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[H&W] Oral health. Oil pulling. Secrets of tooth decay.


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I am quite a health freak and have embarked on numerous journeys towards better health for many years.


Now recently I began a new journey in an area where I am severely lacking. I brush my teeth after every meal, but that's about it. Coke consumption, and tongue neglect had been plaguing me. I had no idea that a clean tongue might be important. Tooth decay has been a problem for me since my teens.


I would like to share some videos with you incredible people here, regarding oil pulling and things you may not know about tooth decay. Also I recommend looking up tongue scraping.




Here is some short videos, if you are in a hurry, regarding tooth decay, and there is a longer and older video below, with the same guy, that starts out kinda cheesy, but I promise that it gets better after the first 5 minutes.





Longer older video with lots of detailed information regarding tooth decay. Start on 4:45 if you want to skip the cheesy stuff:



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Please don't allow your inner-abusers to attack you for engaging in self-care.

Hehe! Good catch. I'd like to think that I was just trying to say that I am very much into health, but the more I think about it, it looks like a self attack yes. I don't behave that way with people personally, so it must be something like a public self attack.

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I think it's a preemptive defense against criticism.

Yes definitely could be that. I used that technique quite a lot before I started watching Stefan. Attacking myself preemptively, so others wouldn't have anything to attack me with, or at least less. Because attacks from others are mostly predictable.


I hope I've not been doing that too much on this forum.

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 I have used oil pulling off and on for a few years, but haven't noticed anything dramatic. I wish I could get my kids to do it!

My mouth before oil pulling, and tongue scraping, was in a bad situation, which is why I can note several effects after 2 months now. People who do not consume lots of sugars are likely not getting into such bad situations.


Noticeably more energy. I was feeling a bit drained before. Less need for sleep. Before I was sleeping around 10 to 12 hours. Now its more like 8. And more taste.


I had not done anything to clean my tongue for around... well since I was born. I've even had to use hydrogenperoxide to get some results.

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My anecdotal evidence on this case is my clean tongue and fresh breath since going vegan, things that had been a problem for me since I can remember. My girlfriend however hasn't had such luck, the only difference in our diet would be that my fruit consumption is way higher than hers due to calorie needs and dietary preferences. 

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Loose end re that girlfriend:  many years ago I knew a guy who had a breath problem that he couldn't figure out.  Turned out to be a tiny unknown crack in a tooth had become infected.


Long ago I thought that using a toothbrush on my tongue while already brushing, apres toothpaste, made sense.  I don't think a scraper is needed.  If it tickles, just do a tiny bit, and over time it will be no big deal to do the whole tongue.


Good videos about thinking in the larger nutritional picture.  I can't ever recall the topic being brought up in a dentist office, aside from the usual reduction in candy, etc.  Back in the eighties, I moved to a new city, went to a dentist used by a coworker.  It was a "Christian dentist office", I recall some sign saying, like that might matter.  "In sheep's clothing", is a phrase comes to mind.  In the first interview with the hygienist I mentioned that my gums were also treated by eating raw fruit and veggies.  Her response was a raised eyebrow and a dismissive attitude. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The ADA does not recommend using this to supplement a normal routine of flossing, brushing, and rinsing. They say that there is a lack of scientific evidence showing any beneficial effects of these methods. For anticavity properties, antiseptics like Listerine are their recommended course of action. Using this in addition will probably not do any harm. I looked into this, not to long ago. Sadly, once your tooth enamel has been decayed to the point of cavity, it cannot be restored by any known means. That doesn't mean oil pulling doesn't do anything, but the jury is still WAY out. 

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Remineralization is a well-known phenomenon, even among conventional dentists. Tooth is essentially the same as bone. Cavities are the leaching of minerals from the teeth, similar to osteoporosis of the bones. Minerals may be redeposited at any time during the decay process. The enamel may not "restore" itself, but the tooth can harden up and become as resistant to decay as it ever was, with proper nutrition and mineral absorption.

It was my understanding that the enamel itself was an important barrier to future cavities. Truth be told, I've heard of remineralization but have not put adequate time into research. I'll have to take a look.

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The ADA does not recommend...

I'm sure lots of organizations and government regulatory institutions do not recommend using calcium and gelatin for arthritis, or iodine / iodide for low metabolism (hypothyroidism).


I had both of those conditions. Years ago.


I was on an artificial hormone for low metabolism for 10 years. Definitely the crappiest 10 years of my life. Had really nothing going for me. Just downhill half zombie torment. My life could have been drastically different if I had just received enough information 10 years earlier about iodine and importance of vitamins and minerals then.


