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Stopping by to say hi(In college)


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I went back to college a little while back and is going as expected. Teachers who cheer every little protest on Universities across America, gender is a 100% social construct, apparently homosexuality is too but only when it comes to straight men(this one actually surprised me), etc, etc, etc...


I come here wondering how some of you recommend I conduct myself in order to survive. I'm going to be in school for a while and I'd like to know how to avoid potential landmines. But I'm mostly just here to see what the community has to offer.




Good luck all

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I'm in high school and it's pretty much the same. My English teacher is an outspoken supporter of Bernie Sanders, my history teacher thinks that Communism is a good idea that was executed poorly, people often make fun of Donald Trump and call him racist, etc.


Judging from the phrase, "I'm going to be in school for a while", I assume you are in your first or second semester. If that is the case, I would drop out if I were you. College destroys the little rationality that survives after high school; I don't know why you would willingly submit yourself to debt and more government indoctrination after 12 years in forced school, unless you wanted to be something high-paying that required a degree, such as a surgeon.


If you are going to stay:

1. Hold true to your beliefs and question everything that your professors tell you.

2. Remember that quality is greater than quantity in relationships.

3. Stay sober.

4. Share the show with rational people you meet.


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 I would drop out if I were you. College destroys the little rationality that survives after high school; I don't know why you would willingly submit yourself to debt and more government indoctrination after 12 years in forced school


Schooling does brainwash if you don't know it's happening to you. So far I have become nothing but more knowledgeable on what someone more conservative believes. Every time I hear something that sounds leftist as all hell I look up what the other side has to say and become more knowledgeable than ever before. I'd say as a whole this experience has been a net benefit because there have been so many topics that I didn't even know existed and researching why that is right or wrong has been enlightening. I'd also add that it is nice that my Psych teachers have all said gender is not a 100% social construct and the English and anthropology teachers say otherwise. I do love the English teacher teaching a full on psych class on gender though, entertaining to see what delusion looks like up close.


And as for more college debt. If you get an associates at a local college it is well worth it for interviews. I have been watching my work(multi-billion dollar company) chose people with any degree over those with no degree for a while. The iffy territory is once you get to bachelor and master levels. I will be researching  careers as much as I can up until my associates. If I reach the conclusion that it's a waste after that, then I will stop going, but I see a positive cost benefit right now.

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Schooling does brainwash if you don't know it's happening to you. So far I have become nothing but more knowledgeable on what someone more conservative believes. Every time I hear something that sounds leftist as all hell I look up what the other side has to say and become more knowledgeable than ever before. 


Knowledge isn't power, the ability to convey ideas is power. You may know a lot about what "someone more conservative believes", but if you can't clearly and concisely convey your ideas, you'll be drowned out by the irrational.




And as for more college debt. If you get an associates at a local college it is well worth it for interviews. I have been watching my work(multi-billion dollar company) chose people with any degree over those with no degree for a while. 


Personally speaking, I wouldn't want to work for a company that cared about college. If your job is about skills, passion, and individuality, college is the last thing your employer should care about. What is your job?

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I went back to college a little while back and is going as expected. Teachers who cheer every little protest on Universities across America, gender is a 100% social construct, apparently homosexuality is too but only when it comes to straight men(this one actually surprised me), etc, etc, etc...


I come here wondering how some of you recommend I conduct myself in order to survive. I'm going to be in school for a while and I'd like to know how to avoid potential landmines. But I'm mostly just here to see what the community has to offer.




Good luck all

Im in the same place as you, Im taking the most maddening class at the moment "social justice," just hang tight, and remember that this will pass, your mind will stay intact even if you do not battle stupidity, but you will get your degree and will go on to a happier life.  I would suggest to come to the chats here to get it all out, and maybe find a meetup group to talk to people who are of the same mind so to speak.

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In America, there is a wide selection of colleges and you should try to look for one that has more conservative ideas (truly, some of them can also be religious but you can avoid religious activities I assume). I went to a college with a wide array of people with different beliefs, you just have to find the right group. Even if that means not having 1000 friends, so be it. Also, you will do better to avoid liberal arts courses if it's possible. If you're getting some kind of technical degree there will be little to no brainwashing (in my experience). Good luck.

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