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Looking for help: I'm attending a talk on Islam


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Looking for question suggestions as well as things I should look into to prepare. I just found out I there is a talk on Islam 101 this Thursday which I'm planning on attending. Here's the description: 



Speaker: David Fenner

What does it mean to be Muslim in a modern world? What if much of what we believe about Islam is incomplete or simply wrong? For more than 1.3 billion people across the world and many people in Washington state, Islam is not only their religion but also a way of life. Led by scholar David Fenner, this presentation focuses on Islam and the many aspects that form the substance of a rich culture, traditions, and a way of life. Fenner provides an accurate view of Islam, and creates an open atmosphere and encourages free dialogue to promote greater understanding of Islam, its history and its place in the modern world. The discussion is open and inclusive, and will address topics like, who was Mohammed, and what is the Qur’an, and even delves into the use and history of head scarves. Bring your curiosity; any relevant topic is up for discussion.


I think it may be enlightening and something that I shouldn't miss out on :D

Thanks in advance!

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Looks interesting. Not sure if the questions I have fall under beliefs and customs of muslims but:

(1) Cultural appropriation--what do Muslims feel are original contributions to science and mathematics from the non-Muslim world; what sorts of things do they see as having unacknowledged muslim origins.

(2) Diversity in Islam; sects, divisions, races, stereotypes. How do Southeastern Asian (Malaysia, Indonesia) and Arab muslims see each other? What do muslims make of American muslims, is Farrakhan an infindel to Sunnis?

(3) How do muslims view their history of ruling over Christians in the middle east and Southern Europe? I heard that property was not allowed to be inherited by Christians in the Ottoman empire. Is this a muslim belief or an imperial design?

(4) What about all the ethnic and religious cleansing-- again do they feel this is un-islamic?

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Suggestion: If I write a book stating that everyone who is not loyal to the book should be killed, including those who are no longer loyal to it. Is that ok in society today?


Might automatically direct the discussion to the important issues.

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great suggestions! I'm also thinking along the lines of:

"As a white man I am constantly reminded how bad it is to be a misogynist, a racist, and/or a rapist. Don't the teachings of islam espouse and encourage all of these things?"

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great suggestions! I'm also thinking along the lines of:

"As a white man I am constantly reminded how bad it is to be a misogynist, a racist, and/or a rapist. Don't the teachings of islam espouse and encourage all of these things?"


"Not at all, Islam doesn't say any of that. Whoever said that is not teaching true Islam!" - this is too easy.

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It has been over 200 years since the enlightenment ideals were put into practice in America and other western countries to produce the greatest societies ever seen before. In what ways has Islam become more willing to abide by and replicate these western values in their domestic countries in the past 200 years, and why is there not more progress? Is it not an indictment of the integrity and benefit of Islam that it has still not produced the types of freedoms and prosperity that western societies experienced hundreds of years ago? Are there not incompatibilities between western values and Islam that are making these changes take longer than necessary?

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If I convert to Islam, but my wife refuses to join me, can I still punish her for not doing as I want?


If I convert to Islam, and find out that its not something for me, can I leave and go try out other religions?

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What makes a christisn a christian? The fact that they believe christ is the son of god and came to die for our sins and set an example. The christ model is very pacifist and has led to compatibility between christianity and contemporay western culture.


My question is this, what is a muslim? If being a muslim means following the Islamic scriptures, then beheading apostates, marrying nine year olds, and treating non muslims as second class citizens are muslim acts, yet we see muslims reject other muslims who do just that as not being muslims. So what exactly is a muslim?

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What makes a christisn a christian?...


My question is this, what is a muslim?...


Christian: the branch of Abrahamic religions that believes in the divinity of Jesus. Holy book: The Bible


Muslim: the branch of Abrahamic religions that believes that Muhammad was a prophet of God (and a number of early prophets are shared with Judaism and Christianity, including Cain, Abel, Abraham, Daniel, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc.). Holy book: The Quran.

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"Married" a six year old child and then raped that child at the age of nine.

Ok, I heard they got engaged at six but not technically married until 9.  Basically, he called dibs on her and paid her father for it, but nothing happened until she was nine.  Kind of a technicality, though.

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This sort of reminds of an atheist going to church to ask about the reasons behind religion, but far worse. Church folks unlikely to become violent from questions.

Do you suppose there is going to be an open and honest conversation?


 "Bring your curiosity; any relevant topic is up for discussion."

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Ok, I heard they got engaged at six but not technically married until 9. Basically, he called dibs on her and paid her father for it, but nothing happened until she was nine. Kind of a technicality, though.

I apologise for not wording my post correctly, I should have stated "I have heard/read/it's reported that", I noticed you stated married at 9, I quickly typed then moved on. Lax of me!

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Looking for question suggestions as well as things I should look into to prepare. I just found out I there is a talk on Islam 101 this Thursday which I'm planning on attending. Here's the description: 



Speaker: David Fenner......

.....Fenner provides an accurate view of Islam, and creates an open atmosphere and encourages free dialogue to promote greater understanding of Islam, its history and its place in the modern world. The discussion is open and inclusive, and will address topics like, who was Mohammed, and what is the Qur’an, and even delves into the use and history of head scarves. Bring your curiosity; any relevant topic is up for discussion.

Curious if you were able to make it to the talk?

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Curious if you were able to make it to the talk?

Thanks for checking, unfortunately no our 2 week old wasn't having it keeping an eye out for the next talk though, thanks for all the suggestions they'll definitely be put to good use.

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