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Helping a friend

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I would really appreciate some help in dealing with a friend of mine. We have known each other for about fifteen years. We were even room mates while studying. Now he is acting differently and I think he is depressed. He has had problems with jobs, girlfriends and family. Lately he has not wanted to see me and finally I found out why when I insisted on seeing him for a coffee. He had his nose done but told me that he got punched in the face. I believed him but he thought that I knew the real reason for his bandage. He thought that I thought he was rediculous. I tried to make him understand that I respect him and his personal decisions and that I really appreciate him as a friend. Now I thought that we figured it out but the next time we were almost back at square one. I'm worried about him and suggested therapy. It sounded like he wasn't totalla against it. He is short on cash so maybe I could pay for a few of his sessions. What do you guys think?

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Thanks for the insight. It would have been good with that kind of consultation prior to the surgery but I don't know if there was any in this case. I don't have full knowledge of his financials but now he has taken six months off from work to do nothing. This is strange to me because he has always had pretty good motivation. I think he is mentally "burned out" but doesn't want to face that so he takes "time off" instead. I could always just let him know that I'm here and keep probing like you said.

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