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The Future of Humanity

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I often think about our distant future and what it might look like, it seems like the science fiction is only fiction for now, hive cities, bio domes, extra-planetary colonies, these things are not far away as far as being doable, it's just a matter of time as far as I can see, even a space elevator is conceivable if they can manufacture enough nanofibres, which again seems inevitable with the rate at which things are getting cheaper and faster etc.


I wonder if it possible to have an ever increasing human population without utterly destroying the planet as we know it and being forced into bio domes or something. I have heard that experts think around 16 billion at the high end, but that must be an educated guess using only our current tech. They also talk about resource depletion but again colonies in the solar system would solve that problem.


Things are done so inefficiently right now, with so much waste and so much room for improvement it is not hard to imagine our current 7 billion all living a comfortable life, given the room to move and grow just as the first world has.


If I can put these thoughts into a question it would be to ask whether you think humans can reach the stars, or even Titan for that matter, without philosophy? Will we destroy ourselves and our already crumbling civilisation or will we force our way through the mud and the blood and the beer to reach space while leaving countless starving and abused people in our wake.


PS. I understand it's an impossible question just interested in any thoughts you may have :)

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Reminded me of cars running on water for fuel.


It doesn't look like we are going anywhere as long as there is a global propaganda and distraction grid subduing people in the developed world. Also I think that after those pulling the strings figured out that it might be too hard even today, to go to the moon, that they are not interested in trying to cooperate to reach the stars, but rather they are intent on putting groups of people up against each other for the purpose of divide and conquer.


As long as the majority let themselves be controlled and brainw4shed by a few, and held down horizontally, your visions for the future are bleak.

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Reminded me of cars running on water for fuel.


It doesn't look like we are going anywhere as long as there is a global propaganda and distraction grid subduing people in the developed world. Also I think that after those pulling the strings figured out that it might be too hard even today, to go to the moon, that they are not interested in trying to cooperate to reach the stars, but rather they are intent on putting groups of people up against each other for the purpose of divide and conquer.


As long as the majority let themselves be controlled and brainw4shed by a few, and held down horizontally, your visions for the future are bleak.

So you believe the moon landings were faked?

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So you believe the moon landings were faked?

I have been through so much regarding it, that there is no point being ambivalent about it. Also I have no desire to spend any more time on it. At least not by repeating myself, so you can go to the wtf nasa thread if you require further insight.

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We need a major breakthrough in propulsion to be able to leave the planet in enough numbers to start real colonies elsewhere. I hope things like the emdrive can be proven and produced before things get really bad here on Earth.


AI and deep learning will be of enormous assistance to us soon in getting us closer to creating the technology we need to leave the planet and save the planet, also I believe the mass sharing of information over the internet etc will lead to more innovation and inspiration worldwide. Who knows what the Chinese are capable of if they can keep their shit together as well as the rest of the world :)


We just need to try our best collectively to keep a lid on things for long enough to allow us to be able to start putting things right within the limitations that our current political systems impose upon us.

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I have been through so much regarding it, that there is no point being ambivalent about it. Also I have no desire to spend any more time on it. At least not by repeating myself, so you can go to the wtf nasa thread if you require further insight.

I understand totally your weariness with the conversation, maybe it is one best left for time to tell. However I feel the belief is similar to one in God, in that believers have their "proofs" and shall not be moved from them, all of the information is out there now and if there was any way to have a definitive answer then we would have it, so we are left to fight over the scraps. Don't get offended I'm sure you're completely rational besides this one thing :D

We need a major breakthrough in propulsion to be able to leave the planet in enough numbers to start real colonies elsewhere. I hope things like the emdrive can be proven and produced before things get really bad here on Earth.


AI and deep learning will be of enormous assistance to us soon in getting us closer to creating the technology we need to leave the planet and save the planet, also I believe the mass sharing of information over the internet etc will lead to more innovation and inspiration worldwide. Who knows what the Chinese are capable of if they can keep their shit together as well as the rest of the world :)


We just need to try our best collectively to keep a lid on things for long enough to allow us to be able to start putting things right within the limitations that our current political systems impose upon us.

