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Every single time a man sleeps with a woman, he's called a stud. But if a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she's called a slut, and people think this is unfair...Nah. it's completely fair, and i'll tell you why, alright?
Cause it's fuckin' easy to be a slut. it's fucking hard to be a stud. To be a stud you have to be witty, charming, be well-dressed, have nice shoes and a fake job. To be a slut you just have to be there. There are fat ugly sluts out there, there are no fat and ugly studs!


(Jim Jefferies)

  • Upvote 9
  On 5/4/2016 at 6:26 AM, Libertus said:

"A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is just a shitty lock."


lol... ok... this is good...


I didn't come up with this myself, but I think that there is something to this. I got this from listening to one of the Honey Badger Radio podcast (I'm sorry I can't even begin to remember which podcast it was.) but their explanation for it was something like this. The average man in general has to put so much more effort into getting women in general to agree to have sex with him, More so than the average woman has to put into being desired for sex by men in general. To put it bluntly; In general its harder for men to get sex from women than it is for women to get sex from men. So when a guy is able to get lots of sex from women and he indulges in it, he's praised for it, he's rewarded in admiration (more so by other men) because he achieves what's hard for most men to achieve. Where as when a women is able to get a lot of sex from men and indulges in it she is seen as cheap and easy, not as someone who has accomplished anything but perhaps as a woman with no standards.

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I don't see the value in the question. If word X's only purpose is used to shame others, then we should be working towards preventing that which inspires people to shame others, not exploring how we can distribute the shaming more equally.

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  On 5/4/2016 at 6:26 AM, Libertus said:

"A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is just a shitty lock."


Ha ha, that is bloddy brilliant! Thanks for sharing the two quotes and for the laugh :D

  On 5/4/2016 at 6:26 AM, Libertus said:

"A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is just a shitty lock."

Well, still doesn't explain why men aren't called shitty locks for being opened by anything with a skirt.


Of course, men are commonly expected to be the key, to initiate all courtship. So if you accept that norm, then the comment makes sense. Though I'd hope that's not an acceptable norm here.

  • 1 month later...
  On 5/23/2016 at 5:06 PM, Fred Black Fox said:

Ha ha, that is bloddy brilliant! Thanks for sharing the two quotes and for the laugh :D


Agreed  :laugh:

  • 5 months later...

I always hear men say that a man's SMV is tied  to how many girls he's had sex with while for a woman's SMV it's how many quality men she's had sex with (low number). That's why virginity is shamed in men, they aren't seen as having sexual power compared to more 'alpha' males  and promiscuity is shamed in women because it shows that she doesn't have as much value. (Hence the lock-key analogy)


The thing is, what If a man fucks many low SMV women and gay men? Does his SMV decrease? Is he unattractive to most women?


Men are called sluts but, this does not devalue masculinity since, the more choice in options of women a man has, the more attractive he is to women. The more men a woman sleeps with, the more she devalues herself, the higher risk for divorce she becomes, and the higher risk for being a cuck a man becomes. A man that has choice is challenging to a woman. It means a woman needs to step up her game and bring something else to the table.

  On 4/30/2016 at 11:00 AM, FreedomPhilosophy said:

Taking to pieces this common issue raised by feminists...

  On 4/30/2016 at 10:16 PM, RoseCodex said:

why aren't women called creeps?


To add what was shared here, I think that a piece from something that I read earlier would be relevant here.


What happens when a woman is labeled a slut? I think that some men might be specifically interested in that, but to "quality" men this labeling of her as a slut would discredit her. If she is a slut, then she is probably diseased and unfaithful, which means that any man that seriously invests in her is going to get burned, potentially in more ways that one. Being called a slut discredits a woman.


Men are called fags, and I think that this accomplishes the same thing, it discredits someone's sexual nature. A woman who is a slut is no longer a threat to a quality woman, while a man who is a fag is no longer a threat to a man who might be already competing for the attention and affection of a woman (or women).

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I did a video on human sexuality a while back. Here's the relevant text on the issue and I've included a link to the video.


To quickly address that women who engage in a lot of sexual intercourse are considered sluts whereas men are studs. If you ever wanted an argument that we don’t live in a culture were rape is common, look no farther. In our cultural and biological dynamic, the role of the man is to convince a woman to have sex with him, and the role for a woman is to find a genetically superior man to procreate with and then get a subpar man to raise the child or to have a good guy to raise their children with together. That’s the biological mating game: like it or not. I am known to say “that which you give away has no value”, and for women to give potential access to their eggs willingly to an uncommitted man is effectively saying that their sexuality has no value and she is getting in return a booster shot of seminal fluids. Men who have sex with a lot of women are giving up something fairly valueless: their sperm. However, they are gaining access to something rarer and more valuable: a woman’s sexuality. The reason that women are called sluts for having a lot of sexual is because of the potential risk factors and the lack of rewards for taking the risk. So long as women bear the more than a decade-long burden of birthing, raising, and caring for our offspring then we will always perceive sexual intercourse as inherently riskier to women. That’s why they are called “sluts” because they are treating something which we as a society and species view as inherently valuable: female sexuality as if it were valueless and risk free as male sexuality. What society deems valuable in men is not his sexuality, but how he obtains sexual desirability, which is why he is a stud. He has access to any woman that he wants when he asks. And for the slut: she gives access to any man, especially the crappy ones.


