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Being fat is an genetically inferior trait


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There is one fundamental difference in today's environment: food is quasi unlimited. Think about it, this has never been the case throughout all the million years of evolution, food always used to be scarce, you couldn't just go to a supermarket and afford to eat +10k calories a day. This fundamental difference changed in the last ±100 years. Before that, it wouldn't make much of a difference if you were someone who had the psychological nature to eat as much as you CAN or someone who eat as much as you NEED. In the environment where food was hard to get, the "as much as you can eaters" would end up the same as the "as much as you need" eaters, so in that environment people with the psychology to get obese in todays environment wouldn't turn out to be obese, and as obesity clearly isn't a benificial trait in terms of spreading out your genes, this is why they got this far. But a new environment -> new evolutionary pressures, obese people aren't perse genetically inferior in an environment where food is hard to get, they are genetically inferior in an environment where food isn't hard to get. (PS twin studies etcetera show that there is a genetical factor to obesity, obviously)

This is why I am very much pro-fat acceptant, because than they will rid themselves out of the genepool at a faster rate. The thing with us humans is that we want to perserve everyones genes, we are actually very nice in this regard, probably because we all came out of small tribes and we needed everyone, even if they were a little bit more genetically inferior, to procreate. The proces of fat shaming, and any other shaming like drugs, is really to help those people, it's called altruistic punishment. If we wouldn't give each other remarks on their stupidity, than they would rid themselves out of the genepool because of their stupidity. We evolved to help each other & steer each other into living (what we think is) in the right direction. But now that we have plenty of human gene carriers (enough population), I think it's time to let people be free and let them rid themselves out of the gene pool. This is why I also am for the legalization of drugs. Since people with inferior high order cognition and smaller prefrontal cortex and lower IQ tend to fall into addiction. Just like people with low IQ, smaller prefrontal cortex ( according to this study: http://personal.lse.ac.uk/kanazawa/pdfs/COEDO2014.pdf) fall into obesity.

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There's been lots of situations where food hasn't been scarce for hundreds of years, and certainly in the last 100 years, and yet obesity is increasing. So your idea that they will be bred out of the gene pool seems misguided, at least with the evidence so far.


Also, correlation doesn't equal causation. Lots of highly intelligent people have been obese throughout history.


Also, your idea that it's caused by psychology is a belief that hasn't been substantiated to any degree.


Also, your idea that obesity clearly isn't a beneficial trait in terms of spreading your genes is questionable. There have been plenty of periods and places, even today, where the opposite is clearly the case.

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I don't think you're looking at it correctly.


People who are genetically predisposed to being fat have an advantage regardless of scarcity of food. In a resource scarce environment, they have a higher likelihood of surviving. In a resource rich environment they require less calories for sustenance, having thus more resources to spare because they don't need to spend as much money on food.


A propensity for getting obese also teaches one self control, which again is an advantage over others.


I see you're really for propagating superior genes. That is confusing because eliminating the propensity for obesity would also eliminate a lot of high performance athletes. I assume you don't consider people that can lift cars and pull trucks to be genetically inferior. Obesity is not due to genetics, it's due to free will, or lack thereof.


Letting obese people die off will not eliminate the fat genes from the human gene pool, it will eliminate the lack of control genes from the gene pool.

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The thing with us humans is that we want to perserve everyones genes, we are actually very nice in this regard, probably because we all came out of small tribes and we needed everyone, even if they were a little bit more genetically inferior, to procreate. 



What does "genetically inferior" mean?

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I don't think you're looking at it correctly.


People who are genetically predisposed to being fat have an advantage regardless of scarcity of food. In a resource scarce environment, they have a higher likelihood of surviving. In a resource rich environment they require less calories for sustenance, having thus more resources to spare because they don't need to spend as much money on food.


A propensity for getting obese also teaches one self control, which again is an advantage over others.


I see you're really for propagating superior genes. That is confusing because eliminating the propensity for obesity would also eliminate a lot of high performance athletes. I assume you don't consider people that can lift cars and pull trucks to be genetically inferior. Obesity is not due to genetics, it's due to free will, or lack thereof.


Letting obese people die off will not eliminate the fat genes from the human gene pool, it will eliminate the lack of control genes from the gene pool.


There are no physiological differences between obese people and non obese people. The reason of obesity is not because obese people absorb nutrients better or are more energy efficient in how they move. We all absorb nutrients optimally and move optimally. However, twin studies etc show that there is a strong genetic component to being obese. The difference must lie in (eating) behavior, every behavior is genetically influenced. Now being fat is obviously inferior in comparison to being thin. (much less healthy, dangerous for yourself, resource waisting, etc) 

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People who are genetically predisposed to being fat have an advantage regardless of scarcity of food. In a resource scarce environment, they have a higher likelihood of surviving.

Not sure, about that. It take more resources to mobilise a fatter person.  The calories needed to move the extra weight is significant. But it has advantages in time of

sudden drought.


Being fat is like saving in a bank with storage fees. The more you save the more you pay. But in an emergency you will be ok.

, they are genetically inferior in an environment where food isn't hard to get. (PS twin studies etcetera show that there is a genetical factor to obesity, obviously)



The reverse might be true. In a food plentiful environment it is ok to have the luxury of being fat, despite being fatter using up more celeries. If a sudden drought should happen fat people will be ok.


If food supply is limited but steady, then the environment would be able to support more thin people then fat ones.


I think, that only sudden droughts would give fatter people an advantage any other environment would be an advantage to thin people.

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Not sure, about that. It take more resources to mobilise a fatter person.  The calories needed to move the extra weight is significant. But it has advantages in time of

sudden drought.


Being fat is like saving in a bank with storage fees. The more you save the more you pay. But in an emergency you will be ok.


I wasn't talking about fat people. I was talking about people who had the propensity of being fat. A bodybuilder who has genes that allow him to store energy more efficiently is a superior bodybuilder. A mountaineer can carry less weight in food with him because he doesn't require as many calories as a normal person.

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Survival is no longer based upon traditional hunter/gatherer positions anymore, where being the fastest runner meant survival.

(I'm saying obese people don't tend to run very fast, or for very long.)


These days you could create an income over the internet and essentially not move for the rest of your life.

Society now fosters such things as obesity, so it will proliferate.


Obesity comes with it's own set of health risks, obviously and I'm not sure I've seen too many obese mountaineers, however surely they burn more calories due to moving more mass therefore need equal or greater intake. Unless of course they're like camels..

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