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Simple Website Software?


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Does anyone have experience of using a particular website template or software package for setting up a website? Nothing too fancy, maybe an online diary application, ideally something quick to setup. For something a bit more complex is there a good cheap alternative to Dreamweaver? Thank you for any input.

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Seems like you are interest in creating a website without the hazzle of coding? If thats the case then i remember using this used to be free software - wysiwygwebbuilder. It changed quite a lot since the last time i used it.
Or just like Tony mentioned, wordpress is a pretty easy one to get setup and running in a short period of time.

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Seems like you are interest in creating a website without the hazzle od coding? 

 Yes that's it. Was interested what experience people might have with various packages. Looking for what the equivalent of what Google Sketchup is to Modelling, but for website design. The website is for my father for his driving tuition.


I'm also interested in having a website for myself, but as a way of sifting and collecting information about the world in general, to make better decisions. As the Newspapers and MSM channels are not the most reliable, pub culture is deadish and the Internet is one big Jungle with Popup Ads.

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 Yes that's it. Was interested what experience people might have with various packages. Looking for what the equivalent of what Google Sketchup is to Modelling, but for website design. The website is for my father for his driving tuition.


I'm also interested in having a website for myself, but as a way of sifting and collecting information about the world in general, to make better decisions. As the Newspapers and MSM channels are not the most reliable, pub culture is deadish and the Internet is one big Jungle with Popup Ads.


that I'm afraid I can't really help, since I have close to no experience. You can start off searching for CMS ( content management system ) then continue explore which one fits your need.


Wordpress is one of the popular ones out there. It has quite a lot of add-ons to choose from that might meet your needs.

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