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What is Best in Life?


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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.


And the disputed quote of Ghengis Khan this Conan line is from is also K-selected: "The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms."

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To be loved by those one loves, to be respectable and respected, to be successful in one's endeavors, to continue to find the beauty and wonder in life as one did as a child, to share companionship with a loving and deserving partner, to enjoy the joys of progeny if such is desired, to be free to pursue any dream or goal, and to endlessly find more to see, to do, and to become.

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sorry, but what does this even mean?


The potential to be of one soul, one will and to grow.


Thinking in terms of Allegory that have some emotional and moral meaning in my own mind, I would equate this to.



Helen of Troy and Paris, in the Story of the Trojan War.

The Perfect Mate, in Star Trek TNG.

Or in a more fictitious situation than Star Trek Holy Communion with God.


Just Freedom or Fear from others' doesn't quite cut the mustard and is neutral at best.

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Thinking in terms of Allegory that have some emotional and moral meaning in my own mind, I would equate this to.



Helen of Troy and Paris, in the Story of the Trojan War.

The Perfect Mate, in Star Trek TNG.

Or in a more fictitious situation than Star Trek Holy Communion with God.


Just Freedom or Fear from others' doesn't quite cut the mustard and is neutral at best.


I still dont know what you mean.

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To forget about it. If you can live without worrying about life itself, you've already all you need.


You can live and die in perfect ease, and never once notice anything about you, including beauty and virtue, nor once contribute to something of greater worth than yourself.

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To love and be loved. That's primary for me. Secondary to that is power: ability to make decisions for yourself (autonomy), knowledge, wealth/resources, social influence.


A mouse might love and be loved by its mousemates, and be autonomous in what to chew and where to defecate, with knowledge of its burrows, a nice caché of seeds and dead bugs, and authority over its children.  Are you no better than a mouse?

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I still dont know what you mean.


To ask what is best in life is to make a conscious emotional value judgement. The only way I might be able to convey that is through allegory, images or words that people can relate to in their own lives'. If however they have never had the feeling of love, joy, pain, sight and happiness then I can't do that. Whether you value the potential(through NAP) of someone or yourself will determine if you can love or not.

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You can live and die in perfect ease, and never once notice anything about you, including beauty and virtue, nor once contribute to something of greater worth than yourself.

If you are working for a cause larger than yourself, you are already forgetting the mundanity of life.

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