask the creator of the video is, 'then where is Trump inaccurate?'  If he's only selling a product/idea while being informed, then point out where he is inaccurate in the product/idea.  But he's been accurately informed on many of the topics he pushes...even at a 4th grade level presentation in his campaign.  


Like there are things I am VERY well informed on but when I present it to people, I sort of 'dumb it down' so i can capitalise on the most talking time with them at the expense of them not realizing I am an expert in that particular subject.  My husband does the same thing.  People ramble on and try to 'teach him' and he gives them their time and he injects points on a humble level and slowly they realize he knows FAR more than they will ever dream of and then they start to ask more questions rather than 'teach him' or 'teach me' about the subject. Where as he could easily say from the begninning in a very high-level presentation who he is, and why he's the expert and rattle off the appropriate jargon but then it quickly turns people off or puts them on the defensive and is often counterproductive.


  Rather than be OBVIOUS in how informed I am, which typically puts people on the defensive or dis-ease or makes them feel inadequate, I would have acheived as them viewing me as the 'informed authority' on the matter, but I wouldn't have as much 'face time' with them to try to convince them.  


Reminds me of the idea that if you can't explain a topic to a ten year old than you probably don't understand that topic very well.

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Reminds me of the idea that if you can't explain a topic to a ten year old than you probably don't understand that topic very well.

love it! And yes...I agree completely.  I give lengthy observations and love it when someone can condense it into a powerful sentence!  thank you!!! :)  :)  Well done!

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I do the same thing, Marlon. I am so trained to do it that flashy words will just pop out of my subconscious like a boner at an orgy. Being very careful and precise should always take precedence over a good word. Sometimes I will even catch myself crafting my sentences just to fit in a specific word that flashed into my subconscious seconds earlier. 


Carefully crafting your thoughts is much harder after growing up in a society where smart people like us are literally trained to signal intelligence and brandish fancy words to control more stupid and less thinking people. Keep mind of this next time you read a sophist, and you will notice a fancy adjective will often take complete place of any actual argument. It is silly and hilarious when you think about it! It's so pathetic because it shows the person has to resort to pandering; meaning they are just a tool of some other guy who used a big word to fool them.


I'm working on that a bit in my journal.. slowing things down.. being precise.. being original.. it is very easy to get caught up in the momentum of your own intelligent brain when it has been trained to do the big word thing, rather than the arduous labor that is beneath any good communicator that is to relentlessly focus on the fundamentals of engagement. Be clear, be precise, before anything else. And Trump is very good at that. 


Maybe it was just the orgy analogy, but I feel even this post is a bit sloppy.. I just wanted to tell you aren't alone in that habit :)

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