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You probably saw Stefan's video about a week ago exhorting you to spread the truth,


This is something I'd been intending for some time, basically ever since one local pub held an Oktoberfest celebration last September (obviously), and my English chums were were whining about how all their Czech students (we all pretend to teach English in the Czech Republic) were against mass Islamic immigration. I told them that no, the Czechs are right to be afraid, and they all concluded that I'm some kind of neo-Nazi.


So I've written this attempting to explain my position and intend to post it on my facebook and twitter this weekend. It needs to be as good as possible, because my mother and brother are Corbynite Labouristas and my boss is some kind of green. I would therefore appreciate any feedback before I go live. I've got another 5 or 6 semi-written articles on various topics after this one.


I would also like to know how you deal with these topics among friends.


Thank you!



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If your "chums" would call you a neo-Nazi for disagreeing with them, isn't this an indication that they're not listening? To understand how to change people's minds, you have to first understand WHY they believe what they do. If you haven't already, check out Stef's Bomb in the Brain series. By challenging them when they're not listening, you're going to waste their time and STRENGTHEN the resolve of their convictions, the opposite of your stated goal.

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quite frankly, i would use the privacy settings to hide my boss from the post.  to be more frank, i wouldn't be friending my boss on facebook.  i would like the company page and that would be the furthest i go.


it's a fine article, I don't think you're to-the-point enough to really get through to anyone though.  You say it's part of a series of posts ou are preparing, so maybe in sequence they will do the trick.  However, don't expect people to actually put in the time and effort to read even this one post, let alone 5 or 6.

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Trouble is that if someone is in full on zombie mode and content with his/her life, they are not interested in learning the truth. All you can do is nudge them gradually toward whatever it is you need them to know. If they are intelligent enough they will piece things together, if not it will just take longer :)

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Trouble is that if someone is in full on zombie mode and content with his/her life, they are not interested in learning the truth. All you can do is nudge them gradually toward whatever it is you need them to know. If they are intelligent enough they will piece things together, if not it will just take longer :)



And yes all caps because i felt being assertive already in my thoughts :)

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Neo-Nazi is an exaggeration, nobody actually said that, but two people especially were visibly shocked. 


I had two motivations while writing, firstly to clarify my own thoughts, and secondly to voice my objection to the kind of woolly minded leftism that is the default setting among today's middle classes. I don't really expect anyone to convert to rationality after reading one post, I just wanted to sow a seed of doubt. Today there are people sharing Russell Brand's views on the Panama papers ffs. I was also thinking of Plato's cave allegory, and how the central figure is killed when he tries to spread enlightenment. I know a few people plastering their facebook feed with Pegida posts, it doesn't work because everyone just thinks "oh, that fascist's sounding off again."


dsayers, I watched the first Bomb in the Brain video this morning, I'll check out the rest later.

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And yes all caps because i felt being assertive already in my thoughts :)


I don't want to turn their worlds upside-down and preach to them that I am a wise man who looks down on them with contempt because they have not felt the need to seek the truth, if they are happy with their lives then thats all that matters and I must respect where they are in the present.


What I can do is ease them in to a new way of thinking by encouraging them to read something or watch something or voice my opinion and back it up with evidence. Gradually through osmosis they will begin to realise the truth for themselves. If I am too full on I am the one who will be ostracized from my circle of friends and family! It goes both ways.


SO my advice to you is keep learning and be considerate and respectful of others regardless of their beliefs :P

Stefans videos plant the seeds in our head for us to realise the truth, then we have to decide how to pass on the message down to people we know and we may have to put Stefans words into our own contexts of interpersonal relationship and our interpersonal backgrounds etc... when we talk to someone about this new knowledge we put it across in such a way that the recipient of that knowledge is able to understand it and comprehend it - now the key is trust - your aquaintance will trust you, maybe youve known him for 50 years! The very fact you are telling them must mean it requires some investigation and it must have some truth to it because I know him to be a trustworthy person. This process continues and grows, and grows. Exponentially.

Whoever was behind the Panama papers seems to have a problem with the uk government thats for sure...

Its as if the powers that be want to encourage migration and accelerate economic collapse. They want to start a war.

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And yes all caps because i felt being assertive already in my thoughts :)


How do you ostracize a majority?


" if they are happy with their lives then thats all that matters and I must respect where they are in the present."


Except that...in their happiness they are probably supporting some of the most blatant lies and evil with mind, heart, votes, and money.  Early on, I imagine quite a number of new Nazi's felt like (armed) fuzzy bunnies.  I can't respect that.

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How do you ostracize a majority?


" if they are happy with their lives then thats all that matters and I must respect where they are in the present."


Except that...in their happiness they are probably supporting some of the most blatant lies and evil with mind, heart, votes, and money.  Early on, I imagine quite a number of new Nazi's felt like (armed) fuzzy bunnies.  I can't respect that.


No, you need to respect their life and their beliefs. It doesn't matter how wrong you think they are, they think they are right and they might believe their world view even more strongly than you do. All you can do is chip away piece by piece and at the pace you think that person can cope with the truth. Now if you know someone who is on a similar wavelength to yourself then by all means bombard them with the truth and point them to the evidence and they will buy you a drink afterward!


I am not suggesting they stay in a state of blissful ignorance, I am suggesting the rate at which the truth can be absorbed varies from one to another, and I have no right to impose my beliefs on someone else against their will especially if they are happy with their lives right now, I would prefer them to be happy. I am not sure if thats right or wrong, but it feels right to me. I will still try to point them in the right direction and then they can stay happy until they are ready to see the truth.

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Also if they never want to see the truth then so be it, thats their choice. Maybe what we think is the truth is incomplete anyway?


If I say to you that you should heal your aura or chakra or try to improve your chi a man of science might laugh at me, but that same man of science would've laughed at me 400 years ago if I tried to describe radio waves to him. To him, a radio would be magic, I'd probably be burnt at the stake. Science has simply not explained them yet.


EDIT: I am going round in circles at the moment, I am using chi/qi as an example, we do not know if it exists because we cannot find evidence for it, we cannot observe it. I cannot provide evidence. It is possible that in the future we can devise an experiment to prove its existence and then it is 'true' and proven, until then its something that must be believed in and then some kind of placebo effect arises from it. All the power is in our minds.

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Maybe what we think is the truth is incomplete anyway?


This is why it's important to keep our minds open.


Your opinion on this or that isn't your wife, or your football team, you don't have to stick with it through thick or thin no matter how shite it's doing. If the facts contradict your opinion, ditch your opinion. This is the advantage we hold over the dogmatic.

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How do you ostracize a majority?



How do you ostracize large group of people? You dont associate with them, you dont speak theyre langue to yourself or to you loved ones. You speak out whereever possible and dont back down because usually majority dont have spine induvidually and even in large groups planting your roots and principles deep and not apologizing is enough.


You do a variation of the above as circumstance permit.

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