  • 2 weeks later...

My observation is that the men that don't get the sluts call them sluts.  When I imagine a man going around calling women sluts in public, I struggle to imagine the women he is referring to throwing numbers at his face.


Men who have sex with a lot of women are giving up something fairly valueless: their sperm.

Ecological fallacy.  Only sperm of valueless men is valueless.  Sperm of high value men is so high that low value men went to the trouble criminalizing sale.  That's an awful lot of effort to change $1 to $0. :laugh: 


And for the slut: she gives access to any man, especially the crappy ones.

Reference needed for "crappy ones".  Frankly, that is a dumb theory.  In any case where demand increases, the marginal quality of the supply will go down.  The notion that they specifically target "crappy ones" is ridiculous on the face of it.  A suspicion creeps in that sour grapes is where that one comes from.


I always hear men say that a man's SMV is tied  to how many girls he's had sex with while for a woman's SMV it's how many quality men she's had sex with (low number). That's why virginity is shamed in men, they aren't seen as having sexual power compared to more 'alpha' males  and promiscuity is shamed in women because it shows that she doesn't have as much value. (Hence the lock-key analogy)

No.  People shame the competition.  Value is irrelevant.  A life story is not needed to know you are ugly.  Nobody high quality bothers anyone at all, because they only need to be themselves to get what they want, their greatness speaks for itself.  Only low grade people rock the boat because that is the only tool they have.  Nobody made fun of Tim Tebow, because he is superior to them, and they would only be embarrassing themselves.  If anything, unsuccessful men are systematically hostile and conspire to sabotage successful men, like the poor are to the rich, but they do it in some more surreptitious ways.  Men certainly do not compliment the competition by calling them studs, except in the most remote academic analysis.  For that matter, I just had "thecurrentyear" start insulting me in the chat room after I said that I got a lot of women flirting with me.  It's like clockwork.

  On 5/1/2016 at 8:25 AM, Libertus said:

Every single time a man sleeps with a woman, he's called a stud. But if a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she's called a slut, and people think this is unfair...Nah. it's completely fair, and i'll tell you why, alright?

Cause it's fuckin' easy to be a slut. it's fucking hard to be a stud. To be a stud you have to be witty, charming, be well-dressed, have nice shoes and a fake job. To be a slut you just have to be there. There are fat ugly sluts out there, there are no fat and ugly studs!


(Jim Jefferies)


Basically this. The statistics on bottlenecks to sex are well known. Women are picky and selective so men have to bring their A game and put a lot of effort in. Men are generally horny dogs (or a lot are) which means being a slut it easy. 


Doing something hard gets you recognition and doing something easy to excess is generally frowned upon, kind of like a type of gluttony. There's also a supply/demand balance that women collectively benefit from, the less the supply of sex the more value it has, and so it can be used to get presents, meals, jewelry, etc. When women devalue it by being slutty then they increase the supply and the value drops.

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  On 5/3/2016 at 9:53 PM, shirgall said:

Because men know who the gatekeepers are.


+ 1


There is a gatekeeper of sex and it has been that way since the dawn of time. Despite this fact, there is alarming amount of plausible deniability, complete lack of self ownership, no sense of personal responsibility or accountability. Furthermore, there is no consequences for children out of wedlock, sleeping with a train of men, and putting on a lot of weight. It is condoned and someone with no self esteem or self respect will still marry her.

  On 1/17/2017 at 9:36 PM, Mykaelous said:

Ask yourself "Why is prostitution illegal?" Who does it benefit? The same group of people benefit from the use of the word "slut."


True but, there is this force field around slut and fat shaming yet, lets demonize men and all that is masculine. Women that were sluts or whores were snubbed and ostracized. Today, it is an accomplishment and treated as such. Men are then marrying the girl with children out of wedlock and allocating resources to the alphas children. The same woman gave no time a day at her best. Now, he is ok why? Cause the dating market is providing her little to nothing the same way the free market is when offering no value. I look around and I see squander. Sadly, this is not any different for educated women but, the education system is cookie cutter nonsense.

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