I personally think the space elevator will happen before a major breakthrough, just because of the nature of chemical propulsion. I just looked into the emdrive and it is certainly exciting tech it would change instantly change our relationship with space.


I agree the Internet is the key, the labourers of the future will be programmers not bricklayers. You are pretty sure that true AI is achievable? I think it is but we are a long way from having the hardware depends what you mean by soon, in this discussion hundreds of years counts but also they next 50 could tell too.


China and India, if they can get their act together will be monsters which I hope don't get expansionist, scary thoughts down here in Australia, chineese buy a lot of land around here. What they can do for tech might be amazing but philosophy and truth I'm not so sure.


I feel if we can get through this century without exploding or being consumed by the zombie Muslim apocalypse, then we will overcome any hurdle, that said its tough times ahead.

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I personally think the space elevator will happen before a major breakthrough, just because of the nature of chemical propulsion. I just looked into the emdrive and it is certainly exciting tech it would change instantly change our relationship with space.


I agree the Internet is the key, the labourers of the future will be programmers not bricklayers. You are pretty sure that true AI is achievable? I think it is but we are a long way from having the hardware depends what you mean by soon, in this discussion hundreds of years counts but also they next 50 could tell too.


China and India, if they can get their act together will be monsters which I hope don't get expansionist, scary thoughts down here in Australia, chineese buy a lot of land around here. What they can do for tech might be amazing but philosophy and truth I'm not so sure.


I feel if we can get through this century without exploding or being consumed by the zombie Muslim apocalypse, then we will overcome any hurdle, that said its tough times ahead.


I must admit I have not looked at progress into space elevators for a while. It sounds like they are making some good progress! I think I saw an article recently about a Japanese company that planned to build one? I think a few more breakthroughs will be needed but I can't apply a timespan to that.


True AI might not happen any time soon but Deep Learning steered by human input has the capability of transforming the world and I only found out about it last week! It will be a very useful tool for us all - actually it already is!


China and India are indeed behemoths with huge potential. They are merely resuming their posts of being the leaders of the world, the difference this time is the fact they are transformed by Western ideals on top of their Eastern ideals. Maybe its a good thing, maybe its bad, I'm not sure. Japan and Korea did ok eventually and perhaps China has learned from Japans mistakes.


This century is absolutely critical for our long term survival ! We have the capability of destroying the planets ecosystem which is something we have not had before. The planet will recover but who knows what state the human race would be in, perhaps there is an ark somewhere to keep us going. If so, we will leave the planet so long as we aren't hit by a comet or something.

If there is a world ending event coming, man made or not, I just want it to be quick and painless. Then I can come back reincarnate into a better world :)

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I understand totally your weariness with the conversation, maybe it is one best left for time to tell. However I feel the belief is similar to one in God, in that believers have their "proofs" and shall not be moved from them, all of the information is out there now and if there was any way to have a definitive answer then we would have it, so we are left to fight over the scraps. Don't get offended I'm sure you're completely rational besides this one thing :D

I see that you have received and accepted training in dealing with this sort of thing. A good example of horizontal pull down. I am absolutely certain that if someone told you there are multiple cures for cancer, you would have the same reaction.


I tried to make it pretty clear that I have spent quite an enormous amount of time researching it, but you could not accept that, and wasn't going to let it pass.


You want great things for humanity, but I imagine that you never considered that you might be a pawn of the bigger problem towards such visions, which is letting yourself be a minion of the propaganda grid.


Do you think we will achieve great things when these minions go around 'arresting' people? One reason why muslims are so hard to get out of their condition is because of minions within them arresting, (and killing), anyone doing anything different.



If you had said you do not agree with me, I would not have gone on this tirade. But you made a personal attack.

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A space elevator would be the most tempting target, especially when in use, for a bomb drone, and it comes crashing down where?  Can you imagine the security requirements, or the insurance costs?


