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Absolute Idealism


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Is the Universe finite? Is it only so at the time it is measured? Is this dependent on the position of the measurer a sort of "condition of possibility" (Transcendental Idealism). If I was to try and measure the Universe and be Omniscient would I in effect have to be outside of time, a kind of 5th Dimension? 


or is the Universe infinite?


or is it Both? (Absolute Idealism).



Can Political Ideologies be Absolute Idealist positions? Can a "Classless" Ideology like "Communism" be logically consistent, would this be in effect Left-wing Anarchism, where the right to private property is not respected.  


Is Anarcho-Capitalism essentially the opposite of Communism?


Can Nationalism be a logically consistent position? If so, is there a thesis and anti-thesis of positions?

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How did you arrive at the conclusion that communism is classless?


In order for nationalism to be logically consistent, one would have to prove how this dirt is fundamentally different from that dirt as to inspire righteous devotion to it.

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From Encyclopaedia Britannica www.britannica.com

Classless society, in Marxism, the ultimate condition of social organization, expected to occur when true communism is achieved. According to Karl Marx (1818–83), the primary function of the state is to repress the lower classes of society in the interests of the ruling class.

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Idealism to my understanding is the view that ideas are as the same as concrete entities and thus mind over matter. The writings of Kant and Hegel come to mind. Marx was a communist who wanted to impose an artifical/abstract system onto reality. Communism also has some parallels to theology. Collectivism is subjugation of the individual to an idea and how this supposedly trumps a physical entity is beyond me.

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