Cancer organizations are very effective at attacking, ignoring, slandering, or just dismissing many things that can be used for cancer. But I already know around 5 effective non dangerous treatments, so they did not succeed in subjugating me, which means I will not have any problems with or die from cancer.

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It was my understanding that the enamel itself was an important barrier to future cavities. Truth be told, I've heard of remineralization but have not put adequate time into research. I'll have to take a look.

I had hairline cracks across my two upper front teeth from trauma.  With my fingernail I could feel two tiny ditch shapes going across.  Over several months, they filled in.  Almost no trace now, a few years later.  That told me beyond doubt that teeth can heal, at least some.

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I had hairline cracks across my two upper front teeth from trauma.  With my fingernail I could feel two tiny ditch shapes going across.  Over several months, they filled in.  Almost no trace now, a few years later.  That told me beyond doubt that teeth can heal, at least some.

Did you oil pull?

I'm sure lots of organizations and government regulatory institutions do not recommend using calcium and gelatin for arthritis, or iodine / iodide for low metabolism (hypothyroidism).


I had both of those conditions. Years ago.


I was on an artificial hormone for low metabolism for 10 years. Definitely the crappiest 10 years of my life. Had really nothing going for me. Just downhill half zombie torment. My life could have been drastically different if I had just received enough information 10 years earlier about iodine and importance of vitamins and minerals then.


Cancer organizations are very effective at attacking, ignoring, slandering, or just dismissing many things that can be used for cancer. But I already know around 5 effective non dangerous treatments, so they did not succeed in subjugating me, which means I will not have any problems with or die from cancer.

Again, they don't argue that it is ineffective, rather that no clinical trials have provided evidence. They don't even discourage it. Rather, they simply point to a lack of evidence and urge the public to at the very least hedge their bets.

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Again, they don't argue that it is ineffective, rather that no clinical trials have provided evidence. They don't even discourage it. Rather, they simply point to a lack of evidence and urge the public to at the very least hedge their bets.

In Norway, whenever something alternative comes up in the media, the money hoarding cancer organizations are invited to tell everyone how ridiculous it is to believe in anything like that, and that its really mean to advice people who have cancer. And usually add that there is nothing that can cure cancer for good measure. Pretty much the same tactics they use on climate change and other propaganda.

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In Norway, whenever something alternative comes up in the media, the money hoarding cancer organizations are invited to tell everyone how ridiculous it is to believe in anything like that, and that its really mean to advice people who have cancer. And usually add that there is nothing that can cure cancer for good measure. Pretty much the same tactics they use on climate change and other propaganda.

There is no such thing as "alternative medicine" but I know what you mean by the term. There is effective medicine, and ineffective medicine. Medicine that has been studied at great length is a safer bet, regardless of whether it was initially developed by pharmaceutical companies or indigenous people. To be fair the cancer organizations are doing wonders if they are discouraging people who are advocating medicines which have not been put through pharmaceutical grade trials and studies which were then peer reviewed. To do otherwise would be to subject the sickest and most desperate among us to the snake oil salesmen of the world. You can claim "conspiracy" but you would also be responsible for answering why some non insider wouldn't develop the "supplement" which is the way to circumvent the FDA here in America, and subject it to rigorous scientific trials. Onnit.com did this very thing with "AlphaBrain" There is demand. 

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There is effective medicine, and ineffective medicine. Medicine that has been studied at great length is a safer bet,

I completely agree. Real medicine which has been studied for 200.000+ years is a safer bet.



You can claim "conspiracy" but you would also be responsible for answering why some non insider wouldn't develop the "supplement" which is the way to circumvent the FDA here in America, and subject it to rigorous scientific trials. Onnit.com did this very thing with "AlphaBrain" There is demand.

I'm not saying conspiracy. That is mostly a strawman.


I understand the larger picture you want me to understand, which is an appeal to authority of a (vigorous) process. But this process is part of a system to make money. It is not a system to make people healthy. Only to show some desirable effect.


The stuff that makes you healthy is non patentable, so no monopolized money involved. But also its worse than that, because several of the alternatives have been widely banned so that it can not be sold to people.


To do otherwise would be to subject the sickest and most desperate among us to the snake oil salesmen of the world.

I'd like to leave you to ponder who the actual snake oil salesmen are.

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I completely agree. Real medicine which has been studied for 200.000+ years is a safer bet.


I'm not saying conspiracy. That is mostly a strawman.


I understand the larger picture you want me to understand, which is an appeal to authority of a (vigorous) process. But this process is part of a system to make money. It is not a system to make people healthy. Only to show some desirable effect.


The stuff that makes you healthy is non patentable, so no monopolized money involved. But also its worse than that, because several of the alternatives have been widely banned so that it can not be sold to people.