What's this colonize other planets stuff?  Like where?  Not including the vast distances which don't disappear in a wish, all we've found so far are orbs which are so large the gravity would break your bones, assuming the Death Valley or Arctic temperatures don't finish you off first.  And who would pay for this?  FORCE the public, who can't use it anyway?  What's the return on investment?  Rich people aren't gonna sign up for a years/decades long voyage with one group of people and no outside restrooms, just to be in Devil's Island hell for the rest of their lives.  (Can you say one way ticket?)  What Earth situation could be as bad as that voyage?


And if we trash Earth, why would another "New World" fare any better?  The human DNA is what is being shipped, and it's a bit predictable.  And who's religion is aboard?



 "Then I can come back reincarnate into a better world  :) "


You'd better come back as radiation resistant mold.  Which, strictly speaking, have a laid back lifestyle.

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A space elevator would be the most tempting target, especially when in use, for a bomb drone, and it comes crashing down where? Can you imagine the security requirements, or the insurance costs?


What's this colonize other planets stuff? Like where? Not including the vast distances which don't disappear in a wish, all we've found so far are orbs which are so large the gravity would break your bones, assuming the Death Valley or Arctic temperatures don't finish you off first. And who would pay for this? FORCE the public, who can't use it anyway? What's the return on investment? Rich people aren't gonna sign up for a years/decades long voyage with one group of people and no outside restrooms, just to be in Devil's Island hell for the rest of their lives. (Can you say one way ticket?) What Earth situation could be as bad as that voyage?


And if we trash Earth, why would another "New World" fare any better? The human DNA is what is being shipped, and it's a bit predictable. And who's religion is aboard?



"Then I can come back reincarnate into a better world :) "


You'd better come back as radiation resistant mold. Which, strictly speaking, have a laid back lifestyle.

You seem quite upset about space lol. There is the a real possibility of sky cities on Venus look it up, also Titan is an option.


Of course the safety requirement for a space elevator would be immense and the margin of error would have to be effectively zero. The private sector are sending all sorts of things out there to make life easier down here so not hard do imagine that once the tech is real a group or a single mega Corp making it a reality. An ocean anchor would be a way to avoid a fallen cable causing catastrophic casualties, but it won't get built if there is a chance it will come down. Can you imagine the amount of money private entities already spend on getting stuff into space and how much they would save with a space elevator?


The people investing in a project like this will surely have access to anti bomb drone weapons hahaha. The cable would end up being 750 tons which is, as I just found, the maximum approved load for rock used in some dams, so in say 200 years that part of the mission wouldn't be a problem, the Carbon nanofibre thread can do the job with quite a few advances in various areas.


On the moon or Mars Kevlar would be an appropriate material due to the lower gravity. The moon could become not a colony but a giant automated mine.


I'm not talking about trashing the earth and then finding a new home im taking about one day it will be economic to have mining colonies in various locations around the solar system, people have even talked about the asteroid belt for mining operations.


I'm talking many many years and I don't think NASA will be leading the charge lol. I asked is this future possible and whether we will need philosophy to make it there. Your arguments are bad because of course there will always be people to do risky trips into space but also the margin of error will always be huge with this stuff.

You are right and your God is "science" and it's Pope is NASA.

Good arguments Ben

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Sometime into the future impartial parties will determine that earth's resources are nearing depletion. When that will be is unknown. Watch out for leftist traps scare mongering people into believing catastrophic environmental problems only to be a guise for more government control.


I strongly believe that if or when that time dawns it will be, as throughout history, the able and heroic souls who will lead to avert extinction. If the current political system is not resolved and the world is still an irrational statist nightmare when folks realise 'ah shit what me want there none is', would be a step towards the precipice. Take history and the examples at how societies can bounce back from peril, the Romans and Camillus who was called the second founder of Rome, or the French during social and political turmoil that made heads roll daily only to face the fudal powers of Europe determined to extinguish the revolution and its gains. Governments since then have grown immensely and have at their disposal sophisticated tools of propaganda and indoctrination. We are at war in battle for man's mind, seeking victory for reason and good.


