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Support of feminism as sexual market value

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I thought I'd share an observation about the supporters of feminism, and see if you guys have had similar revelations.


I am slowly trying to spam my friends with reason through Facebook by posting and sharing obvious hypocrisies and issues in the society. In one post I shared a video by Lauren Southern with the title "Why I am not a feminist" (



Against their habits, some of my friends responded to the post by liking it. One friend posted two comments including links to articles about: 1) how many women have been killed by people they know (i.e. husbands, boyfriends) 2) statistics about the salary differences between men and women in this country.


Now, what was surprising at first, was that all the friends that liked the video were women and the comments were posted by a man. After thinking about why this may be, I realised that all the women are either in stabile relationships (with or without children) or married (with or without children), whereas the man is single, and constantly going out looking for girls/sex.


I think he sees (consciously or subconsciously) that by aligning with the ideas of modern feminism, he pleases more women than he otherwise would, i.e. increases his sexual market value.


Have you seen similar divisions between men and women?




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Yes, I think that's part of it. I've known women who were in stable relationships to try and tell me that I'm sexist, but they are the minority of women, to be sure. Most women are very uncritical of the things I say about men and women (I don't know how much of that is simply my boundless charisma).


A huge part of male identity is wrapped up in his worth to women. If a man is not confident about the value he can bring women, maybe because he's not in a happy relationship, he will try to reassure himself in some way, often by being a soulless white knight and/or mangina. Guys who feel desired and loved by women for just being themselves know how important their masculinity is to women and wouldn't delude themselves with such pathetic castrating nonsense.


I am skeptical that this actually increases his chances of finding a mate. I can't imagine how women could find that valuable in a man to disown large parts of his own masculinity. Feminists hate nice guys who prove just how much they want a dominant man by being so unattractive to them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is commonly known as white knighting, white knights are men who stick up for women in order to gain some kind of favour with the women. You only need look at the liberal sphere of politics to find many of these men, they lack typically alpha male traits such as being assertive, confident and dominant and probably find it easier to make and maintain contact with women by siding with their opinions and defending them rather than impressing them.


As Matthew has pointed out, the media is very liberal these days, you have to look to the right or alt-right media to find people such as Lauren who are strong and independent women who don't need men sticking up for them, and who disagree with the feminist narrative. It's a crying shame there aren't more women like Lauren, sadly I think they're really rare as most women just want to keep silent and not challenge the feminist narrative because they receive too many benefits from the ever growing state.

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you know sometimes there is a lot of the more subtle abuse against men.  Dare I say microagressions.  I see a lot of 'satire' videos shared or jokes shared among women that bash men.  They can easily use the out of 'oh...get a sense of humor if you are offended by this'.  But I always push back and tell them if it was a joke against a women I wouldn't laugh either.  That usually gets people to take a closer look on non-emotional hot-button issues to get them to look at just HOW much we say, do, tolerate that is against men.  


Women do need to do a better job for being publicly vocal in support of men and the abuses against them.  I'm doing what I can dudes!  :) Kudos to this woman doing the same.

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Women do need to do a better job for being publicly vocal in support of men and the abuses against them.  I'm doing what I can dudes!   :) Kudos to this woman doing the same.

And women often get more vitriol for speaking out than men do, so I really appreciate that a lot! Thank you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

And women often get more vitriol for speaking out than men do, so I really appreciate that a lot! Thank you :)


Yes and no.  I have realized over the years that I come off to other women as an alpha female.  I am not loud or bossy or boistrious however the way women respond to me in their behavior or discussion is as if I am an alpha.  


Like I don't go on unsolicitied advocacies.  If I hear or see something I will say something in the moment...that, to me...has been the most effective.  But again, I will never stop the unsolicited awareness pieces out there.


Which I think people often misidentify certain behaviors as alpha when they are really lower ranks masquing as alphas. Like a woman is always raises her voice and is demanding or asserting herself with terrible male bashing and such might be misaken as alpha but is not because an alpha doesn't need to exert so much energy to prove his/her alphaness.  


.As a result,

The women tend to defer to me, tend to be submissive in that my tone tends to resonate the conversation. I am quiet most of the time around women and I think this puts them at dis-ease because it makes them aware that I am actually listening to what they say as they squawk to each other not really hearing what the other is saying...like chickens clucking.  lol


An example woud be if I am in a group of women that tend to male bash and be loud and catty, when I arrive and engage in the group, naturally the group tones down the male bashing or stops completely or you can tell they are on egg shells or, when I do not laugh, they get all sorts of uneasy but won't dare challenge me on my lack of participation. So many times I don't need to say a word...my silent resistance tells them everything. (they won't dare mock me like...oh c'mon..it's just a joke...lighten up...etc). like they do to theother women who might not follow the crowd on this behavior.    


If they do push back, I make a strong, calm case against it and the same outcome insues...uneasiness among them and awkward silence (for them)...I don't have a problem with thoughtful silence among people.  I someimes retell the joke but in the context of woman bashing so they can hear themselves or I just tell them how offenseive that is to men and hope they learn to find better quality men so they won't be so comfortable making jokes about men as a whole in such destructive and toxic ways.  


So I think women who push back need to also learn to have alpha elements in order keep those catty bitches in check without much effort....just mere presence.   


And I say all of this to encourage women to not always expect a negative response when they speak out becaus that can be self defeating going in.  

If they can work on how to be an observant alpha female, you can get your message across with minimal negative blowback. 


now, when I'm not there do these women return to bitching about males or do they then use the time to bitch about me..... probably both or either.  lol  But over time it makes their insecurity more intense and reduces their joy in bashing men.  since women are more 'tribal' if they see a women go against it they get bitchy at first, then sort of curious and envious and from that envy it splits to either total retailation (mocking, etc) or ostracization (they avoid you) or they come and join you.

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