I'd like to leave you to ponder who the actual snake oil salesmen are.

"studied for 200,000 years" is utter non-sense. "used" may be accurate, though is totally unproven. The process of peer review is essential and didn't exist until relatively recently. The scientific method in all its glory is a recent advent compared to the existence of homosapian. I wasn't using "conspiracy" perjoratively and therefore was not straw-manning you. Conspiracies happen. Cartels happen. Collusion happens. Prove it.

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The only people doing wonders are those advocating for personal responsibility in all aspects of health, medicine, and free market. Disseminating propaganda either way is sophistry and should not be tolerated by the public at large.

fair assessment



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I have a trouble spot between two upper back teeth, caused by normal bone loss with age.  Geometry has created a small place that wants to trap small bits of food, maybe a spice flake or fruit skin.  The upshot is that I constantly use those little dental brushes to clean trapped food from between them.


Mostly it’s a non-issue.  Once in awhile, something will get trapped deep enough that it inflames a bit, which traps it more.  Physical means of removal might work, but often don’t, and must be limited or it will cause more inflammation.


I found that swishing the trouble spot with various small amounts of liquid helps, such as water, tea, coffee, and they vary in effectiveness.  Tea for example has lower viscosity, gets in there better, and is a drying agent too.  


What is most interesting is red wine.  (I’m not advocating drunkenness, only a number of small sips with no air.)  It creates a sustained sort of mucous from that spot.  Other teeth will do this once a little bit, then stop.  The trouble area keeps it up.  I suspect that it’s making a bacterial matrix substance suddenly hydrophilic, which then vastly swells up.  It removes quite well and I suspect it’s removing bacteria with it.  Maybe it’s the alcohol, or something else in wine.  But the effect is dramatic.  If I were to recommend a daily dental action, I'd say swish with small amounts of red wine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a bit ridiculous to think humans are the only animals that have to use a specialized brush and Crest™ to prevent their teeth from falling out. With many animals you can determine their health - which is mainly due to diet - by looking at their teeth or coat.


When my wife was pregnant with our first she went to the dentist with her teeth hurting and came home crying, she was given the diagnosis of pre-periodontal disease. She would need life long dental work, every 6 months of painful gum scrapings, or all of her teeth would surely fall out. After a few minutes of research I learned half of US adults are in the same category. That's when I started my research and found this book - http://www.amazon.com/Cure-Tooth-Decay-Cavities-Nutrition/dp/1434810607/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1463410412&sr=8-1&keywords=cure+tooth+decay


Her being pregnant is also important to the story, because pregnancy is much like a parasite that sucks all of the nutrients from the woman's body. The fetus receives nutrients as a priority over the host, prenatal vitamins are for the mother in most cases, not the baby.


Many people view teeth as these dead objects in your mouth, which can only be hurt by what touches them, and only cured by modifying them on the outside. Who here has ever been to a dentist that recommended dietary changes or supplementation to help cure teeth?


Back to the book - after implementing the dietary changes it recommended, and finding some excellent supplements that support healthy teeth, neither of us have been to the dentist in 7+ years, and neither of us have any dental pain or issues.

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Dentist tried to sell me a $100 Sonicare toothbrush, which nearly ripped off my lips.  Discovered I really just needed a $13 basic electric toothbrush.  (Long story.)  Tried to scrape under my gums for blood money and pain; got a coma instead; new dentist later said I had "gums of a twenty year old."  I no longer trust anyone in a medical/dental environment until they prove themselves.  I came from a medical family, did not used to feel that way.

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I also used to have stained teeth, from coffee, tea, etc.  On my own, I asked for whitening treatments (from my second and "good dentist," not the creep mentioned above).  That's the kind you put in little plastic tooth trays with a syringe, and keep inside your mouth against your teeth for hours or overnight.  It worked very well.


I'd never trusted advertisements in general, so for a long time I ignored this product:  Crest Whitening with baking soda and peroxide.  Eventually, I tried it, with my inexpensive electric toothbrush with reciprocating circular brush head.  Works great!  The last dose of that expensive tooth bleach is still in my refrigerator, been there many months unneeded.

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Who here has ever been to a dentist that recommended dietary changes or supplementation to help cure teeth?


Me from age of as long as i can remember till this day. :)


Also i didnt find the book you recommended very scinetifically sound: Lots of anecdotes about the affects of diet changes (section on children comes to mind) using vague statements like "detoxification" and claiming that vaccine's contain mercury along other sopposed dangerous materials. (Of those some taken out long time ago some not being really dangerous in doses they are in.) Among other similiar vague or undefined terms.


So maybe you found some use of this book but id highly apply great salt to whats being said especially since it seems to be making GRAND long case for something really basic but with lot of filter vague or unscientific filter in it.

