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Fear of Open-Carry and Transgender public restroom use

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This transgender bathroom thing is a ridiculous side show.  If you are transgender and for all anyone else is concerned you are the opposite sex than what you were born as (i.e. nobody can tell the difference, externally), then use the bathroom people would identify you as.  I have never been to a bathroom that checks chromosomes before allowing entry.  As long as you don't start doing the helicopter with your penis in the middle of the women's restroom, you should be fine.  However if you don't pass, just use the bathroom that you do pass for.  Why would it matter to you?  Instead of making a bunch of other people feel understandably uncomfortable, just go to bathroom people won't look twice at you in and then move on with your day - it really is that easy.


On another note, if I was transgender, but still had my penis, I would not pass up the efficiency of a urinal to put my bare ass skin on a throne that hundreds of others have just to have the peace of mind that I walked into a door that had a stick figure with a dress on the front of it.

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I agree, WasatchMan, and would even take it a step farther. Think of Halloween. Some men dress as women and vice versa. If I saw somebody in the men's room in a dress, I wouldn't think anything of it. If they try to invade my privacy, it's the invasion of privacy that is the issue, not their biological gender, identified gender, gender of dress, etc.

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Thank you and I completely agree with you here.  I also believe all people should be allowed to pursue happiness in any way they see fit as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.  I wish the "trans" community the best, I just don't think they should be forcing their views on other people, most notably children. I have no intentions of hurting anyone of this orientation, though I personally don't want to be around them, so they would not be permitted to enter my home.  I do think that the PC culture has taken this issue way too far and children are being victimized in the process.  I hope these types of issues get more attention among all persuasions of people and the consensus becomes what you have written above.





While I think you have introduced a topic that is somewhat beside the question of the thread, you have raised an important point.  Obviously as a libertarian I don't care if someone chops their dick off -- the science of whether this is a mental illness, or a way of capitalism and technology allowing a biological anomaly to live a more actualized and happy life, is still out as far as I understand.  And the bathroom issue is easily solved with respect for property rights -- as you rightfully pointed out, this is WAY too complicated for the government to figure out, and seems to be just another way to bully and extort Christians and traditional conservatives.  But where we should be concerned in this area, is with parents and doctors giving hormones to kids who are confused about their identity, the far majority of whom, after puberty, turn out to be ordinary homosexuals who just went through a phase.  There was the case where a teenage boy who wanted to become a woman, but his parents refused to consent to the treatment, killed himself -- Dan Savage, who is an all around horrible person, organized a protest and harassment campaign against these people that was so bad, they were unable to have a funeral.  What if an under-aged kid wanted to get their tubes tied or a vasectomy?  They're not even legally allowed to get a tattoo for chrissakes!  Anyway it's a good point I wanted to agree with you, but maybe it should be a new thread.

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