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Pat Condell - a man worth knowing


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I did search his name on the forum and surprisingly found nothing.

His youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/patcondell/videos


He is warning Europeans about dangers of Islam (and other things) for years. And he even has a decent amount of views and subscribers on his channel. He is easy to listen and I personally like his British humor.


Last month I find a lot more European focus on FDR, thus I think many readers might find his content interesting.


Personally I'd love to see an interview of him and Stefan. I love it when people that are on my radar collaborate.






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I too enjoy Pat Condell's verbal onslaughts. In a world where nearly everybody is terrified of giving (gasp!) offence or deals in mealy-mouthed compromise, it is most refreshing to hear outright polemic from somebody who believes what he says. Love him or loathe him, he is a brave man.

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As an American raised in government schools, I had no idea why Pat Condell was so focused on Islam back in 2009 when I came across his channel, as well as FreedomainRadio's.  The Islamization of Europe has been well hidden from the mainstream news up until recently with the migrant crisis.  He is one of the few who has been fighting this battle of ideas since the very beginning, and he would make a fantastic guest for the show.

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From what I've read I doubt he'd be interested in any interview - he hates spending time on the islam thing... he does it 'cos it needs to be done and spends as much of the rest of his time as possible having nothing to do with it!


Love his last one... 'I vote against you'.

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