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That's the point. Dentists are surgeons and get paid to operate on rotted teeth. They have no training in nutrition or the body systems that cause tooth decay. They have no incentive nor clue how to prevent it.



Never even heard it mentioned until this forum.


How on earth did that quote end up ther not being quote from someone else? Sorry guys ill fix mah comment.

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Me from age of as long as i can remember till this day. :)


Also i didnt find the book you recommended very scinetifically sound: Lots of anecdotes about the affects of diet changes (section on children comes to mind) using vague statements like "detoxification" and claiming that vaccine's contain mercury along other sopposed dangerous materials. (Of those some taken out long time ago some not being really dangerous in doses they are in.) Among other similiar vague or undefined terms.


So maybe you found some use of this book but id highly apply great salt to whats being said especially since it seems to be making GRAND long case for something really basic but with lot of filter vague or unscientific filter in it.



I'm having a difficult understanding what appears to be an argument, but I'm really not quite sure. Are you making an argument for or against something?

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I'm having a difficult understanding what appears to be an argument, but I'm really not quite sure. Are you making an argument for or against something?

I guess my arguement would be that since thr author makes so many vague, unscientific or outdated claims and Assertions in the book with no sources to back them up, especially in the section about children, then he is not very creditable author to lisen advice from and also be emotionally manipulative. Because talking abotu children heal and then being vague/false in your assrtions or let alone make any assertions without proof is just a way to  make people emotionally suspectable and not think critically.

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  • 6 months later...

I have been taking calcium supplements and cod liver oil or eating salmon when I do not have cod liver oil since I started this thread. Also found chewable calcium tablets in an inexpensive store some weeks ago that even says it is good for teeth.


I used to go to the dentist frequently before this thread because I would get new holes everywhere, all the time. I have not had the need to go yet, which is very unusual for me. My teeth feel strong and I do not get any freeze feeling from anything like I had sometimes before.


But the reason I wanted to make this post is that it is guaranteed that about a month ago I suddenly got an issue between one of my molars and the gum. It felt like it was going to become a deep wide hole. I could see that it was black there as well. I brushed there and essentially forgot about it. Now I can not find it. Everything seems to be fine in that area. I am also very certain that I at one point some weeks ago had the beginning of a hole on one of my smaller teeth. But now I can not find that one either.


So now I know for sure that this is working.

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I have been taking calcium supplements and cod liver oil or eating salmon when I do not have cod liver oil since I started this thread. Also found chewable calcium tablets in an inexpensive store some weeks ago that even says it is good for teeth.


I used to go to the dentist frequently before this thread because I would get new holes everywhere, all the time. I have not had the need to go yet, which is very unusual for me. My teeth feel strong and I do not get any freeze feeling from anything like I had sometimes before.


But the reason I wanted to make this post is that it is guaranteed that about a month ago I suddenly got an issue between one of my molars and the gum. It felt like it was going to become a deep wide hole. I could see that it was black there as well. I brushed there and essentially forgot about it. Now I can not find it. Everything seems to be fine in that area. I am also very certain that I at one point some weeks ago had the beginning of a hole on one of my smaller teeth. But now I can not find that one either.


So now I know for sure that this is working.


I'm glad you're seeing results. Please be careful with supplemental calcium. Calcium needs cofactors like magnesium and vit D in order to be absorbed. Excess calcium that is not being absorbed can accumulate and cause kidney stones, or worse, bone deterioration. That is more common in older women trying to prevent osteoporosis who take massive calcium supplements. But please, before taking them for too long, do some additional research and get some educated opinions on necessary cofactors like magnesium and vitamin D.

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Both cod liver oil and calcium at the same time. But it was probably the cod liver oil that made the most difference because I was already taking calcium supplements now and then.


In 2011 and before I had trouble walking anywhere because my knees would get painful fast. I found a video of Dr Joel Wallach where he said that Arthritis can be cured with calcium and gelatin. I instantly made the connection and went to buy gelatin, and ate it with calcium that I had laying around. My knees and skin and other joints got increasingly better every 3 days/week, until 2 months later I had no problems walking around everywhere. Before 2011 my skin was very weak and would rupture very easily as well. After 2011 it felt like leather armour.


That reminds me I should eat some gelatin. It has been a while now.


So I have already been aware of the power of calcium, but still it took a long time to find out this about teeth.


I highly recommend hearing what Dr Joel Wallach has to say about health.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I haven't vetted this article, but thought you might want to take a look.


I agree with you that gelatin is amazing. I save bones from chicken and beef and make stock with it. Also buy Great Lakes gelatin from amazon and make jello/gummy treats with it.

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