As long as there people like Stefan and those who keep asking questions against opposition, those that challenge assumptions and follow their curiosity and chose to act there is still hope.

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Sometime into the future impartial parties will determine that earth's resources are nearing depletion. When that will be is unknown. Watch out for leftist traps scare mongering people into believing catastrophic environmental problems only to be a guise for more government control.


I strongly believe that if or when that time dawns it will be, as throughout history, the able and heroic souls who will lead to avert extinction. If the current political system is not resolved and the world is still an irrational statist nightmare when folks realise 'ah shit what me want there none is', would be a step towards the precipice. Take history and the examples at how societies can bounce back from peril, the Romans and Camillus who was called the second founder of Rome, or the French during social and political turmoil that made heads roll daily only to face the fudal powers of Europe determined to extinguish the revolution and its gains. Governments since then have grown immensely and have at their disposal sophisticated tools of propaganda and indoctrination. We are at war in battle for man's mind, seeking victory for reason and good.


As long as there people like Stefan and those who keep asking questions against opposition, those that challenge assumptions and follow their curiosity and chose to act there is still hope.


Your first point is exactly what I am talking about, when the time comes if humanity has survived there will be a need to leave earth to find resources, won't be for quite sometime. People who think we should respect Mother Nature, keep the population low and wait for an asteroid or some other catastrophe aren't thinking about the future of the human race.


What if by some miracle humans are the only intelligent life in the galaxy, if we die out as a species the Milky Way has lost meaning for all time. It is a sad thought and in a philosophical future space exploration and colonisation is an imperative. Not one that should be enforced by a state but one that I believe will be fully profitable and funded by private interests.

Moreover I don't think it is even possible to get that far without the elimination of religions and governments.

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What if by some miracle humans are the only intelligent life in the galaxy,

Wow, that would be pretty chaotic! Birds would fly into trees and buildings daily, badly injuring themselves. Bears would walk into lakes and try to breath under water, suffocating in the process. "challenged" Lions trying to eat antelopes alive without killing them first would actually work because the antelopes are too stupid to run away. They would just start scratching themselves, because they don't understand what the cause of the pain is.


Having pets would be a continuous job taking care of the equivalent of a mental patient, as they are not intelligent enough to figure out anything for themselves, do what works, avoid danger, or learn anything new.



if we die out as a species the Milky Way has lost meaning for all time.

What meaning does the Milky Way have now, and how will it be lost if humans are not in it anymore?



It is a sad thought and in a philosophical future space exploration and colonisation is an imperative. Not one that should be enforced by a state but one that I believe will be fully profitable and funded by private interests.

Moreover I don't think it is even possible to get that far without the elimination of religions and governments.

We could all convert to Islam, and live in Sharia law and a severely tyrannical, unproductive, and non advancing, deteriorating, anti scientific, theocratic world, with 1000s of suicide bombers detonating themselves around people with a different view on Islam every week.


And then we can just wait for extraterrestrials to visit us. And hope that they will then feel so sorry for the state of our species, that they will erase all our memories, and spread us to other planets together with them as their slaves or something.

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UPB is helpful to human species. HIgh IQ inventions allow more people to live on earth. More food, more medicines. 

We are dominating the earth, but its nature who wants the strongest to survive.

And high IQ people with empathy let the human species expand. Nature is not against that. 

Maybe space travels will come, I would love that. I don't think about that now, because I think here are a lot of problems to solve first.

Reality first, dreams later.

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UPB is helpful to human species. HIgh IQ inventions allow more people to live on earth. More food, more medicines.

We are dominating the earth, but its nature who wants the strongest to survive.

And high IQ people with empathy let the human species expand. Nature is not against that.

Maybe space travels will come, I would love that. I don't think about that now, because I think here are a lot of problems to solve first.

Reality first, dreams later.

I agree and I don't spend any great amount of time thinking about it but I enjoy discussing it dreaming is good.

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