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Hypocrisy of anarcho capitalists?


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Hi all,

first time poster and 3 or 4 month listener to the podcasts. I fully subscribe to an ethical framework built upon first principles and UPB. I enjoy exposing the cognitive dissonance of SJWs on social media and hope that my tiny drops of logic will add to what I hope is a gathering torrent of rationality but they always come back with two or three stock ripostes. Easy to deal with but not always easy to do so with the brevity required by SM.

1. Go and live in Somalia...obvious false dichotomy and ill considered argument

2. So you never drive on roads, got an education etc you are a hypocrite....as soon as I was old enough I started paying my way, would happily have my tax money back and pay for my own stuff in a free market

3. You don't care about other people. A bit true because I have low empathy but I care for good people.


It's fairly straightforward to use the Socratic method to leave them confused and angry, if they don't mute or block you when they see it coming but I'm in need of some refreshing new ways to point out to them how wrong they are in 140 characters or less.


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Hi all,

first time poster and 3 or 4 month listener to the podcasts. I fully subscribe to an ethical framework built upon first principles and UPB. I enjoy exposing the cognitive dissonance of SJWs on social media and hope that my tiny drops of logic will add to what I hope is a gathering torrent of rationality but they always come back with two or three stock ripostes. Easy to deal with but not always easy to do so with the brevity required by SM.

1. Go and live in Somalia...obvious false dichotomy and ill considered argument

2. So you never drive on roads, got an education etc you are a hypocrite....as soon as I was old enough I started paying my way, would happily have my tax money back and pay for my own stuff in a free market

3. You don't care about other people. A bit true because I have low empathy but I care for good people.


It's fairly straightforward to use the Socratic method to leave them confused and angry, if they don't mute or block you when they see it coming but I'm in need of some refreshing new ways to point out to them how wrong they are in 140 characters or less.

1) The "go live in Somalia" one never made sense to me. It hasn't been an anarchy for hundreds of years.  England and Italy (I think) made it a colony and forced a government on them, then abandoned them after they became dependent on it.  After they left various want-to-be rulers formed gangs and fought over it.  Also, I think some of them have actually seized enough power to become governments now.


2) Apparently using services which you were forced to pay for is evil.  So if they benefit from the mafia, then the protection money they demand is justified?


3)  How is forcing people to pay for things they don't want simply because you like the idea "caring for them?"  I'd argue that respecting people as equals and not as slaves/masters is more caring for them than the way they treat people now.

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I'm in need of some refreshing new ways to point out to them how wrong they are in 140 characters or less.

To what end? If people believe something for reasons other than logic, reason, and evidence, then using logic, reason, and evidence will not only NOT convince them, but actually STRENGTHEN their resolve. If you haven't already, check out Stef's Bomb in the Brain series. It will be a far more productive use of your time :P


"Go and live in Somalia" is way of saying that morality is based on avoidability instead of consent. As in it is never immoral for you to punch them in the face because they can always remain at greater than arm's length from you.


Any reference to roads makes the implication that the State provides "services." However, "services" don't come at the muzzle of a gun.


If somebody says that you don't care about people, in what way is this them caring about you? Did they arrive at that conclusion based on evidence they've gathered at expressing curiosity? Or are they appealing to emotion in reaction to you disagreeing with them and/or thinking for yourself?

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"Go and live in Somalia" is way of saying that morality is based on avoidability instead of consent. As in it is never immoral for you to punch them in the face because they can always remain at greater than arm's length from you.


Best response i have seen to the somalia response to date. Its shocking how accurate it is, yet elusive.

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