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Anarcho - Anarchism.

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I am intrigued by the prefix anarcho - as I don't see it making any sense (as a prefix) because unless the suffix is anarchy/anachist, you have just promoted yourself as leader to impose an alternative to anarchy.


If anarchy is no ruler, then you don't get to say what happens next...


It seems anarcho is simply used as a shortcut meaning to wipe out what currently exists - the suffix to dictate what should follow.


Ideall I want no call on what others do, and don't expect others to have any call on me.


Any anarcho-somethingists care to comment?


Best regards.

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Anarchy means no rulers.  In order to have no rulers, you need consistent and objective rules which are easily communicable to everyone in the society.   So I think a lot of the prefixes have to do with what are the guiding principles, in absence of a centralized arbitrary authority.  For example, anarcho-capitalism says that property rights are the basic rules.  Anarcho-communism says democratic ownership of capital is the organizing principle. 

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Anarchy means no rulers.  In order to have no rulers, you need consistent and objective rules which are easily communicable to everyone in the society.   So I think a lot of the prefixes have to do with what are the guiding principles, in absence of a centralized arbitrary authority.  For example, anarcho-capitalism says that property rights are the basic rules.  Anarcho-communism says democratic ownership of capital is the organizing principle. 


Agree with everything said there, except "Anarcho-communism says democratic ownership of capital is the organizing principle" democracy would involve some centralised authority to enforce the decision of the participants. Instead I would say that True Communism or Anarcho-Communism does not recognise property rights, where as Anarcho-Capitalism does. 

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Agree with everything said there, except "Anarcho-communism says democratic ownership of capital is the organizing principle" democracy would involve some centralised authority to enforce the decision of the participants. Instead I would say that True Communism or Anarcho-Communism does not recognise property rights, where as Anarcho-Capitalism does. 


I've heard this used as a description for the contradiction of anarcho-communism; something akin to anarcho-statism.  :mellow:

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Agree with everything said there, except "Anarcho-communism says democratic ownership of capital is the organizing principle" democracy would involve some centralised authority to enforce the decision of the participants. Instead I would say that True Communism or Anarcho-Communism does not recognise property rights, where as Anarcho-Capitalism does. 


I've lost count of the number of conversations I've had with so-called "anarcho-communists" who say that it couldn't co-exist with other forms of anarchy because it would require a "global commune" to manage things. I equate this to someone calling themselves an anarcho-capitalist because they like corporations. How people can call themselves anarcho-anything without truly understanding the branch befuddles me. 

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Agree with everything said there, except "Anarcho-communism says democratic ownership of capital is the organizing principle" democracy would involve some centralised authority to enforce the decision of the participants. Instead I would say that True Communism or Anarcho-Communism does not recognise property rights, where as Anarcho-Capitalism does. 

Reminds me of watching monkeys in the city.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq2mykyhl-0

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"Anarcho-" means "no rulers" and "capitalist" is a prediction of which economic system will come out if we're going to have rules, and private property and contract, since we're not using the Marxist-laden scapegoat for the term "capitalist" but the proper dictionary term for an economic system.

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This looks like an assertion to me. Can you explain how this follows?

I think other responses have probably covered this (thanks for the input all).


If the suffix is just a guess or suggestion or example of how *some* people may chose to organise that is fine, but also means they aren't exclusive - there can be no objection to multiple different (volantary) communities following different versions. Multiple collectives operating different systems and individuals not in any collective.


However, it also seems to make the anarcho prefix redundant, as we are already operating anarcho-something systems. We have self organised to have the systems we currently have. Any leaders we have are only leaders because we choose (or are coerced) to follow - the thugs with the biggest sticks are boss. I think this fact is funny as it is usually the argument used against having anarchy, whereas in fact we already have it...

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we choose (or are coerced)

I can't figure out what you're saying. This quote is another example of how you continue to appear to be contradicting yourself. If I'm missing something, please help me to understand.


there can be no objection to multiple different (volantary) communities following different versions.

Different versions of what? If somebody accepts that people cannot exist in different, opposing moral categories (anarchy), why would you expect them to then take issue with other people doing different things if it's not the initiation of the use of force? Also, who are any of us to say who can object to what and for what reasons? Is objection the initiation of the use of force?


In my opinion, you haven't answered my question as to how somebody saying there can be no leaders promotes themselves to a leader.


For what it's worth, I totally agree with your final sentiment: I too am astounded at how many people reject anarchy out of hand despite 99% of their lives being carried out in an anarchic environment.

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