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Kansas cut taxes, loses jobs

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Can anyone explain this? How come that Kansas cut down out the taxes to "stimulate" the economy and lead to more revenue. It didn't work at all and the state is now in crisis.


Now the governor is cutting teacher pensions and university funding.



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If the economy has been terrible for the recent past, people will be afraid to take economic risk.
Simply cutting taxes will not fool business owners about the nature of the economy, thus, they save rather than risk.

An increase in number of jobs does not equal economic growth.

Let me extrapolate a bit.

>When the government spends tax money to create jobs (either directly through public works, or through subsidies) it, >ostensibly, increases the number of people employed. Unemployment drops. Sound good?

>Not quite, because every tax dollar spent on these "new jobs" is a dollar that wasn't spent in the free market.

>A private person has incentive to spend their money efficiently. The government has no such incentive, and so that dollar >spent by the government does not represent a real world demand. It signals nothing true in the market.

(Excuse poor wording. I need to get some sleep.)

This is a bit of a tangent, but I was recently listening to Stephan's debate with Peter Joseph of Zeitgeist. He makes the same economic fallacy by claiming that increasing automation in the labor industry is bad. Labor jobs are lost, but robots reduce cost of production, and therefore they reduce cost to consumers (as long as competition exists).


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Can anyone explain this? How come that Kansas cut down out the taxes to "stimulate" the economy and lead to more revenue. It didn't work at all and the state is now in crisis.

It is probably more true that the state was already in crisis and it's just now more apparent. I think you're asking the wrong questions though. For as long as you're asking about HOW the initiation of the use of force should be utilized, you're not asking whether or not people can exist in different, opposing moral categories. The state is in crisis because violence achieves the opposite of one's stated goals.

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It is pure stupidity to correlate jobs to revenue.


Cutting the taxes of the bottom 50% would incentify sending.


Raising the taxes on the Elites would increase jobs due to business expansion deductions. Elites would invest in their business instead of paying higher taxes.


* all my post are my opinions.

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