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Are we all racists?

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Recently I was called a racist while having a discussion, the discussion was about race but could just as easily have been about daffodils and the person I was talking to would have still called me a racist, you know the type, anyway I suggested that maybe she was a racist too, and when asked how that could be possible I said well say you are in Cologne and you have to get the train and you have a choice of two stations to catch it from and one of those train stations is surrounded by African migrants and the other is surrounded by white christian men which one would you choose. 


Obviously she would choose the station surrounded by christian males, of course she never answered on the grounds that the answer may incriminate herself. 


From a philosophical standpoint does this reasoning work in proving that the person has at least some level of racism or am I barking up the wrong tree altogether?


What are your thoughts?  :)

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Leftards, or generally pro immigration people, are the true racists. Stating that brown/black peole need special rights and special treatment implies those people are inferior and cant compete in a level field. The "right wing" stating "there are races and races are different" in not racist per definition, but the leftard thinking "immigrants need advantages because they are inferior to natives" is racist per definition.

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pack animals like humans have a general preference for those with more DNA in common.  this is true across the animal kingdom.  all you have to do is look at churches, who are not subject to discrimination laws, and have about 97% racial homogeneity, to see this obvious fact.  furthermore, we have brains that tend to notice patterns about different kinds of people, and make snap judgments, erring on the side of caution - your train station thought experiment demonstrates this nicely.  I recently heard Steven Crowder tell a story about his rescue dog, that was found on the side of the road with a broken leg, that gets anxious, not around all black people, but specifically around young black males.  this would make sense if this dog was attacked by young black males.  I myself have been assaulted and threatened by young black males multiple times, and I experience this.  The difference is, of course, you can't shame a dog for being racist.

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racism is a socialist word and has no meaning.

I want to elaborate on how true this is. Say somebody was actually a racist. As in, they genuinely believed that ethnicity X is inferior. So what if they think that? Unless they actually attack people for that reason, it doesn't matter. At which point, the assault is what matters.


So unless self-applied, the word truly has no meaning. Well, except to indicate the lack of integrity of its wielder.

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Leftards, or generally pro immigration people, are the true racists. Stating that brown/black peole need special rights and special treatment implies those people are inferior and cant compete in a level field. The "right wing" stating "there are races and races are different" in not racist per definition, but the leftard thinking "immigrants need advantages because they are inferior to natives" is racist per definition.

This was my argument too but now that we're shedding light on the genetics component there might be new evidence to look at. If we correlate race with IQ and then with financial success then this changes things.

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It remains my hope that sufficient multi-diverso-vibro-enrichment will so poison the well that the word "racism" will be seen to be what it is:  a genocide word used against whites to try to force their intermixing with non-whites, and surrender their national resources to non-whites.


jpahmad and dsayers are wrong, "racism" certainly has meaning:  its meaning is "die, whites!".

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If you're not a racist, why would you have a discussion with somebody who thinks such an accusation is productive?



I am a racist, I make decisions based on race, decisions like moving to the other side of the street when I see a bunch of black people heading my way, I guess in debating this person I am trying to say that she is racist too because she would do the same thing, even though she says that she is definitely 100% no racist whatsoever, I'm just trying to prove a point, who really knows, its certainly a waste of time talking to her, the only positive I feel that can maybe justify the input is that persons on the periphery that are silently following the conversation may themselves be fence sitters that can be swayed by my arguments.


Essentially I believe that when one screams racist at the drop of a hat it is a form of cheating, they are in a contest, they are getting their ass kicked, and they don't want to lose and will use any means necessary to prevent that from happening, screaming racist would likely make the person on the receiving end give in out of frustration, this will be considered a win by the accuser, if you were playing a game of cards with people like this they would be the type to peak at your cards while you are on a toilet break.


Anyway I will give another example that I used to prove this person is a racist too, it went like this, say you are driving through Cologne at night and your car breaks down and two car loads of youths pull up and offer to give you a lift, one car load of youths are Syrian migrants and the other car load of youths are white christians, which car would you accept a lift from. The answer given was none of the above so I guess more caveats need to be entered into like maybe you can't stay here as you will be attacked by bandits or something but then I found that even the none of the above answer proved that she does not believe her own crazy leftist rhetoric which is white people are all evil and all migrants are wonderful so why would she not accept an opportunity when it presents itself to interact with some of these wonderful migrants and give the evil white christians the bird on the way out.

pack animals like humans have a general preference for those with more DNA in common.  this is true across the animal kingdom. 




I have a theory that some humans prefer the DNA of strangers or "others" and that this is evolution taking a fork in the road and covering all possible bases, ie. that mother nature thinks that the DNA of Swedish girls and muslim migrants may be the best way forward for the species as a whole so we better give that pathway a try ( along with very many others ), many Swedes are subconsciously taking this route and almost all muslims believe this is the way forward.


This is why so many leftards are self loathing and think that the light shines out of the muslim migrants arsehole, they are a victim of subconscious thought, mother nature is playing games with them at their own expense, getting them to wake up to this fact has been proved to be quite a challenge, I guess it is naive of me to think that I can outsmart evolutionary biology.  

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I am a racist, I make decisions based on race, decisions like moving to the other side of the street when I see a bunch of black people heading my way,

Is that racist? I can tell you that black people tip less (often) than whites. I can tell you this because of my experience. While anecdotal, this is postjudice and I don't think them as inferior people because of this. Am I a racist?


Do you cross the street because you think they're not worthy of walking on the same sidewalk as you? Or are you observing crime statistics?

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